Officially spring will be here (in the northern hemisphere) in a few weeks. I want to rush things along and declare it spring now; especially after the brutal winter we here in the mid-Atlantic states have endured. TMI Tuesday…
Spring the season of love
Jack’s Answers
1. Spring vacation, will you take one? Where?
I’m definitely taking a vacation, as Jill has a week off in April and a break from my normal Daddy duties is called for. I don’t know if we’re planning on going anywhere; we’d like to but finances may prevent us from doing so. At this point I wouldn’t mind just staying home the entire week and having Jill assist me in the day-to-day raising of our child, but I also wouldn’t mind actually going someplace.
Spring time love.
2. Do you become friskier as the temperatures outside heat up?
I don’t think so, as I’m pretty frisky to begin with. After all, note the name of our blog. However, higher temperatures are conducive to wearing less clothing than usual, and wearing less clothing than usual is, for Jill and I at least, very conducive to sex. I realize that nudity isn’t necessarily a sexual thing, but you’ve seen my wife. Can you blame me?
3. Do you flirt more in spring vs. other times of the year?
My flirting level remains pretty steady throughout the year. I don’t know that the opportunities for flirting increase in the spring as opposed to, say, during the December holidays, but I am certain that my desire for flirtation is consistent during all twelve months.
4. Do you dress sexier in the spring?
Not really. The truth is, I rarely dress all that sexy any time of year, and when I do it’s generally because we’ve got a formal event such as a wedding, and I get decked out in a suit. In the spring, or at least when the weather is warmer, I generally focus on comfort over other considerations; therefore it’s not uncommon to find me wearing shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt. Whatever I wear, it’s not the garments that are sexy. It’s the guy who’s wearing them.
5. What day of the week do you have sex most often?
Definitely the weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays Jill and I are better able to make time for sex, because we’re both typically home, and we make a point to get our daughter to sleep early (with varying degrees of success). Additionally, we sometimes manage to sneak off to the bedroom while she’s occupied elsewhere, pushing our one-day average (on weekends) to twice. I miss the days when Jill would get home on a weekday and our daughter would be napping, allowing us one round in the early evening and another round late at night after she’d fallen asleep.

6. Do you use kissing as an important way to test out a new mate? Good kissers, keep and move forward to another stage in a budding relationship. Bad kissers, get pruned and dumped.
Not really. I might pre-judge a potential bedmate by how she kisses, but even if she’s not much of a kisser I will still typically take her to bed. I won’t necessarily encourage thoughts of making it an ongoing thing, as I do value kissing and appreciate a good kisser, but subpar kissing isn’t going to make me slam on the brakes before I’ve gotten her naked.
7. What do you expect from marriage?
a. safety and solidarity and security
b. a journey towards self-fulfillment and self-actualization with a partner that ‘gets’ you.
Both. The right relationship is ideally a mix of (a) and (b), and it’s not the easiest thing in the world to find. Anything short of that is compromising, as far as I’m concerned.
8. Acts of love & kindness. Which would mean more to you:
a. Taking your partner a cup of tea in bed (or receiving that cup of tea)
b. Giving or receiving a box of chocolates or flowers
I’m not much of a tea-drinker, and I don’t require flowers to feel confident in my relationship. A box of chocolates, maybe, but even that doesn’t exactly float my boat. I’d go the obvious route and say that if you want to demonstrate your love for me or give me a gesture of kindness a blowjob is always nice, but if I’m going to answer sincerely, I might go with (b). While I do enjoy store-bought chocolates, the ones my wife makes are so much better, and in fact the other night when I mentioned a craving I was having for one particular variety, she made them right away. That’s love right there.
Bonus: In your late teens or early 20s did you take wild spring break vacations with friends? What is the wildest, craziest, sexiest thing you did on a “gone wild” spring break?
In my early twenties I regularly took road trips with friends over Spring Break. They were indeed the stuff of legend, or at least as much the stuff of legend as anything I’ve ever done. While we’d often meander through Southern California or Las Vegas, we’d sometimes end up in Lake Havasu, which is – or at least was – a popular destination for college students on Spring Break. In addition to the usual Spring Break antics – bogarting our way onto some guy’s houseboat, drinking until we puked, and making out with bikini chicks, among the wildest things that transpired on those trips were a late-night drive from Vegas to the Grand Canyon when we decided we couldn’t afford a hotel for the night, an hour’s drive in the wrong direction because the driver (not me!) misread our printed Yahoo! Maps directions, and a very exciting night wherein I stole a car, shot a bouncer, and had sex with two women.

Falling in love takes one-fifth of a second
It takes a fifth-of-a-second for the euphoria-inducing chemicals to start acting on the brain when you are looking at that special someone. –Source
Jill’s Answers
1. Spring vacation, will you take one? Where?
Do I have to foot the bill myself? If money is no option, I’d love to take a spring vacation to Europe. I don’t think we will, of course, but spending a few days anyplace away from our house is fine with me. Jack and I are still hammering out the details, but we are hoping to take a trip when I’m on vacation next month. A change of scenery would be appreciated.

Spring time love.
2. Do you become friskier as the temperatures outside heat up?
Yes. Warmer temperatures make me want to take off my clothes. Besides, if I’m getting sweaty, I might as well be fucking.
3. Do you flirt more in spring vs. other times of the year?
I think I do. The warm sunshine makes me feel happy, and that plus the fact that I’m not bundled up in multiple layers gives me confidence.
4. Do you dress sexier in the spring?
Again, I wear less layers of clothing in springtime, so yes. What I do wear tends to be revealing compared to what I’m wearing in fall and winter. I favor tank tops, or other tops that show off my cleavage, plus shorts or skirts. Generally speaking, I show more skin in spring.
5. What day of the week do you have sex most often?
Saturdays and Sundays. We have more time on the weekends because Jack and I are both home. We also have more energy, because in theory we can sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings. And even if our daughter wakes up early I can make her breakfast and put her in front of the TV, then go back to bed and ride my husband.
6. Do you use kissing as an important way to test out a new mate? Good kissers, keep and move forward to another stage in a budding relationship. Bad kissers, get pruned and dumped.
Not necessarily. Just because someone isn’t very good at kissing doesn’t mean they won’t be good at other things. I feel like I should give them a chance. They might not know how to kiss, but they might be able to finger me for days, or they have great stamina or something. I like a guy (or a woman) who can kiss, and I especially like it when he or she can kiss in addition to doing other things in the sexual realm, but it doesn’t necessarily kill it for me if they can’t.
7. What do you expect from marriage?
a. safety and solidarity and security
b. a journey towards self-fulfillment and self-actualization with a partner that ‘gets’ you.
I expect a combination of both. I want the comfort described in (a), as well as the fun and excitement of (b). I like to think that I’ve found it!

8. Acts of love & kindness. Which would mean more to you:
a. Taking your partner a cup of tea in bed (or receiving that cup of tea)
b. Giving or receiving a box of chocolates or flowers
I like the sound of (a) better than (b), but I’d rather have coffee or hot chocolate. Actually just letting me stay in bed would probably be the ultimate act of love and kindness. I don’t get to just lie in bed enough these days.
Bonus: In your late teens or early 20s did you take wild spring break vacations with friends? What is the wildest, craziest, sexiest thing you did on a “gone wild” spring break?
One year I called in sick for four days and went to Mexico with my roommate. We had a great time on the beach, soaked up some sun, flirted, and made out with cute guys.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Jilll: I actually love the layers of clothes in winter, but the point of being happier makes you feel sexier makes perfect sense to me.
Jack: #6 seems very typical of most males, I believe. I wonder if this question was created more from a woman’s point of view?