Many of us cannot live with out computer technology and being “connected” in some manner. Computers are a huge part of our lives and thus many of us personalize our computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. to show our personalities or to be extensions of our uniqueness. This week’s TMI Tuesday is about the love affair we have with our computer devices or Computer Love.
Jack’s Answers
1. What’s the wallpaper (photo, design, etc) on your phone, laptop or PC? Is it the same or different on these devices?
Sorry to disappoint you with the mundaneness of my answer, but both my laptop and my PC have the same black background. I know that you were expecting something a bit more personal, like a favorite movie poster or album cover, or a photo of my daughter, Jill and I dressed to the nines at a family wedding. But when I buy a new computer or reformat an old one, the first thing I do is take a picture with my lens cap on, and use the resulting jpeg as my desktop background. While there was a time when I put a lot of thought into my computer wallpaper, and would change it frequently to reflect my mood, these days I prefer a simple black background as it facilitates the quick location and access of the countless files I leave strewn all over my desktop. On the other hand, I usually use some manner of geeky pop culture image as the wallpaper on my phone and tablet. (Currently both wallpapers are Doctor Who-related.) Compared to my desktop and PC, these devices are much more likely to be seen, and one never knows when one will run across an attractive fellow Whovian…

“Sorry, freak. Not in a million years.”
2. What’s on the desktop of your phone or notebook/tablet (i.e., icons, files, windows etc.)
My phone has a combination clock and weather widget, plus a search bar and a bunch of apps. My tablet is more or less the same.
Both usually feature the “low battery” warning screen as well.
3. What type of computer device do you use most often?
It’s a tie between my phone and my laptop, an Asus Something-Or-Other. I like the convenience that my phone brings; I can carry the entire internet in my pocket wherever I go, and check websites, and send instant messages or tweet without having to lug my laptop from room to room. Plus it can send and receive phone calls though I rarely use it for that purpose. But I generally hate typing on my phone, especially for more than a couple sentences at a time. Thus when I’m hanging around at home I’m usually using my laptop.
4. How many computer type devices do you own including smartphones?
Not counting no-longer-functioning devices, or ones that are generally not in regular use, the answer is five. I’ve got a tablet, a smartphone, two laptops, and a desktop PC. Actually now that I think of it, I’ve also got a netbook, though it’s rare that I actually use it; these days when I need an internet-capable device that I can take with me, it’s going to be my tablet. Additionally I’ve still got three old smartphones going back to 2009, a cheap tablet that one day failed to boot up, and several old laptops which either don’t work or are semi-obsolete, and which I’ve been planning to crack open and salvage for spare parts for quite awhile now. Someday!
5. Do you make sexy videos with your smartphone?
Again, sorry to disappoint, but the answer is no. I mean, we have done it. Actually, now that I think of it most of the sexy videos we’ve taken were made with a standard point-and-click camera or my DSLR. Such is the case with both of the masturbation videos we shot for Masturbation Month in May 2012 and May 2013. But with our smartphone, no, not really. We are much more prolific sexy photographers than sexy videographers.
6. Do you video-chat naked or have virtual sex using your computer?
Of course. We can’t get enough of it. Especially me. Being a stay-at-home parent I’ve found myself with more hours of solitary leisure time than I would be able to handle if not for Skype. During the first couple years of our daughter’s life when she’d nap regularly once if not twice a day, sexy webcamming (i.e. frequently but not always naked) took the edge off the fact that while I was once a free-wheeling man-about-town, I suddenly found myself with a diaper bag permanently affixed to my body, responsible for the life and well-being of another human being. It was sometimes difficult to coordinate Skype dates, and on more than one occasion my daughter woke up crying just as things were getting good. But when it worked out – and it did quite often – it was well worth all the misfires. There was a period between the time she stopped napping and the time she started preschool when Skype action was much more sporadic – almost nonexistent – but now that she’s out of the house a few hours a week, I do my best to ensure that my non-sexy to-do list (housecleaning, grocery shopping, writing, television-watching) and my sexy to-do list are balanced. Oh! That reminds me: Do we need to add you on Skype? Let us know.
7. How many naked photos of your whole body or your body parts have you taken with your smartphone camera?
There is literally no way to calculate the actual number, so I’m just going to say a zillion.

You might as well ask me how many grains of sand comprise the Sahara Desert.
8. What is the most photographed part of your body?
My face.
Bonus: Post a photo of the most photographed part of your body.
Sorry. Not happening.
Bonus, Bonus: Do you use a screensaver? If yes, post a pic of it.
Why yes! I do use a screensaver. It’s the iconic After Dark module Flying Toasters. Oh wait – no I don’t. I used to, though. In the mid-1990s, before Star Wars hit the wall, so to speak, I employed a system of screensavers entitled Star Wars Screen Entertainment. Pictured is the Jawa module, wherein Jawas, droids, and Tusken Raiders ran out onto your screen and rearranged your files and icons.
Jill’s Answers
1. What’s the wallpaper (photo, design, etc) on your phone, laptop or PC? Is it the same or different on these devices?
My laptop and my tablet both feature whatever default wallpaper was installed on the devices when I got them. I’ve never really been one to customize a laptop or a computer in this way, certainly not as much as Jack. The exception to the rule is my phone. I have it with me at all times, and most of what little non-work-related emailing, social networking, etc. I do these days is done on my phone. Given how much I use it, it makes sense that I’d want an appealing image as my wallpaper. So I use a photo I took of my daughter. It never fails to make me smile.
2. What’s on the desktop of your phone or notebook/tablet (i.e., icons, files, windows etc.)
My phone’s desktop includes a clock, and icons for my most-often-used apps, including my camera, text messaging, and a few games and things. On my laptop, there are only a few shortcuts to recently-installed programs, and all the usual stuff like my recycle bin. But there aren’t any files or anything. When it comes to computers, I’m a much better housekeeper than Jack.
Houses, though? Whole different story.
3. What type of computer device do you use most often?
As I said in my answer to Question #1, my phone sees much more use than my laptop (or for that matter even my tablet). This is because I don’t have anywhere near as much time to sit at a desk, or even on the couch, and use my laptop as I’d like. This is something of a luxury for me lately. When I need to send an instant message, look up a recipe on the internet, or watch something on YouTube (or more likely PornHub or RedTube), it’s going to be on my phone. I’d love to have more time to use my laptop, but most days I am going nonstop from morning until night. Maybe when our daughter is away at college.
4. How many computer type devices do you own including smartphones?
Three. One smartphone, one tablet, and one laptop. That’s probably more than I need, actually.
When it comes to vibrators, though, that’s not nearly enough.
5. Do you make sexy videos with your smartphone?
I have, but it isn’t something I do very often. First of all it’s very hard to take a video of myself with my phone. Maybe with an actual camera on a tripod. But my tits are pretty much the only thing I can consistently capture in a flattering way with my smartphone camera, and unfortunately there’s not much I can do with them to justify taking a video as opposed to just a picture. I can’t get my nipples into my mouth. I can barely reach my nipples with my tongue, and if I can it’s only for like a second. I am always up for masturbating on camera, but again that’s the kind of thing that would be better with a camera on a tripod rather than a smartphone. With my luck I’ll set my smartphone on a table across from the bed, prop it up against something and start recording, then lie down and get started only to have it fall over and record the ceiling.
6. Do you video-chat naked or have virtual sex using your computer?
Now this is definitely something I enjoy. I’ve done a lot of both naked video-chatting via Skype and virtual sex via instant messenger, though not as much lately as I’d like. In my twenties I used to enjoy sexy chats with random guys on the other side of the country or even the world. Eventually this progressed to webcamming, and I’d often stay up until the early hours of the morning to watch random guys stroke their cocks as I played with my pussy. Though it’s hardly a substitute for physical contact there is something both erotic and intimate about sharing such an experience with another human being. When Jack and I lived far apart for a couple years, we’d cam often, usually right before bed. Watching him masturbate always heightened my desire for him and ensured I gave him a good show. When we lived together we’d look in Yahoo! Chat for a willing audience, though we transitioned to Skype and eventually put on shows for friends we’d made through our blog and Twitter. But it’s been awhile since we’ve been able to do that, especially as our daughter has gotten older and her sleep schedule has grown more precarious. During the late afternoon or evening when I’ve just gotten home from work she isn’t likely to give us the time we need for that sort of open-ended play, and since we’re on the West Coast most of our friends are asleep by the time she’s down for the night. Lately the closest I come to this kind of activity is an occasional instant messenger conversation with one of a few sexy friends. Of course, it usually happens during the day, which means I am working (or on my lunch break, anyway) and thus unable to masturbate, even though the friends with whom I’m chatting are definitely getting off. Needless to say, I am frequently soaking wet by the time I leave work.
7. How many naked photos of your whole body or your body parts have you taken with your smartphone camera?
Whole body: 672. Body parts: 1,509. (Figures may be approximate.)
8. What is the most photographed part of your body?
My tits. My ass is a very close second.
Bonus: Post a photo of the most photographed part of your body.
Here you go!
Bonus, Bonus: Do you use a screensaver? If yes, post a pic of it.
My laptop just shuts off the display after a few minutes of non-use. So here’s my screensaver.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above
TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to
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