Our friend SassyCat tagged us for participation in this meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ Blah blah blah, you legitmately have to tag 11 peeps!
We’re not creating new questions, nor are we tagging anyone. We don’t tag. But to make up for our rebelliousness, we’re both participating, as you’d expect based on previous question-and-answer memes.
Random Things about Jack
1. I don’t like eggs. It’s the only thing that comes to mind when someone asks me to name a food I dislike.
2. I’m a T-shirt and jeans kind of guy, although I look good in anything.
3. I have no tattoos. Nothing against them; I’m attracted to women who have them, just as I am attracted to women who do not. But I can think of absolutely nothing that I like enough to put on my body forever. Yes, that includes my wife’s name.
4. I’m self-employed.
5. There are two television sets in our house. Three years ago, there were six.
6. I once bungee jumped, when I was about sixteen and didn’t give a fuck.
7. I’ve never dated a woman named Monica, but every person with whom I’ve been in a long-term relationship with has had a friend by this name.
8. I get asked for relationship advice on the average of once every two weeks.
9. In my twenties, I went sixteen months with an open warrant out for my arrest. I had no knowledge of it.
10. When eating Chinese food in a group setting, I have been known to use chopsticks primarily to make my fork-using dining companions feel inferior.
11. I’m a geek.
Questions from SassyCat – Jack’s Answers
1. What is your idea of a truly romantic eveing?
Getting dressed to the nines, dropping the baby off with a sitter, having dinner and wine by candlelight at a restaurant, then returning home for sex. The sex is followed by a shower, at which point we pick up the baby, who hopefully sleeps for a few more hours so we can have more sex.
2. What are your top 5 goals for 2012?
In no particular order: Lose a few pounds. Have some form of group sex or at the very least another threesome. Have more sex in general. Potty-train my daughter. Catch up on my sleep.
3. What’s the one life experience you want a “do over?”
None, really. I’m convinced that changing anything – even the things I wish I had done differently – would have led me down a different path that would find me living a different life today.
4. IF you had to sleep with someone you despise in exchange for ONE thing, what would be the ONE thing?
All-encompassing power over all physical matter in the entire universe.
5. IF you could only have sex once more in your life, when would you do it, with whom and where?
I’d have sex with my wife. The where doesn’t matter, provided it was someplace comfortable and conducive to sexual arousal. As for the when, I’m not sure. I would probably want to have sex as close to the end as possible, provided that I was physically able. In other words, I would rather anticipate the sex for a long time and then have it, rather than have it right away and spend the rest of my life wishing I could have it again.
6. What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?
I can’t imagine what misconceptions people might have about me. I’m speaking primarily about personal friends and family members, to whom I try to be an open book. If there are misconceptions amongst my social circle, they’re whispered because I haven’t heard them. If I had, I’d probably try to dispel them.
7. You are given a racehorse, what would you name it?
Ken Clean-Air Systems.
8. Chose a color that best describes you?
I’m not sure, really. I’d say black, because I tend to wear black, but I don’t want to be thought of as some kind of mopey goth or someone who’s always in a bad mood. I’d say blue, as it is my favorite color, but that just makes me sound like I’m sad. I’d say white, because oh boy, am I ever white. But that doesn’t sound right either. Green? No, that makes me sound envious. Red makes me sound mad. Yellow? Cowardly. Colors have too many connotations.
9. What do you see happening in December 2012?
I assume I’ll celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve, much as I did in December 2011. If you’re asking whether I think the world will end, I do not, though I am eager to see how the simple-minded among us adjust, first to the misconception about the world ending, and then to the realization that it has not.
10. Who are you closer to … mom or dad?
My mom, who stayed home to raise me when I was a child. As I now stay home to raise my own daughter, I hope that she and I will have a similarly close relationship.
11. Are you gonna tag 11 of your online friends?
No. I’m not the tagging sort. I figure if someone wants to post this, they will. They can even use these questions, as I’m not adding new ones.
Random Things about Jill
1. I don’t like the taste of red and blue M&Ms. Probably because of the dye used, I find that they taste different than all the others.
2. I’m afraid of heights. I don’t like being on ladders or cliffs.
3. My favorite animal is the spider monkey. They’re cute, and I’ve always wanted to own one.
4. I attended three different colleges before I got my Bachelor’s Degree.
5. I was once abandoned in another country (no, not by Jack), and had to find my own way home.
6. I’ve never worn cowboy boots, and I probably never will.
7. During my second year teaching, my class had a chinchilla as a pet.
8. When I was a little girl, I used to wish upon a star for a huge box of Barbies. Then when I got home I would excitedly check my closet and be disappointed. But I kept on wishing.
9. Tinkerbell is my favorite Disney character, but Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie.
10. I love potatoes. I can’t think of a single preparation that I don’t enjoy.
11. I prefer odd numbers to even numbers.
Questions from SassyCat – Jill’s Answers
1. What is your idea of a truly romantic eveing?
Getting dressed up and going out to a nice dinner, followed by a walk on the beach. After that, sex and me falling asleep in Jack’s arms are essential.
2. What are your top 5 goals for 2012?
Spend more time with my family, exercise more, get more sleep, continue to expand my sexual horizons, and try one new recipe a week.
3. What’s the one life experience you want a “do over?”
Nothing. The regrets that I have aren’t such that I would want to change them. They have made me the person that I am today.
4. IF you had to sleep with someone you despise in exchange for ONE thing, what would be the ONE thing?
I don’t know. I guess if having sex with this person could save the life of someone I love, I would do it. Does that make sense?
5. IF you could only have sex once more in your life, when would you do it, with whom and where?
It would be with Jack, obviously. As for when, I would want it to be the last thing that I did, because I think having a really great orgasm is the way I would like to leave this life. As for where, I think I would like my last time to be someplace exotic, like a tropical beach.
6. What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?
I’m going to guess that the biggest misconception most people have about me is that I’m sexually vanilla. Because I am a teacher, I often dress conservatively, and I don’t usually talk sex with people, except for a handful of trusted friends. I have to think that the last thing people would ever guess about me is that I have a sex blog, for instance.
7. You are given a racehorse, what would you name it?
Clementine. It’s the first thing that came to mind.
8. Chose a color that best describes you?
Yellow. Like me, it’s bright and cheery.
9. What do you see happening in December 2012?
I’ll celebrate Christmas with my family and friends. I hope to watch my daughter open her Christmas presents. I’d love to take a trip to Disneyland!
10. Who are you closer to … mom or dad?
Probably my mom. Since having a baby, she and I are much closer. I come to her for advice and support.
11. Are you gonna tag 11 of your online friends?
If you decide to play along, let us know. We’d love to read your answers!
Great to get to know you guys even more, smiling at the lovely details that often even as friends can take years to discover.
Totally awesome! You guys never disappoint. Jack never fails to make me laugh and Jill, you are a class act. I do enjoy getting to know amore about people, so very interesting. Thanks for playing.
Happy Blogging!
KEN CLEAN-AIR SYSTEM REFERENCE!! I bloody love that sketch!
*The great thing about Ken is that he’s almost totally stupid…*- Mr Engelbert Humperdinck, manager.