Welcome to another of edition of TMI Tuesday. Questions posted today so you have time to answer them and post tomorrow, on Tuesday 🙂
Jack’s Answers
1. What places have you visited in the last year that you know you will never visit again?
I can’t think of anything, really. No restaurants that closed or stores that went out of business. I haven’t been driven by an angry, pitchfork-and-torch-wielding mob out of any of the cities I’ve visited, nor are there any local arrest warrants out on me (as far as I know). And I tend not to be the sort of person who impulsively says “never”. Part of me wants to say “my daughter’s preschool”, since she’ll be starting elementary school in fall and won’t ever attend her preschool again; however, I can’t say with absolute certainty that I’ll never bring her back to say hello to her old teachers, for example. Actually, I am pretty sure – though not 100% certain – I’ll never visit the home of my uncle and aunt again. First of all, it’s several states away. Second, they appear to be getting a divorce, initiated by my aunt (who informed my uncle via text message because she likes to keep it classy). I’m going to go out on a limb and say that he won’t be living in that house in a few months’ time, and at any rate, I cut her out of my life years ago. Like I said, I rarely say “never”, but never again setting foot in that house seems a pretty sure bet.
2. We often hear, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” If you really, actually could, list 5 things you would do.
I’m not sure how to answer this. Most of the things I’d like to do are things that I can do but haven’t managed to get off of my ass long enough to accomplish. And some of them are things I lack sufficient confidence to try. Of course, if I could convince myself to sieze the day and try something new, I would:
1. Publish a novel.
2. Start a new venture, such as a food truck or catering business. Or maybe open a small dive bar.
3. Pursue polyamory.
4. Direct a movie, likely some indie film I wrote myself.
5. Be more open and honest about who I am, with everybody. Consequences be damned.
3. What physical acts would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
As alluded to in my answer to #2, one thing I’d like to do is be part of a poly quad, or otherwise pursue polyamory and/or non-monogamy to a greater extent than I’ve been able to do thusfar. Failure, however, means hurting my wife, and I’m not willing to risk that. However, if I was certain I would not fail I would absolutely attempt all of these things. Also, sky-diving is something I’ve long wanted to do, if only so I could say I did. Now that I’m a father I see little reason to take unnecessary risks that could possibly – if unlikely – result in my daughter growing up without a father.
4. What are you doing this month that you have never done before?
Celebrating my last month as a thirty-eight year-old.
5. What is the weirdest or strangest substance you’ve bathed in?
Lukewarm or cold water? Honestly, that’s probably as weird as it gets for me. I wish I could tell you that I took an alfresco bath in a pond that turned out to contain raw sewage or nuclear waste or something – wait. No. I don’t wish that. That would be fucking terrible. Still, my point is that I’ve never bathed in any of that muck.
Bonus: Finish this sentence: Right now I’m ______ .
Jill’s Answers
1. What places have you visited in the last year that you know you will never visit again?
I have no idea. Maybe a lousy restaurant, but I can’t think of any lousy restaurants I went to in the last year.
2. We often hear, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” If you really, actually could, list 5 things you would do.
1. Travel the world.
2. Play a musical instrument, likely the piano.
3. Hang glide.
4. Go deep sea diving.
5. Cure cancer.
3. What physical acts would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
I would love to fly an airplane, climb a mountain, or go sky diving. The idea of these three things excite me, but in each case failure would probably mean death. Therefore I don’t see myself doing any of the three, ever. I’m not sure that I’m okay with taking that kind of a risk.
4. What are you doing this month that you have never done before?
Coaching a girls’ soccer team.
5. What is the weirdest or strangest substance you’ve bathed in?
Mud at a spa. That’s actually not all that weird. I’m guessing millions of people have bathed in mud. But for me it’s a relatively unusual experience.
Bonus: Finish this sentence: Right now I’m ______ .
Playing school with my daughter. Outside.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
That bathing situation did sound terrible. And Jill, climbing a mountain is doable (not all are death defying) and so if flying a plane (get a copilot who can take over if you make a mistake – kind of like driving’s ed cars).