Hello! This week’s TMI Tuesday questions were adapted from the Newlywed Game. Enjoy!
Bringing Up the Past
Jack’s Answers
1. What is the nickname a lover had for you that made you cringe?
I don’t really remember any especially cringe-worthy nicknames given to me by a lover; on occasion when someone with whom I was having sex saw fit to give me a nickname I usually appreciated whatever it was within them – affection, love, or whatever – that saw fit to do so. And generally speaking such nicknames weren’t bad ones. Typical, perhaps, but not the sort of nickname that made me want to go into hiding. That being said, a woman I dated in my early twenties nicknamed my penis Floyd, ostensibly because she was a fan of Pink Floyd and my penis was in fact pink. I didn’t care for the nickname at all – I’m not the sort of guy who insists that his penis be addressed by a proper name, or addressed at all – but it caused little harm and so I didn’t protest.
2. Where do you most often toss or keep your excess change (coins)?
Into my daughter’s piggy bank. It’s a small, relatively inexpensive gesture that means a lot to her, and besides, with college tuition costs rising I figure she’ll need all the help she can get.
3. If someone wrote a book about your past lovers and past sex life, which category fits best:
a. Abnormal psychology book
b. Steamy romance novel
c. Sad sad story
I’d opt for (b), though as a dude I’m more likely to classify it as porn than I am as romance. Sure, there was plenty of romance, but I’m not the sort of guy whose sexual bag of tricks mirror those seen in the typical bodice-ripper romance novel. How often do romance novels feature fisting? [Note: I’ve never actually read one, but I’m guessing not very often.]
Wrong kind of fisting.
4. Some say sex is like driving. Pretend you are a car. Are you: rear, front or all-wheel drive?
I’m going to go with front-wheel drive, simply because I prefer to give rather than receive, and I’m guessing that, for a male respondent, the difference between rear, front, and all-wheel drive is whether he catches, pitches, or both.
To say nothing of whether he bats.
5. What is it that you do daily that you would like to stop doing?
I would like to stop my annoying habit of sometimes not fucking my wife. Has anyone ever had daily partnered sex (i.e. not masturbation) for a prolonged period of time, i.e. a month or more? Jill and I have talked about doing this, but we’ve never actually managed it, certainly not for a month or more. And as our schedules become increasingly jam-packed with various social obligations, that seems unlikely to change. Still, I’d love for us to be able to make time for daily sex.
6. What is the biggest lie you ever told to get someone into bed or the biggest lie you ever told in bed?
Biggest lie I ever told to get someone into bed? Probably that I was a staffer for Bill Clinton, and yes you can totally meet him! Biggest lie I ever told in bed? Definitely something along the lines of “No, it’s fine! You didn’t bite me. It didn’t hurt at all.”
It was a little bit like this.
Bonus: If married, who was interested in marriage first, you or your spouse?
I want to say that Jill was interested in marriage first, but I think that we both came to it at around the same time. That is, unless she was already thinking marriage in the very early stages of our dating relationship, and considering what a good lay I am, that’s not unfathomable.
Jill’s Answers
1. What is the nickname a lover had for you that made you cringe?
I’d have to go with “Babe”, though I don’t have a problem with the word itself. After all, Jack addresses me as “Babe” sometimes, and I’m fine with it. But one former lover of mine used to say it to me, and for some reason it just made my skin crawl. He was a complete asshole and, at the risk of sounding shallow or full of myself, totally beneath me. Needless to say, calling me “Babe” was probably the least of his offenses, and we didn’t stay together very long.
Still, it could’ve been worse.
2. Where do you most often toss or keep your excess change (coins)?
Any change I receive from a purchase goes in a coin purse that I carry, except for quarters. Quarters go into a plastic film canister that I keep in my car for when I park at a parking meter.
Apparently I’m not the first person to think of this. Found in Google Image Search.
3. If someone wrote a book about your past lovers and past sex life, which category fits best:
a. Abnormal psychology book
b. Steamy romance novel
c. Sad sad story
It would probably be a combination of (b) steamy romance and (c) sad story. Fortunately the sad parts would only account for a small portion of the overall narrative (at most twenty percent) while the remaining eighty percent would be loaded with the sort of eroticism some only dream about.
4. Some say sex is like driving. Pretend you are a car. Are you: rear, front or all-wheel drive?
I’m definitely all-wheel drive. I am versatile in bed, and can be dominant or submissive as the situation dictates. Also, going with either rear-wheel drive or front-wheel drive sounds like it would be limiting. I like it from the front just as much as I do from behind.
5. What is it that you do daily that you would like to stop doing?
I’d like to stop hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock. Rather than giving me a few more minutes of much-needed sleep as I hope it will, hitting snooze just makes me tired and sometimes late for work.
This probably doesn’t help either.
6. What is the biggest lie you ever told to get someone into bed or the biggest lie you ever told in bed?
That I loved the other person. [Editor’s Note: I hope “the other person” does not refer to me.]
Bonus: If married, who was interested in marriage first, you or your spouse?
I was interested in marriage before Jack was. That is not necessarily to say that we each decided we would like to marry the other at different points in our relationship. It’s more about the fact that I was raised to some extent to believe that marriage was the only correct path for a young woman, and therefore it was something I wanted to do from a very early age. However, I’m also relatively sure that in the context of Jack’s and my relationship, I was the one who was interested in marriage first.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
I like when you both participate, I like the side by side (as it were) comparison.