The Performance of a Lifetime

Last summer, while we were staying with out-of-town friends, the subject of sex toys came up.  
Actually, that’s not totally true.  The subject had come up during our previous visit.  That time, we’d all gone into an adult shop and browsed.  Our friends picked up a Violet Blue-edited erotica anthology, while Jack bought me a slender white vibrator called the Hummingbird.  That night, we retired to our friends’ guest room and I tried it out while Jack watched and masturbated.
The next morning, our friends asked us about our toys.  Despite having been together for more than a decade and having a very satisfying sex life (by their own account), they had never used sex toys of any kind, and in fact had never seen a vibrator in use outside of a porn film.  As we are pretty candid when it comes to talking about sex in front of a willing audience, we discussed at length exactly what benefits a vibrator might bring to their sex life.  
Despite their initial misgivings, by the end of our discussion they seemed open-minded about the idea of buying a toy and using it during sex.  We didn’t have any vested interest in whether or not they decided to do this.  We understand that what works for one couple or one individual will not work for all.  But they had asked, and we told them.  
In the year and a half between that visit and the next one, the husband would occasionally I.M. me on Facebook.  Sometimes we’d chat about work, or the weather, or life in general.  Most of the time, though, we’d chat about sex in the filthiest terms imaginable.  The conversations turned me on, and to this day I’m not entirely certain whether his wife knew we were having them.
He’d occasionally bring up the vibrator discussion in much the same way that a young child brings up a toy he or she wants for Christmas, with coy hints and roundabout mentions.  One day he just came out and said it: “You should’ve given us a demonstration.”  I can be forward, but I’m not usually that forward.  It’s one thing to talk about vibrators when prompted to do so by trusted friends, but it’s something else entirely to suggest using one in front of people who have shown themselves to be unsure of them.
That brings us to last summer.  Shorly before our visit, he turned up on I.M. and over the course of a relatively PG conversation asked if I was going to be bringing a vibrator with me.  I told him I was going to bring a couple, partially to see what he would say, and partially because it was true.  “You should definitely give us a demonstration”, he said.  I played along, but didn’t think he was serious.  Jack disagreed.
I spent the next couple weeks thinking about it as nothing more than a fantasy.  The thought of showing off in front of a small, intimate group was really sexy, but it also made me nervous.  I was excited to think that something might happen, but at the same time I took comfort in the much greater likelihood that it wasn’t going to.  I certainly wasn’t expecting it.
The trip had been pretty sedate and unsexy compared to the previous one.  There were no trips to adult shops, and no lazy afternoons spent watching porn.  These are the adjustments one must make when a child is present.  In a way, I didn’t mind.  The difference in tone set my mind at ease, and eased some of my nervousness. 
One night after the baby went to sleep, Jack and I sat around the island in our friends’ kitchen, talking about our plans for the next day.  Without warning, the wife asked if I had brought a vibrator with me.  I was surprised by the question, coming right out of the blue as it did, and although I hesitated, Jack said yes before I could.  She asked if she could see it, and said that I didn’t have to bring it out in front of her husband if I didn’t want to.  I told her I didn’t mind, and brought out my Rabbit, and my Eroscillator.  
They were both curious, and asked the kinds of questions that people in their thirties who watch porn should probably already know the answers to.  After assuring her that they were clean, I let the wife touch them.  She liked the softer texture of the Rabbit more than the harder plastic feel of the Eroscillator.  I glanced over at the husband as he watched her touch the Rabbit, and the look of lust in his eyes was so intense that it made me wet.  Then he looked at me, we locked eyes, and I looked away.
We sat there in awkward silence for a moment, my vibrators sitting atop the island countertop, and then he asked if they could see them in action.  She admonished him right away, and started to apologize in such a way that I immediately understood that she wanted a demonstration as much as he did, without wanting to seem like she did.
“That’s all right,” I said, cutting off her apology.  Jack had already said yes, so I added an enthusiastic “Of course,” then turned to her and said, “If it’s okay with you.”  Nobody protested.  As we walked out into the living room, my heart was pounding with anticipation.  I was nervous.  But at the same time I felt so relieved.  It was something I wanted to do, and our friends were not only okay with it, they had actually asked!
I took off my pants and my panties and left them on the floor in front of the couch.  I was trying to seem a lot more confident than I felt.  They’d never seen me naked before.  All I could think of was, What if they don’t like my body?  What if they aren’t turned on?  What if this hurts the friendship?  
It also occurred to me that I was about to sit down on someone else’s couch completely bare-assed.  I felt like I should have a towel or something.  Though I don’t always have a say in whether or not I squirt, I wasn’t planning to.  But it just seemed like bad manners to me.  Silently I hoped that our friends were so turned on that they wouldn’t mind.
I sat down, my legs spread and my feet up on either side of me.  Jack took a seat next to me, and our friends sat on the floor in front of the couch.  I looked down at them, both obviously excited but doing their best not to show it.  I could tell from their poker faces that they were trying to make me feel at ease while doing their best to deny their arousal, like college students in their first human sexuality class meeting.
Actually, the husband was tightly gripping through his jeans what I assume was a throbbing erection.  His wife was doing a much better job pretending that my demonstration was just for research or something.  I wished she could have been more demonstrative of her arousal, but it didn’t turn me off.  I turned on my Rabbit and placed it against my opening, feeling the tiny ears bat against my lips.  
Total pleasure washed over me and I moaned softly.  The room was otherwise silent.  Slowly I parted my pussy and slipped the toy inside of me.  Our friends gasped.  I inserted the Rabbit all the way in, the ears buzzing my clit vigorously.  They shifted to get a better look, but I didn’t notice.  I was too busy wishing Jack would pull up my shirt and start sucking my tits.  He didn’t.  I guess he was just enjoying the show.
I felt like a girl in a peep both putting on a show for a horny crowd.  Although having so many eyes on me was a turn-on, I was trying to consciously avoid putting on a show.  I didn’t want to be theatrical, I really just wanted to get myself off the way I do when I’m alone or when it’s just Jack and I.  
That’s when I felt Jack’s hand on my thighs.  He knows how much that turns me on when I’m masturbating.  I sighed softly, sensuously, and our friends both giggled, undoubtedly knowing how good it felt.  As Jack’s fingers danced along my soft, aroused flesh, I knew I was getting close.  I climbed along a steep plateau for several minutes, enjoying every second as I held the Rabbit inside me, alternately imagining that it was Jack’s cock, and then our friend’s.
My orgasm snuck up on me, but I gave into it shamelessly.  My soft, demure moans became a scream of release, and as I fucked myself with the vibrator I raised my ass up off the couch, reflexively thrusting my pussy forward.  I found myself holding that position, trembling, repeating “Yes” over and over again.  In that moment, I wasn’t sitting on the couch.  I wasn’t showing off for our friends.  Everything I was doing, I was doing entirely for myself.  Nothing else mattered.
When I opened my eyes I saw my audience looking up at me.  Both looked a lot less clinical and disinterested than they did before the show started.  In fact, the husband’s erection was very prominent within his jeans.  Now that was hot.
Our friends immediately excused themselves to their bedroom, and although we didn’t hear anything, there’s no way that they weren’t rushing off to have sex.  Jack and I did the same thing.  

TMI Tuesday: March 27, 2012 – A Song For You

The Temptations – “A Song for You” – My favorite version of this much recorded song.

Answer the following questions using only song titles. Make sure you link to the song or the song’s lyrics so that we can listen to or read the song.
Jack’s Answers
1. What is your present state of mind?
“Inside of you” by Hoobastank
You can’t possibly be surprised that my mindset is summed up by a song with the lyrics, “What do I have to do to get inside of you.”
2. How do you feel about your spouse, significant other, or someone you lust for?
“Truly, Madly, Deeply” by Savage Garden
My spouse, who incidentally happens to be my significant other AND someone I lust for, is the center of my universe.  I love my child, but I don’t love her in anywhere near the same manner that I love Jill.  Everything I do, I do for the furtherance of my marriage, and the life that Jill and I have built together.
3. Describe your job.
“Satisfaction” by Benny Benassi
Given that my day-to-day involves not punching a clock, wearing shorts and a T-shirt if the weather’s nice, eating lunch whenever – and for that matter wherever – I want, and frequently going to the park, I sometimes feel like an asshole for complaining about not being able to jerk off while I’m on duty.
4. What are you hungry for?
“Pussy” by Rammstein
Those who know me personally – and, I suspect, most of the people who know me solely through this blog – know that one of my favorite pleasures in life is food.  However, no food, regardless of how delicious, can make my mouth water the way pussy does.
Please don’t eat me, mister!

5. What’s your favorite color?
“Blue” by A Perfect Circle
I’ve always been drawn to the color blue.  I’d love to be able to analyze this, and tie it into my love of the sea, my melancholic personality, or perhaps my lifelong obsession with The Smurfs, but none of these things apply to me.
Still, this is a very cool-looking frog.

6. What gets you excited?
“Beautiful Girls” by Van Halen
While a more accurate answer would be “Beautiful Women”, that’s not the title Eddie, Alex, Michael and David chose.  I’m pretty sure the extra syllable would’ve thrown off the song’s rhythm anyway.  
But it’s true: just about all women excite me, regardless of shape, size ethnic origin, or mental condition.
Doesn’t count; not technically a woman.
7. Who do you think you are?
“Theme From Shaft” by Isaac Hayes
As I’ve stated elsewhere on this blog, this Academy Award-winning song is one of my favorites.  Few songs can inspire an awkward thirteen-year-old to feelings of badassery like this one.
I’m sorry – how did YOU picture me?

Bonus: Describe your life. Feel free to elaborate on your song choice.
“Charmed Life” by Mick Jagger
I have everything I need and truly want, despite making a remarkably negligible effort to get it.
Jill’s Answers
1. What is your present state of mind?
“Vacation” by the Go-Gos
Spring Break is two weeks late this year.  It’s been a difficult few months at work, and I can’t wait for my week off.  
2. How do you feel about your spouse, significant other, or someone you lust for?
“Always and Forever” by Luther Vandross
The love I feel for my husband, and for that matter my child, is all-encompassing, and will last forever.
3. Describe your job.
“She Works Hard For the Money” by Donna Summer
Being a teacher means that I am also a babysitter, a behaviorist, and a psychologist.  I deal with thirty rambunctious, often ill-mannered children.  I bring my work home with me every single day.  I regularly go above and beyond the call of duty for very little pay. 
4. What are you hungry for?
“H.W.C.” by Liz Phair
The acronym stands for “hot white cum”.
That’s “H.W.C.”, not to be confused with “H.V.A.C.”
5. What’s your favorite color?
“Green River” by Creedence Clearwater Revival
To me, green is clean and fresh.  It reminds me of Ireland, and of springtime.  It is a color that makes me think of renewal, of new beginnings. 
And let’s not forget about this guy.
6. What gets you excited?
“Happy Jack” by The Who
I’ve always been a fan of Billy Joel’s song “Captain Jack” and I almost went with that song, but the theme and lyrics don’t exactly encapsulate my relationship with Jack.
Let’s just say that this is not the “Captain Jack” for whom the song was written.
7. Who do you think you are?
“Oh, Pretty Woman” by Roy Orbison
My outer beauty is surpassed only by my inner beauty.
Even in her prime, Julia Roberts had nothing on me.
Bonus: Describe your life. Feel free to elaborate on your song choice.
“Top of the World” by The Carpenters
I am very fortunate to have a loving husband, a fabulous daughter, and amazing friends and family who I love very much and can count on for anything.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

We Can’t Live Without Our Throe

We recently found the following question in our Formspring inbox.  As it’s a request for a product review, we decided to answer it today rather than waiting for Formspring Friday.

Sorry. Not dirty, just messy. wondering if the Liberator Throe is absolutely leak proof, not hot and sticky to lie on, and not crinkly sounding? Does it wash adn dry well? Looking for a user review I guess.
Pssst!  It’ll be a lot more fun if you take your underwear off.
I’m not sure how the Liberator Throe first came to our attention, but as changing the sheets between sex and sleep had long been a common occurrence for us, this very unique blanket was something that we had to have.  Anyone who’s been reading this blog for any length of time is aware that when we have sex it’s often very wet and slippery.  Jack and I are big fans of G-spot play and fisting, and both can be messy.  We used to use towels to protect our bedsheets, but because I tend to be a voluminous squirter, we often found ourselves at the end of a session wishing we had a towel large enough to cover the entire bed.
Jack got us our bright red Throe for Christmas 2006.  Having heard quite a lot about the unique properties of the Throe, we were excited to use it, and we immediately tested it out.  We found it to be everything we needed it to be, but just to be sure we tested it out again.  We put our Throe through a battery of tests so extensive that you would think we were quality control professionals employed by the manufacturer.  In more than five years of regular use, our Throe has proven itself a reliable, high-quality product.
To answer the first part of your question, yes, the Liberator Throe is completely leak proof.  One side is fuzzy, plush, and warm, while the reverse side is satin.  When we’re having sex, we place the Throe beneath us with the plush side up, and the blanket catches any spills and soaks them up.  We have never soaked it through to the other side, or in some other way overwhelmed the blanket.  I once soaked a waterproof mattress pad to the extent that our mattress was damp, but never our Throe.
The Throe is not hot to lie on, though as I said, it’s a warm blanket and it retains heat.  Sometimes if it’s really hot out, I might feel hot lying ensconced in it, but this is not the fault of the Throe itself.  And it isn’t sticky in any way, but obviously if you lie in it after getting it wet, it will feel moist.  I guess if you were to lie on the satin side rather than the plush side, it might feel sticky.  But we never do that.
There does seem to be a crinkly sound, but it’s very faint and I can honestly say that until now I’ve never noticed it.  It certainly isn’t distracting during sex, and I’d go so far as to say that a squeaky mattress is far more noticeable and distracting.  Then again, the sex we have tends to be vigorous and noisy.  Your mileage may vary.
The Throe washes very thoroughly, and dries great!  We’ve never had any issues with ejaculate or lube not coming out after a single wash.  We don’t do any wax play, but from the reviews we’ve read there seems to be no problem with that either.  It does, however, take a little longer to dry than a standard blanket might.  Because it’s waterproof, it seems to retain moisture, and one drying cycle usually isn’t enough.  In our experience it also tends to roll into a ball while drying, and after the first cycle we usually have to untangle it and run it again.
Another thing we really like about the Throe is that it looks like a regular decorative blanket.  It can be laid out atop our bed and guests will be none the wiser.  Then again, most vanilla guests don’t go into our bedroom, so if someone actually happens to see it on our bed, we might be playing with them anyway.  Actually, I should point out that the Throe is never clean long enough to be laid decoratively over a piece of furniture.  Once it’s taken out of the dryer, it sits in the clean laundry basket until we use it, and then it goes right back into the wash.  There’s no rest for our Throe!
As a woman who ejaculates, and who takes great pride in doing so, nothing is more gratifying, and indeed more liberating, than not having to hold back.  It’s one of the most exciting things I can share with my partner.  I am grateful to Liberator and to our Throe for allowing me to be free enough to fully enjoy my orgasm.

Sunday Scoreboard: Week 8

If you’re looking for our Sinful Sunday, it can be found here.

Sunday, March 18

While I was out with the baby this morning, Jack got to stay in bed and masturbate.  He’s lucky he did, because as you’re about to read, there was nothing but frustration to come.

This afternoon, we went to lunch with my in-laws.  Afterwards, they planned to run a couple errands, and then visit family.  However, when the baby fell asleep we had them drop us off at home.

My parents are gone for at least an hour, and the baby is asleep. It feels like Christmas.
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 19, 2012

We were expecting about two hours to ourselves, but at the very least an hour.  I put the baby in her bed and Jack and I had sex.  I enjoyed several orgasms courtesy of my fingers and Jack’s, as well as his tongue and his cock.

When I was done cumming, Jack took me in the missionary position.  Mid-thrust, we heard a key in the lock.  His parents were back.  Jack dove from the bed toward our bedroom door, and shut it before they could step into the hallway, at which time they would have been able to see right into our room.  As Jack pointed out, it’s fortunate that his parents are as oblivious as they are, because they had no clue.

Forty minutes? Are you fucking kidding me? I can admit to being really pissed off right now.
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 19, 2012

With the door safely shut, I pulled Jack toward the shower in the hopes of finishing him off.  But instead he stood outside, fuming, while I showered.  Eventually I lured him in, but he was way too pissed off to play.  We emerged from the shower, hearing silence throughout the house.  That meant that the baby was still asleep and Jack’s parents were either watching television in the living room, or else sitting quietly.  Jack lay on the bed, and I gave him a blowjob.  Even though he was still upset, his cock was incredibly responsive, and I was soon sucking his length vigorously.

When I heard the baby stir in the next room, I prayed that Jack hadn’t.  I knew it would throw off his concentration.  Silently I hoped that his parents would hear, and come to check on her.  But before long I could tell from Jack’s body language that he had heard.  We heard his parents walking down the hall, then tending to the baby.  And when we heard her asking for Mommy and Daddy, we knew it was over.  Jack’s Mom brought the baby to our room door to knock.  Jack got under the covers, and I put on my bathrobe and opened the door.

It might be time to have The Talk with my parents. But I’ll wait until the morning, after the white-hot, all-encompassing rage has subsided.
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 19, 2012

I don’t think I’ve ever seen my husband so angry.  If he started breathing fire, I wouldn’t have been surprised.  And while I can’t be that upset with my in-laws, Jack brought up the very valid point that one of the jobs of a grandparent is to make life easier for the parents.  They failed to do that during their visit.  He eventually asked that his mother do a better job respecting our privacy.  Per my request, he did not ask them to refrain from visiting in the future.

Had The Talk with them. Explained our feelings, but stopped short of asking them to stop visiting. Believe me, though – I considered it.
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 19, 2012

In hindsight, I shouldn’t have given them a key.

Monday, March 19

I started my day with a much-needed orgasm in the shower.  Since Jack’s parents were still visiting I knew they would look after the baby and I didn’t have to rush.  I lay on my back and used a toy.  Interestingly enough, I didn’t fantasize about anything.  All I could concentrate on was how good it all felt.

Before they went back home, Jack’s parents redeemed themselves (his words, not mine), by getting the baby down for a nap.  Needless to say, this allowed my husband some quality alone time.  And it’s a good thing, too, because that was all the sex he or I had today.

Tuesday, March 20

I skipped my workout this morning, which was lucky because Jack woke me with his cock around five.  I don’t know if it was deliberate, but I took it in my hand and let him know that I was in the mood.  Before long he was simultaneously fucking my pussy and fingering my clit.  He drove me to three orgasms before I politely informed him that it was his turn, as the baby would likely be up soon.  He came on my breasts and my stomach.  I was headed for the shower anyway.

I had a great day at work thanks at least in part to our early morning sex.  Meanwhile, Jack managed another orgasm, after his shower when the baby was in her playpen.  She napped late, which meant that she stayed asleep long enough for me to get home from work, and for Jack and I to enjoy some leisurely quiet time.  We had definitely enjoyed our morning quickie, but after the debacle that was Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening, and a Monday evening that yielded no sex at all, it was great to be able to share some intimacy.  Just lying in bed together, feeling that closeness, and listening to each other breathe without any of the cares of real life intruding.

Beyond the cuddling, we also had some great sex.  We started out with doggy style while I masturbated, and I came as Jack prodded and nudged my G-spot.  It was a wet, though not particularly explosive, orgasm.  Afterwards we listened to recordings of some of our fellow sexy bloggers having orgasms while Jack gave me oral and fingered me.  This time I gushed like a fountain and soaked not only the Throe beneath me, but also my thighs, my ass, and Jack’s face, fingers, and chest.  Undaunted, he put his cock inside me and my legs on his shoulders, and after a few minutes he came inside me.

There is cum dripping down my ass and thighs, but I don’t want to get out of bed and clean off. Anyone want to bring me a towel?
— Jill (and Jack) (@jillandjackcpl) March 21, 2012

Wednesday, March 21

Despite returning late from my workout, I managed a quick orgasm courtesy of the showerhead, and got to work with a few minutes to spare.  Meanwhile, Jack spent much of the afternoon out of the house with the baby, and when they got home she stayed occupied while he got himself off.  I provided an assist via Twitter:

@jackandjillcpl I wish I was sucking your cock right now!
— Jill (and Jack) (@jillandjackcpl) March 21, 2012

The baby didn’t nap at all, and we got together with out-of-town family in the evening, so there wasn’t much in the way of naughtiness until we got home.  When the baby had fallen asleep, Jack and I were sitting on the couch watching TV when our friend DirtyPrettyGrrl and I began tweeting dirty to each other.  As our back-and-forth intensified, I got naked and started masturbating while Jack watched, and followed the conversation on his laptop.  I was so turned on that I had to sit on a bath towel.

Over the next two hours I probably had ten very strong, very satisfying orgasms while fantasizing about, and actually talking about, the things she and I would love to do with each other.  Jack also enjoyed it, and why wouldn’t he?

I love when @DirtyPrettyGrrl seduces @jillandjackcpl via Twitter. She gets all worked up, I get a sexy show, and then I fuck her. #goodtimes
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 22, 2012

After the chat, even though it was 1:30, I needed to have him inside me.  Beyond that very physical need, though, it was only fair that I let him use me for his orgasm, since I’d have plenty of them and he had to watch.  We went to bed, where he fucked me doggy style while tugging on my hair and grabbing my breasts from behind.  He came all over my ass, his cum dripping between my cheeks and onto my pussy.  A quick shower before bed and the night was complete.

Thursday, March 22

I had a meeting this morning which meant an early start to my work day and no orgasms in the shower.  Jack had better luck, as the baby stayed occupied long enough for him to have an orgasm in our bedroom.  I’m really glad that he’s been pretty consistent about taking the time to masturbate.  I think that more than anything, his drive to be a good father has prevented him from indulging himself as much as he needs.  But he deserves a break.

The baby had fallen asleep before I got home, and I gave Jack a blowjob on the living room couch.  He came hard, his cum spurting against the back of my throat.  I was surprised at just how intense his orgasm was, given that he’d cum earlier as well.  But I wasn’t complaining.  After that, we went into our bedroom and I got off using my Eroscillator.  As the Throe was still in the wash, we ended up having to change the sheets.  (We should probably look into getting another one.)  We planned to fuck after that, but the baby woke up, and that put an end to our naughtiness.

Friday, March 23

I made up for the lack of shower orgasm on Thursday with a really intense one this morning.  I thought about my sexy Twitter conversation on Wednesday night, and imagined DirtyPrettyGrrl fucking me with a strap-on while I sucked Jack’s cock.  I came hard.

Jack took the baby out for the day.  He was disappointed that the baby didn’t fall asleep on the way home as he was hoping to get off.  When she asked for a lollipop, Jack gave her one with the understanding that she would sit on the couch and eat it.

My daughter gets a lollipop, and I get approximately ten minutes of privacy. Fair trade.
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 23, 2012

Despite the fact that he was expecting ten minutes at the most, when he came to check on her in five, she was fast asleep on the couch.  Jack threw the lollipop away and put her in her bed, then edged for the hour or so until I got home.

We weren’t expecting the baby to stay asleep for very long, so the sex was kind of rushed.  It was still intense, though.  We started with Jack sucking my clit and stimulating my G-spot.  This time, the Throe was in place and it soaked up every drop of my orgasm.  I wanted Jack to get off next, but while he was fucking me he fingered my clit, and I came over and over.

When I reminded him that the baby had been asleep an hour before I even got home, he agreed that it was time to step up the pace.  I wanted to take him in my mouth, and when he was about to cum he pulled out and I stroked him up against my tongue.  I don’t know if it was just that he wasn’t expecting that particular sensation or what, but he found himself receding away from his climax.  So I had him fuck me again, and this time when he came our timing was much better.  I swallowed every drop.

The baby allowed us a few minutes of afterglow before she woke up.  No shower, though.

I love it when the baby wakes up in the middle of afterglow. Much better than when she wakes up in the middle of sex!
— Jill (and Jack) (@jillandjackcpl) March 24, 2012

Saturday, March 24

As today was our daughter’s birthday, there wasn’t much sex to be had.  We spent the morning running errands and getting my parents’ house set up for the party.  We’d been invited to hang out with our friend and sometime third M and her boyfriend afterwards, and we were looking forward to that.  Both were aware that Jack’s parents were staying with us, and both knew of the boundary-violations that had occurred on Sunday, so it was nice of them to invite us out for a few hours of no-parent and no-child fun.

M came to the party, along with her boyfriend D, her best friend, and her friend’s fiance.  The thing about M is that she’s not subtle.  While she sees nothing untoward about flirting openly with Jack in the midst of a family function, today she was giving me the eye without the slightest hesitation.  Like my own best friend, M’s is conservative, and not likely to approve of extracurricular flirting.  Fortunately, she didn’t notice.

Though we haven’t done anything overtly sexual with M since she began dating D, we hang out once in awhile.  D has a hot tub, and while soaking, M and I have kissed, and we’ve sucked each other’s nipples.  In all instances, our significant others were present.  As far as Jack and I know, there’s never been a desire to take things further than that.  We both respect our friends’ limits.

Before she left, M asked me to show her to the bathroom.  I directed her to the hall bathroom upstairs.  Jack pointed out that M hadn’t asked for directions to the bathroom, but instead wanted me to actually show her to it.  Understanding the implication, I took her upstairs, but instead of the hall bathroom I led her to my sister’s bathroom adjacent to her bedroom.  No one but my sister ever uses that one, and she was downstairs at the party.

M pulled me inside and shut the door behind me.  We looked at each other for a second, and then she kissed me.  It was a soft, kiss at first, but before I knew it her tongue was in my mouth, my hand on her breast, squeezing gently but with intent.  I don’t know how long we were up there, but no one came looking for us, so that was a good sign.

I just made out with someone who is not Jack.
— Jill (and Jack) (@jillandjackcpl) March 24, 2012

That night, we left the baby with her grandparents, picked up some alcohol, and headed over.

After last weekend, we can’t fuck with my parents in the house. So we’re heading out to fuck at our friends’ house instead. Don’t wait up.
— Jack (and Jill) (@jackandjillcpl) March 25, 2012

We hung out in the living room, relaxing and talking.  It was very cathartic to adjust from the birthday party frame of mind, not having to worry about being parents or comporting ourselves in a certain manner because Jack’s parents or my own are around.

After awhile, we moved to the hot tub, where as is typical we got in wearing our suits and quickly removed them.  We listened to music and drank a couple bottles of pinot noir.  The guys cajoled M and I into re-enacting our makeout session, and we did.  Around one or one-thirty, we’d had enough of the heat, so we dried off, went inside, and got dressed.

We hung in the living room, where we watched some superhero-themed porn (don’t ask), and continued drinking.  Well, Jack did, anyway.  While I’m sure that D would have put us up for the night, even on the couch, I wasn’t planning on staying out all night, and one of us was going to have to stay relatively sober.

Our hosts started fooling around before we did.  When I looked over to where they were sitting, M had her head on D’s shoulder and was stroking him through his jeans.  I took this as permission to do the same with Jack.  As I kneaded his bulge with the heel of my hand, we watched as M lowered her head to D’s lap.  By the time she freed him from his pants, I was unbuckling Jack’s belt and opening his own jeans.

We gave the guys head, and though I would have liked to have made Jack cum right then and there, M wanted to fuck (“Is it okay if we fuck?” she asked us) and I thought it only fair that we keep up with her and D.  They wasted no time getting naked again, and while D got a condom – condoms!  Remember those? – M sat on the couch smiling pleasantly without speaking.  It was exciting, but kind of surreal.

It’s been years since Jack and I have been in this kind of situation.  While it was really hot I almost found it distracting as I wanted to watch M and D so badly that I found it hard to concentrate on what Jack and I were doing.  To their credit, however, M and D seemed to have no trouble concentrating.  She rode him on the couch while Jack and I had sex in the missionary position on the floor.  M came first, and I loved watching her physical reactions, as well as hearing the sounds she makes, even if I wasn’t the one inspiring those sounds.

Jack fingered me, and I came next.  My moans were loud because I was genuinely enjoying my orgasm, but I worried after the fact that they sounded exaggerated to M and D.  Other than our visit to Power Exchange, the last time I came for a physical audience was last summer.  I was a bit more inhibited and reserved about my orgasm.  While it was intense, I wasn’t anywhere near this loud.  That reminds me.  I should blog about that experience.

By the time D came, Jack and I had switched to doggy style in order to get a better view of the action.  It was hot hearing him climax, and I was envious watching M writhe on top of him.  It takes Jack forever to cum in that position.  In fact, it was taking Jack quite awhile to cum from fucking me doggy style.  Our hosts spooned on the couch, watching each thrust lasciviously.  Before long Jack came, and I took him in my mouth.  No round of applause, but they did gasp.  I guess we put on a good show.

[Editor’s Note: For the first time I’m noticing that the dates of some of the tweets embedded into this post don’t necessarily correspond to the dates on which they were tweeted.  In some cases the reason for this is that the tweet occurred after midnight; in other cases there is no discernible reason, and I have to assume that some manner of technical error is to blame.]

How Having a Child Improved Our Sex Life

Ever since I could remember, I wanted to be a Mom.  Yes, I wanted to travel the world, I wanted to have a career, and I wanted to marry a handsome, loving man.  And while I’ve done all of those things, my maternal instinct has always been a significant component of my personality.  I suppose this stems from the fact that I am the second eldest sibling in a large family.  From an early age, I helped raise my younger brothers and sisters.  Given the size of my family, it was just expected.
Today is our daughter’s second birthday.  Raising a child is probably not easy for most people, and our experience is no different, but the time has gone by faster than either Jack or I could have anticipated.  While there are difficult times, there are times when it’s much easier, and more importantly there are times when it becomes clear that all of our efforts and sacrifices are worth it.
What sacrifices, you might ask?  How about sleep?  In the past two years, neither of us have gotten anywhere near as much sleep as we would have liked.  Babies, and for that matter young children, don’t conform to a set sleep schedule.  They wake up in the middle of the night and want milk.  They have nightmares.  They’d rather play with their toys, read a book, or just see Mommy and Daddy than sleep.
Jack says that he’s sacrificing his sanity in order to be a father.  But I know it’s an exaggeration.  Our daughter keeps him young, and provides him much-needed levity.  He loves experiencing the world through her wide eyes, and appreciates her curiosity and enthusiasm for things we as adults take for granted.  The trade-off, of course, is that he no longer has the autonomy that he values so highly.  It is this autonomy that led him to start his own business.  While he has had to give up some of his freedom, he understands that being a stay-at-home Dad is a privilege not all parents are afforded.
One thing we are determined not to sacrifice, however, is our sex life.  In the beginning of our relationship, Jack and I made it clear just how important sex was to us.  We have always been honest with each other, especially where sex is concerned, and we have always enjoyed a varied and adventurous sex life.  Though we spent a huge chunk of our relationship living hours apart, sex was always an extremely high priority, and we made certain not to neglect our own physical needs or those of each other.
Some of our friends and family members made it clear that when we got married we should expect the sex to stop, or at least slow down.  Their rationale, I guess, was that once you’re married there are many other, more important things to deal with and sex falls by the wayside.  But when we got married, we didn’t slow down at all.  I wouldn’t necessarily say that we sped up or anything.  We just maintained the same comfortable and very satisfying pace we enjoyed before we were married.
Those same friends and family members also warned us that once we became parents, the sex would probably stop altogether.  This seemed like a more realistic concern than their previous one.  After all, there were no real life-changing responsibilities that resulted from our getting married.    Life was pretty much the same as it had been when we were engaged.  But once we had a baby, we knew our lives would be forever changed.  We would suddenly have a new human being living in our home, one who was tiny, defenseless, and completely dependent on Jack and I for everything.
We knew that having a baby would take a tremendous toll.  In addition to being physically incapable of sex immediately afterwards, I knew that some nights we might not be able to muster the necessary energy.  Not only would there be a physical cost, but emotional and psychological ones as well.  I considered that I might not be in the mood for sex sometimes.  I wondered if Jack would find me unattractive.  I wondered if his feelings for me would change in an emotional capacity as well.  
Something wonderful happened to my libido when I was in my second trimester.  It shot off like a rocket into space, and it hasn’t come down since.  From that point on, and I don’t just mean until the baby was born but until right this minute, I’ve wanted sex pretty much constantly.  That is not to say that I didn’t want it before, but I certainly didn’t want it this much.  And believe me, I wanted it a lot.
After the baby was born, we had to abstain from penetrative sex for six weeks.  It wasn’t easy limiting ourselves to oral sex, but we managed, and as soon as the prohibition was lifted we resumed with a vengeance.  It’s easy to see why.  Even beyond the strong sexual connection we’ve always shared, there was a need, on my part especially, to prove wrong everyone who implied that having a baby was a death sentence for our sex life.  
If you’ve ready any of our Sunday Scoreboard posts, you know that we have so far succeeded in doing this.  Whenever we have the opportunity, we make a point of dropping what we’re doing and being intimate together.  We remove ourselves from the day-to-day trappings of parenthood and clear our minds of anything that reminds us of our child.  This usually involves not having sex in any room where she’s been playing, as a pile of toys, coloring books, and stuffed animals isn’t always conducive to a sexy mindset.
We do our best to take advantage of every single nap our daughter takes.  In fact, Jack tries to put her down for a nap shortly before I get home from work, thereby enabling us to have sex as soon as I walk in the door.  It doesn’t always work out that way, of course, but when it does it’s well worth it, especially as there’s no guarantee that we will be able to indulge after the baby is asleep for the night.  When she doesn’t nap, we’ve gone so far as to put her in her playpen with a few books, or even a cartoon on the television, and done what we needed to do.  
Basically, we are doing anything and everything we can to avoid the fate that apparently befell so many of the other parents we know.  By keeping our sex life in high gear now, we know that if there ever comes a point when we are unable to maintain this very active pace, we won’t look back on this time when we had the opportunity and squandered it.
Even though I’ve always wanted to be a mother, I am determined never to lose sight of the fact that I am also a wife.  I love my daughter.  She’s beautiful, intelligent, and full of love.  She adds so much dimension to every single day of our lives.  But she isn’t the only reason for my existence, or for Jack’s.  Without the physical and emotional fulfillment we get from a fully-functional sex life, we wouldn’t be the good parents that we are.

Formspring Friday: Why?

If you’re looking for our Flash Fiction Friday story, it can be found here.

What motivated you to start sex blogging, and what keeps you going all this time later?

The main factor that motivated us to begin this blog in September 2008 was our need for an outlet in which we could talk about sex.  We have always been pretty honest about our enjoyment of sex, and we despise the current societal attitude whereby sex is seen as taboo, something that can be joked about, poked fun at, but never addressed seriously as something in which two or more (or for that matter, just one) consenting adults might indulge of their own free will, and actually enjoy.

Think about it: These days we can talk about almost any topic in a social setting.  Even politics and religion, two things that once were simply not discussed in polite company, are now fair game.  But sex?  Try bringing up your sex life in the bleachers at your kid’s soccer game and see how quickly the other parents look at you like you’re some kind of deviant.  And if your morning water-cooler talk happens to shift from American Idol to the wonderful oral sex your significant other gave you the night before, you can bet you’ll be called into your supervisor’s office.

This widespread reticence with regard to sex is bewildering.  After all, sex is a normal biological instinct.  Much like eating, sleeping, and (hopefully) bathing, it’s something that everyone does, or at the very least something that everyone wants to do.  The notion that it’s something to be ashamed of, discussed only in a whisper, or viewed with an unfair gender-based double-standard, is unfortunate and misguided.

We are fortunate to count amongst our friends a handful of people who, like us, are comfortable talking about their sex lives in sometimes-explicit terms; people who aren’t uncomfortable with their naked bodies; and people who enjoy watching pornography in a medium-sized group setting.  However, in September 2008 we were living hours away from these people.  We knew almost no one in our area beyond family members, and what few friends we had were the sort who, were we to broach the topic of sex, would likely shudder at the sound, then offer to pray for our eternal souls.

The creation of this blog was one of many steps we’ve taken in order to rebel against the widespread defamation and fear of sex.  It was subtle rebellion, certainly, but rebellion nonetheless.  While we did not physically protest the religious establishment and the right-wing politicians who seek to oppress not only women but anyone who enjoys non-procreative sexual activity, the blog was a constant reminder of how important sex was to us – and for that matter, still is – and of the need to constantly remain in motion lest our sex life become stagnant and uninspired.

At first, we enjoyed documenting our fantasies, sex dreams, and notable episodes from our sexual histories.  We enjoyed the exhibitionism of these writings, and didn’t mind the fact that most of the feedback we received was from some of the aforementioned open-minded personal friends.  After all, we weren’t blogging for the interaction so much as we were blogging so that our sexual sides could have a voice.

Before answering the second part of this question, i.e. what keeps us going some three and a half years later, it’s necessary to point out that this blog was dormant for more than a year.  The reasons for our extended hiatus have been explained in-depth elsewhere on our blog, and though we have returned with a vengeance, it’s worth noting that while we were absent, we had no plans of ever blogging again.

Since resuming our blog in August 2011, a number of factors have provided us with motivation.  The greatest motivator still is – and always will be – the sexual outlet with which blogging provides us.  In fact, it is perhaps more important now than it was in the beginning. The fact that we are now parents and means that we are ironically viewed by others as less sexual.  Presumably the well-meaning friends and relatives who’ve occasionally joked about our sex lives now being over are drawing on their own experiences after becoming parents, though we seem to be doing all right.
Additionally, some of the sex-positive friends we have accumulated over the years have grown more conservative and less open as a result of parenthood or other factors, or have moved out of the area or have otherwise drifted out of touch.  Without this blog, there would be virtually no public forum for our sexual sides.  Which leads right to the next factor.
We also blog for the social interaction.  This is something that was almost completely unexpected.  In the early days of our blog, the only regular commenters were a handful of the aforementioned sex-positive friends; feedback from other bloggers was very sporadic.  However, it wasn’t long after our return before we realized that people were reading us, and for the first time ever, commenting in decent-sized numbers.
Possibly the greatest reason for our blogging as we do currently, i.e. with the sort of shocking regularity that has yielded 233 posts since August 2011 compared to just 124 posts during the previous thirty-five months, is our need to maintain a steady blogging pace in order to ensure that we never again go very long without posting something.  It may seem like a case of quantity versus quality – we’ve discussed this at length in the past – but we have convinced ourselves that if we stop blogging regularly, we will stop blogging altogether.  Like a shark, we are compelled to keep moving.  Together, we are the Sarah Winchester of the blogosphere.  
Truth be told, we like the pace at which we blog.  It’s sometimes difficult, often hectic, and frequently makes us feel like we are once again in college, albeit with the added stress of mortgage payments, full-time employment, and a baby.  But we take pride in knowing that someone is reading what we write, and hopefully enjoying it.  While we’d never consider blogging solely for our audience, the fact that such an audience actually exists, and wants to read what we write, is a major motivator in and of itself.
If you want to ask us anything, drop us a line on Formspring, or use the handy Formspring widget on the right-hand side of our blog.  We like sexy questions!

Flash Fiction Friday: Consummation

Image credit: source unknown

When they were both naked, she spoke:  “Make love to me.”

He pulled her to him, lips joined together, bodies locked in a fervent embrace.  After all this time, after every dream of her, it was really happening.  He had wanted this for so long.  He wondered why she changed her mind, then thought better of it.

Suddenly, voices cut through the silent darkness.  The police!

Raising his hands, he stepped away from her.  She cried out in protest, reaching for him desperately as the handcuffs caught his wrists.

“Can you believe this guy?” said one of the officers to the other. “Who breaks into Macy’s just to molest the mannequins?” (111/111)

Behind the Scenes

This week’s Flash Fiction Friday prompt was provided by Ram the Sunlover in Panserbjørne‘s absense.  Upon first glance, the woman in the photo appeared somehow unreal.  I’m not sure why this is, exactly, but my initial impression stuck with me and when it came time to write, I considered making her an inflatable doll, a wax sculpture as in a museum, or – as was ultimately the case – a department store mannequin.

I was inspired in part by a pair of Twilight Zone episodes:  1960’s The After Hours, in which Anne Francis has a curious encounter with mannequins on the ninth floor of a department store; and 1963’s Miniature, in which Robert Duvall plays a young introvert who develops a romance of sorts with a miniature figurine in a dollhouse.

As sometimes happens, I made it to the end of the story and realized that I forgot to include the required phrase (“…dream of…”).  As the word count was pretty tight, my final revision involved my shaving the story down in a few places in order to make it fit.

Is it me, or does the man in the picture resemble Bill O’Reilly?

Deleted Scenes

This week’s challenge had a very low word budget, with only 111.  Knowing this when I plotted my story, I was able to keep my work lean.  As hinted above, some florid prose had to be trimmed.  Additionally, I excised my original opening line: She was unashamed of her nakedness.  I originally intended this line to portray the unnamed protagonist’s fantasy object as completely at ease in his presence, uninhibited and ready to submit to passion, if only in his own mind.


Nadia Ali’s song “Fantasy” features the tempo and the desperate urgency that I had in mind when writing this story.