Today we ripped off a blogger named Tense Teacher of the blog Tense for a Reason. (Yes we know that we’ve ripped her off not so long ago as well. It’s pretty amazing since she stopped posting in 2007. But that’s where we live as a thief). Also, it’s long so we’ll do it in parts. She does not say where she got it from. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft’s thieves might take some time. Take the time to comment on other player’s posts. It’s a great way to make new friends! Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
Cheers to all of us thieves!
Jack’s Answers
21. Did you go to your high school prom?
No. Junior year I had surgery and was out for a pretty dramatic length of time, so much so that several people wrote “I thought you died” in my yearbook. Senior year I opted to go to Hawaii instead. But I did
attend homecoming.
22. Perfect time to wake up?
When I’m finished sleeping.
23. Perfect time to go to bed?
Unlike the previous question, this one deserves a more straightforward answer. I am a night person, and have been one all my life. I think the reason I stay up so late is because I need to feel like I’ve accomplished something before I can rest. Some nights that may be completing another chapter in my ongoing writing project. Other nights it may be seeing a movie I’ve had for awhile but haven’t gotten around to watching, cleaning up or organizing something, or some manner of household project. Lately, it’s frequently this blog that keeps me up late.
24. Do you use your queen right away in chess?
I play chess seldom enough that I can get away with saying that I don’t play chess. In fact, I play chess seldom enough that have no idea at which point in the game I use my queen, or for that matter why a player might use his or her queen so early.
25. Ever been in a car accident?
Just a few minor fender benders. Nothing too disastrous. When I was a kid, my mom’s car was hit one morning by a driver pulling out of his or her driveway as we were passing. In my early twenties I backed into another car in a parking lot. Stuff like that.
26. Closer to mom or dad…or neither?
We answered this one in a recent post entitled “Tag! You’re It.” The answer I gave then, which still applies a week and a half later, is:
My mom, who stayed home to raise me when I was a child. As I now stay home to raise my own daughter, I hope that she and I will have a similarly close relationship.
27. What age is this exciting life over for you?
Upon reading this question on Saturday afternoon, I immediately tweeted that I didn’t understand the wording. A discussion with various Twitter friends yielded two possible explanations: (a) At what age will you die?, and (b) When will the exciting part of your life be over? I’ll answer both. (a) How the hell should I know?, and (b) I don’t think my life will ever cease to be exciting. In fact, although I had more than my share of excitement in my younger days, I think as I’ve gotten older the excitement has persisted, and perhaps even grown more profound.
28. What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
I’ll say the 1970s, because Dazed and Confused made it look awesome. On the other hand, if the question had not specified the century, I would have said the 2000s or the 2010s, as I imagine that the ability to instantaneously send and/or receive naked pictures via smartphone would have completely recolored my entire high school experience.
29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?
My black and white high-top Chuck Taylors. I’ve owned a few pairs over the years, but my current pair is definitely my favorite.
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school?
Yes, a couple caps and neckties. I’m sure that I no longer fit into the vast majority of the clothing that I wore in high school, although there’s probably an ancient shirt or two still hanging in a closet at my mom’s house.
31. Were you in track and field?
No. I didn’t do much in high school beyond show up, (occasionally) attend class, eat lunch and go home.
32. Were you ever in a school talent show?
I want to say that I was in a talent show in elementary school, though I have no idea what talent I might have demonstrated, or in fact whether this actually occurred. In my early childhood I was more likely to come up with some sort of extravagant stage show that I would perform at home for my parents. God, I was a dork.
33. Have you ever written in a library book?
No. I look upon writing in a book – at least one not designed to be written in – the way some look upon desecrating the bible or the American flag. I’m sure there was a period in my childhood wherein I might have scribbled in a book or two – my daughter certainly expresses her artistic side in this fashion, much to Jill’s and my dismay – but generally speaking I knew that books were for reading, not for writing in, and I most certainly wouldn’t have defaced in this manner a book that didn’t belong to me.
34. Allergic to?
Bullshit and whining. Please don’t attempt to subject me to either of these things.
35. Favorite fruit?
Tough choice. I think I’ll go with the benevolent peach. I’m not sure why; it’s probably not even in my top five. But a peach really sounds good right now.
Jill’s Answers
21. Did you go to your high school prom?
Yes. I went with a group of friends. We had a great time, and we all ended up crashing at a friend’s house afterwards.
22. Perfect time to wake up?
Ten o’clock. I usually go to bed well after midnight, and waking up at ten o’clock would give me at least eight hours of sleep. Which I never get.
23. Perfect time to go to bed?
I would say eleven o’clock. I would love to be able to get to bed before midnight, but that almost never happens because I have a baby who doesn’t like to sleep, and when I finally manage to get her down, that’s my only opportunity to do things that need to be done around the house, including sex.
24. Do you use your queen right away in chess?
No. I don’t want anyone to take my queen, so I protect her in order to use her longer.
25. Ever been in a car accident?
Yes. I’ve been rear ended a few times (go ahead, make jokes), and once while in stop and go traffic I bumped the car ahead of me.
26. Closer to mom or dad…or neither?
I’m closer to my mom, especially since I’ve become a mom myself. Now I find myself asking my mother for advice much more often than I ever did before.
27. What age is this exciting life over for you?
I have no idea what this question means, exactly. It almost seems like this question was written in a foreign language and then translated poorly to English. Jack suggests that the question might be asking when the excitement of life will end for me. I don’t think it ever will end. I plan on finding excitement in life forever, and where there isn’t any, I will make my own excitement.
28. What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
I would have chosen the 1950s. It seems like a fun time. Haven’t you seen Happy Days? People spent their afternoons hanging out at the soda shop and dancing. Sign me up.
29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?
Probably my flip flops. They are totally comfortable, supportive, and easy to slip on and off. Despite the fact that I own a lot of really cute and sexy shoes, I really hate wearing anything on my feet.
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school?
Yes, my high school uniform. The only reason I still own it is because all of my friends signed it on the last day of school. It’s been in storage for years.
31. Were you in track and field?
No. I played softball instead.
32. Were you ever in a school talent show?
No. Although I was, and still am, very talented, I was way too shy back then.
33. Have you ever written in a library book?
No I haven’t, although I have written in college textbooks that I owned.
34. Allergic to?
Nothing, as far as I know.
35. Favorite fruit?
I love so many that it’s hard to decide on one single fruit, but I’ll say watermelon. It’s sweet, juicy, and refreshing. Watermelon always reminds me of summer.
#25 happened to me. love your answers! interesting ones too.
Mmm…love watermelon!
Jack, I like your answer to #34, seems we had a similar idea in how to answer that one!
Jack, I put on shows for my family also. lol.
Jill, I forgot to mention the uniform. good call.
I am torn between peaches and watermelon as favorite fruit. I might go with peaches b/c it’s easy to eat just one, whereas you have to commit to cutting up the whole watermelon. And that cuts down on enjoyment.
I was curious about the wording of the life ending question as well. I went with when the whole thing ended. I forgot about the hats I still wear from high school. And most of my hats are still from high school actually. Great answers this week.
#23 – I appreciate all the hard work you put into this blog.
#29 – The though has occurred to me to start wearing Chucks again, but I have such shitty feet (and knees!) that I’m not sure they’d be comfortable anymore… So sad.
#34 – Allergic to whining?! But Jaaaaaaack….
#35 – “I could eat a peach for hours.”
#23 – Yeah, I’m starting to rethink this whole desire for a kid thing. I LOVE to sleep. I don’t think anything that might get in the way of that would last very long in my house… 😉
#27 – Great answer!
#28 – That’s what I picked too!
As always such great in-depth answers. Have a great weekend.
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