Deja vu TMI Tuesday as these questions were originally posted November 18, 2014.
Fill in the blank
Jack’s Answers
1. When I can’t sleep I _____ .
I often analyze some aspect of pop culture: A recent television episode, a new movie I’ve seen, some comic or video game I remember enjoying in childhood (or conceivably even as an adult). This is usually so boring that it nicely does the trick and puts me to sleep.
2. My dream bedroom would be full of _____ .
Sexy women.
3. If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be _____ .
The question is not anywhere, the question is anywhen. In other words, I have no problem waking up here, in my own bed. But I’d love to wake up earlier than 5:30 or six.
4. I need to _____ at night.
Sleep. And in order to do that, I need to decompress, often by watching something lighthearted on TV, catching up on Twitter, building something out of Legos, or just staring at the wall.
5. _____ would truly be a nightmare.
Failing to flip Congress in November.
6. Night time is the right time to _____ .
Sleep. For me, I mean. I don’t wish to slight anyone who works nights and sleeps during the day.
Bonus: Briefly tell us about your last dream–erotic or not.
I was running from the giant boulder at the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Pretty sure it caught up to me, too.
Jill’s Answers
1. When I can’t sleep I _____ .
When I can’t sleep I usually either masturbate or go to the couch and watch TV or read. If I’m feeling restless, masturbating usually helps relax my body enough to sleep.
2. My dream bedroom would be full of _____ .
Things that make me the happiest. I don’t have any specific examples at the moment, but I would want to walk into the room and just feel peaceful, relaxed, and happy.
3. If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be _____ .
In Europe, about to embark on an amazing adventure.
4. I need to _____ at night.
I need to relax at night. If I don’t allow myself a little time to relax and decompress, I have trouble shutting down enough to sleep.
5. _____ would truly be a nightmare.
Losing people I love.
6. Night time is the right time to _____ .
Night time is the right time to relax under the stars next to someone you love.
Bonus: Briefly tell us about your last dream–erotic or not.
The last dream I remember, I was on a plane, leaving for vacation.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
I want to change my answer to question 2 and steal Jack’s answer :p that’s the best one yet x
Ha! You guys answer in tandem! That’s so cool! It’s also awesome that your responses are so different!