After two weeks’ hiatus – one for traveling, and one for catastrophic computer-related issues – we are back for more TMI Tuesday! And when I say “we”, I mean it! Please welcome back Jill, participating for the first time since January 12!
Significant others, lovers, and such
Jack’s Answers
1. Make three true “we” statements about you and your significant other.
We complement each other well. We have a fulfilling sex life. We are great parents.
2. What is important for your lover to know?
I note that while question #1 referred to my significant other, this one refers to my lover. So I’m guessing my answer can and should apply to any lover, not necessarily my wife. Some things that are important for any woman I consider a lover to know are the nature of my feelings for her (if any), expectations I have for our relationship, and the fact that I’m a decent guy who doesn’t play games or act in a deceptive or malicious fashion. Oh, and that the orgasms she has while she’s with me will rival any she’s ever had before or will in the future.
3. What is important for you to know about your lover?
Whether she plans to suffocate me with a pillow once I’ve fallen asleep. Hey, it happens.
4. Tell us two things that can make your sex life hotter?
I’m not sure it’s possible for my sex life to be hotter than it is right now. I’m not trying to brag, nor am I trying to insincerely promote the connection between Jill and I; I legitimately can’t think of anything that would make things hotter or more satisfying than they’ve been. However, in order to maintain this level of awesomeness, I hope we can keep up with our current sexual frequency because if there’s one thing I need to stay satisfied, it’s regular sex. And we’ve been having it regularly.
5. Which have you said to your significant other in the last 48 hours (you can pick more that one):
a. I appreciate you
b. I love you
c. I am mad at you (or something similar)
d. You hurt my feelings.
e. Let’s fuck!
In the past 48 hours, I have told Jill that (b) I love you and (e) Let’s fuck. I may have told her (a) I appreciate you, but I’m not 100% sure of that. I should have, though; I do appreciate her, and I know I like hearing someone tell me they appreciate me, so I should probably tell her as soon as I see her. As for the other two, I have not told Jill that I am mad at her, or that she hurt my feelings, because I haven’t found myself feeling mad at her nor hurt by her in the past 48 hours. Hopefully I won’t have cause to say these things to her anytime soon.
6. Thinking of your current significant other or lover, are they?
a. Good enough until something better comes along.
b. Just what you need but some tweaking, and refining would make him/her a great fit.
c. The person of your dreams, a keeper.
I’ve got to say (c). Jill is the person of my dreams. She is a keeper. She may not be the only person I want to have sex with, or even love, for the rest of my life, but she is the most wonderful primary partner I could have imagined sharing that life with. I would have gone with (b) just so as not to sound lovestruck or overly-sweet (even though I am), because she is definitely just what I need. However, I found the part about tweaking and refining her in order to make her a great fit off-putting. I don’t want to change anything about my wife. We are already a great fit.
Bonus: Of all the people in your family, whose death would affect you most? Why?
Impossible question. I can’t narrow it down to just one person.
Jill’s Answers
1. Make three true “we” statements about you and your significant other.
We love each other. We love to excite each other. We are becoming even more compatible every day.
2. What is important for your lover to know?
That I am a loud and sometimes emotional lover.
3. What is important for you to know about your lover?
What turns him or her on sexually.
4. Tell us two things that can make your sex life hotter?
More sex in public. More sex with other people, especially other couples with whom we have a genuine rapport. [Editor’s Note: I never thought I’d see a TMI Tuesday post wherein Jill cited sex with other people as a positive if I did not in my own answer. The student has become the teacher! Or something.]
5. Which have you said to your significant other in the last 48 hours (you can pick more that one):
a. I appreciate you
b. I love you
c. I am mad at you (or something similar)
d. You hurt my feelings.
e. Let’s fuck!
Just the good ones, (a), (b), and (e). Not a lot of feelings get hurt in our house, except for our daughter’s. She even takes her bedtime personally.
6. Thinking of your current significant other or lover, are they?
a. Good enough until something better comes along.
b. Just what you need but some tweaking, and refining would make him/her a great fit.
c. The person of your dreams, a keeper.
Definitely (c). Every single day I acknowledge that I am the luckiest woman I know for having met and made a life with Jack. I also acknowledge that he is the luckiest man he knows for having met and made a life with me.
Bonus: Of all the people in your family, whose death would affect you most? Why?
I can’t choose one person. Losing either my husband or my daughter would be equally devastating.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!