1. Tell us your top 3 flaws and shortcomings.
I think my three biggest flaws are empathy, a nearly insatiable sex drive, and an unwillingness to settle for less. I know it sounds like I’m humblebragging or something, but these are as much a curse as they are a blessing.
2. Who do you look up to the most:
– Professionally?
– Sexually?
I don’t think I look up to anyone, really. Certainly not in these two categories. I tend not to measure myself against anyone else; if I’ve learned anything in my adult life it’s that I must be true to myself. I know that sounds trite and unimaginative, but I’m nearly forty and no longer look up to anyone as an ideal. There are many sex-positives I’ve gotten to know over the last few years who I respect and admire (as well as desire), but I don’t know that I look up to them, exactly.
3. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?
a. Give me a hug or acknowledge my situation and sit quietly with me.
b. Talk through the situation give me advice or say uplifting things.
c. Leave me alone, let me sulk and wallow in misery.
d. Work out, be active to distract myself and up the endorphin and dopamine.
It probably depends on the nature of what’s making me sad or upset. I generally find that talking helps, but I’m not inclined to go with (b) because uplifting things generally don’t help. I find that most such sentiment involves religion or meaningless platitudes and neither really works for me. I also wouldn’t go with (d); while working out and general physical activity usually helps, the distraction is temporary and eventually the feelings need to be addressed. I’d probably go with (c), although I’m not sure wallowing in misery is actually what’s happening. I need to be alone for awhile in order to process whatever’s going on, but once I’m done with that I need human contact, so at that point I’ll go with (a). You don’t have to sit quietly with me, though. You can straddle my lap and make out with me instead. I guarantee that’ll help.
4. Which parent do you identify with the most?
Probably my mom. Of my two parents she was always the most emotionally available and empathetic. My father was less so, and while I learned a lot about life from him, I wouldn’t say that he and I are particularly alike.
Bonus: If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why?
Food. I know, I know – you were expecting me to say sex. While I am definitely passionate when it comes to sex, I suspect that most friends and family don’t see me and think, “That guy’s a total fucking machine.” No, more likely they look at me and think, “That guy knows where to get a good steak.” My appetite for food is as expansive as my appetite for sex, and I am much more likely to speak at length about the former than the latter, at least not in mixed company.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
I answered with ’empathy’ too, so I totally get you on that one!
(And we’re ditto on #2 too!)
I food’ed on the bonus question too (only, I got specific– is there any food more perfect than tacos?)
Definitely, food and sex 🙂