We’re Taking a Break

477 posts in a single calendar year seems like a lot to us.  That’s one post per day, plus more than a hundred extras.  That’s almost double the amount of posts we published between 2008 and 2011.  Much like participating in HNT for an entire year – at a time when our blog was dormant, in fact – this is quite an accomplishment, and one we’re proud to have achieved.

That being said, we knew it wasn’t a pace that we could sustain forever.  Thus, as we first mentioned earlier this month, we are taking a break.  Don’t worry; we don’t expect it to be the sort of hiatus that leads our readers to peruse our blog and wonder whatever happened to us.  It’s likely to be a short break while we adjust to the resumption of normal life post-holidays.  We’ll still be on Twitter during that time, of course.  But we’re unlikely to publish any new posts.
We don’t have any set duration for this break.  As stated previously, it may be a week, or it may be several.  But we will return, and when we do we hope to post much more original content than we did over the last several months.  This may be in the form of written erotica, news stories, photography, product reviews, parenting-related posts, or accounts of our sexual escapades.  And we’ll likely continue to participate in memes, just not as regularly as we did this year.  
When all is said and done, we hope that these changes make this a better blog, and provide you with a better read.  We understand that cutting back on memes may hurt the community aspect of blogging and considerably lessen the interactions that we enjoy with so many of you.  But we hope not.  We hope that you’ll still find our blog enlightening, arousing, amusing, and ultimately worth a visit.
Regarding today’s Monday picture,we knew that we wanted it to in some way reflect our temporary departure.  “Moratorium Monday” seemed a natural fit, though we spent quite a bit of time trying to decide what the corresponding Monday picture would be.  Jill suggested a picture of her ass to represent the end of a very long blogging streak.  But it’s not the end, really.  Besides, we’ve posted plenty of pictures of Jill’s ass.  Some can be seen below.
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Posted using Mobypicture.com
Posted using Mobypicture.com
Posted using Mobypicture.com
Posted using Mobypicture.com
Posted using Mobypicture.com
Posted using Mobypicture.com
A simple screen shot of our blog, rendered in grayscale, seemed fitting.  We’re going dark, but not permanently.  However, the Monday picture feature is most certainly being retired.  When we launched it in January 2012, we wanted to fill a void left by the recently-defunct HNT meme.  However, between it, The Naughty Hangout, and Sinful Sunday – all of which we began around the same time – there was certainly no shortage of photos on our blog.  Add to that the weekly posting of our 2010 HNT pictures and you’ve got four weekly photo features for the majority of the year.  That’s a hell of a lot of pictures when you consider that prior to 2011 we’d only posted a single photo of us.
Anyway, happy New Year.  Be well.  We will definitely see you in 2013.  And we’ll do our best to get up off our asses and get the 2010 HNT page updated!

Formspring Friday: Teachable Moments

Other than your current partner, who have you learned the most from about sex?
(Submitted by Cougar in Training)
Jack’s Answer
This was a difficult question for me to answer.  I’m not trying to boast when I say that in most of my sexual relationships I was, for lack of a better word, the Alpha.  I was older than most of my partners.  I was typically the dominant one.  I was sometimes (though not always or even necessarily most of the time) the more sexually experienced one.  And most importantly, I was much more knowledgeable.  Again, I don’t say this as some sort of badge of honor, some means of building myself up.  It is simply the truth.  During late childhood and early adolescence, I read extensively about human sexuality.  It was something in which I had much interest, and out of a desire to know as much as possible I would often check out books on the subject from our local libraries.
As a result, I was often more knowledgeable than my partners, most of whom were perhaps less-versed in the intricacies of sex than I was.  While I have been with quite a few women who I’d classify as kinky or at least open-minded, I was generally the one who came up with new things to try, suggesting variations beyond what might be considered standard.  This may speak volumes about the pool from which I chose my bedmates; college classrooms, stuffy office jobs, and the like were pretty much all I had to choose from in the 1990s and early 2000s.  Had I been using Twitter at the time – had it even existed – I might have quite a story to tell, possibly involving a forty-something professor of Human Sexuality who during our brief but intense fling introduced me to non-monogamy and let me flog her during a Kinbaku session at a local BDSM club.
On the one hand, I’m inclined to say that I learned most of what I know about sex from the local library, specifically from such personalities as Alex Comfort, David Reuben, and Masters and Johnson.  On the other hand, when it comes to sex, personal experience obviously trumps just about anything found in a book.  If I had to choose a former lover I’d likely go with a friend with benefits from my college days circa the late 1990s.  She was confident and sex-positive, though neither of us thought to use that term back then; and she challenged my notions of what sex was.  She was the first woman I’d ever masturbated in front of, as unlike some of my previous lovers she regarded it as an enticing display of virility.  Additionally, she was one of the first women to express to me an interest in BDSM, the first woman to express an interest in non-monogamy as anything beyond a fantasy, and the first woman I ever fisted to the point of ejaculation.
Admittedly, my sexual experience was limited at this point.  I’d been with less than ten women, and most were rather reserved and/or insecure.  And while the women I’ve been with since have helped me experience the relative boundlessness of human sexual expression in ways that this person did not, I still look back with fondness upon my experiences with her. 

Jill’s Answer

Although all of my partners have contributed to my sexual knowledge and experience in some way, I would have to say that I learned the most from a fuck buddy I slept with for two years.  I’ve written about this guy before, but if you don’t know who I’m talking about, he was a friend of my boyfriend.  In fact, he treated me way better than my boyfriend did, so I eventually jumped ship.

Simply put, this fuck buddy was unlike any guy I’d ever had sex with.  He made me feel sexy and sensual.  He adored my body and couldn’t keep his hands off of me when we were together.  He was the first person I ever masturbated in front of in person (as opposed to on a webcam).  He got so much pleasure out of watching me pleasure myself, and because of this I became much more aware of my body.  It made me happy to know that I was putting on a good show for him, and in the process I learned what kinds of sensations I liked.  He was also the first guy that licked my pussy to orgasm.  No one up to that point cared enough, I guess, to spend the necessary time getting me off.  Usually they would go down on me just enough to get me excited, then stop and fuck me.  But this guy ate my pussy like it was the only sustenance he needed.  He was so amazing with his mouth, and loved to make me cum.  I would regularly have multiple orgasms with him (not just orally), and when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, that’s when he would give me just enough to push me over the edge.
He was also the first person I had sex with in public.  That’s when I first realized that I was turned on by exhibitionism, and the possibility of being watched, or even caught in the act.  While the sex was great, the hint of danger made it better than it had ever been.  To this day, I am really turned on by showing off.  I’ve performed for friends in person, but I usually do it on Skype.  Whether I am getting fucked by Jack, or just masturbating, I love having an audience, and I owe this guy many thanks for helping me figure that out.  In fact, I fondly recall the time I was having sex with him in his bedroom and his roommate came in and masturbated right next to me.  This was my first experience with a live audience, and it was fucking hot.
While I’ve definitely learned more about sex and about myself from Jack than I have from anybody else, had I not had a two-year relationship with this fuck buddy, I don’t know that I would have been the same person I was when I met Jack, and I question whether he and I would be together today.
If you want to ask us a sexy question, drop us a line on Formspring, or use the handy Formspring widget on the right-hand side of our blog.  To see who else participated this week, search #FormspringFriday on Twitter!  If you have a Formspring account and you aren’t already participating, feel free to join in the Formspring Friday fun!

Flash Fiction Friday: Resolve

Picture courtesy of Knotty Monkey/More Bad Advice
Riker dashed through the ballroom, earning incredulous stares from the revelers.  A mustachioed waiter teetered on his feet and nearly dropped a tray of champagne flutes as he passed.  
He ran through the kitchen, pushing his way past an enormous bouncer and an angry chef until he reached the staircase.  He descended twelve steps in two enormous strides, aware that the bouncer was close behind.  He had no time to explain himself.
At the bottom he came to a wine cellar, slamming the door behind him to slow his pursuer.  For good measure, he pulled down a heavy oak hutch, sending bottles and stemware to the floor.  Glass shattered and wood splintered, but Riker didn’t pause further before leaping over the mess and racing out the door.
He found himself in a courtyard, running past drunken party-goers waiting to toast to the new year.  Had to be less than five minutes left.  Ahead stood a small bandstand surrounded by stone bench seating.  Several people sat there, conversing or mingling.  To the left and right were narrow corridors leading to outbuildings.
Midway down one corridor stood a woman in a torn flamenco dress.  Though she was standing upright, she seemed to be struggling with something close to the ground, perhaps trying to pull a heavy rope.  And that’s when he realized that he’d found it.  
As he ran down the corridor the bouncer finally extricated himself from the mess in the wine cellar and led a small security entourage into the courtyard.  Riker saw that the woman was chained by her ankle to a metal drainage grating.  She pulled furiously on her bonds.  Through the grating he could see the blinking red light.  He had less than two minutes.
In her native tongue, he told her to relax, that he would take care of everything.  He could see vivid impressions of the links on her hands once she let go of the chain.  Riker crouched close to the floor and activated the cuff link on his right arm.  The red beam burned through the grating, liquefying the metal in seconds.  
She stared, eyes agape, as he reached through the metal and withdrew a small metal device.  The red light blinked insistently.
Security came charging down the corridor.  He took her by the hand.  “Ven conmigo si quieres vivir.”
Nearby, the revelers chanted a countdown.  As Riker activated the cuff link on his left arm a cable flew from his arm, a tiny hook embedding itself near the top of the stone wall.  Without so much as a pithy comeback in the direction of the security guards, he retracted the cable and he and his attractive companion rose.  When they reached the top of the wall the countdown reached zero, and he hurled the device as hard as he could.  The explosion was all but camouflaged by the fireworks.
They raced along the precipice to the pier, where his boat waited.  “Feliz ano nuevo”, he said as they made their escape.  (499/500)

Behind the Scenes

Although this week’s Flash Fiction Friday prompt was posted on Sunday, I didn’t check it until Thursday.  Fortunately, despite a very busy week (and a very busy Thursday in particular) I quickly came up with what I hope is a suitable story for the prompt.

The challenge included not only the prompt photo, but a larger-than-expected 500-word limit, and the key phrase “New Year” or “New Year’s”.  In addition, participants were offered extra credit for including a phrase in a foreign language.  Technically speaking I didn’t include the key phrase; according to Advizor54‘s rules, it was to have been capitalized, i.e. “Happy New Year”.  However, I fudged it a bit by having Riker say it in Spanish at the end of the story.  
My other Spanish-language phrase (“Come with me if you want to live”) was taken from James Cameron’s 1984 and 1991 films The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.  The name of the protagonist was not deliberately borrowed from Jonathan Frakes’ character in Star Trek: The Next Generation; I’d initially planned on not revealing the character’s name, but when the ambiguity hindered the story – you can only use pronouns so many times without confusing the reader – I chose the first name that came to mind.
Although 500 words is a lot for a flash fiction story, I find that I tend to reach the limit quickly.  Were I a leaner, more efficient writer, I might have been better able to flesh out such details as who Riker is, the identity and significance of the woman chained to the grating (as well as why she apparently abandons her home country to escape with her savior) and the identity of the villain who placed the bomb.  But as it stands I like the idea that we’ve been given a snapshot into a much larger story.
The title, “Resolve”, refers to Riker’s determination to find the bomb, while simultaneously referring to the practice of making a New Year’s resolution.
Deleted Scenes
The original plan was to have the corridor flood, thus drowning the young woman.  But given that she’s chained to a grating, I assumed that drowning wouldn’t be the most efficient method of disposal.
In looking for a Spanish-language version of “Auld Lang Syne” (see Soundtrack section), I came across a Spanish tradition wherein people eat a dozen grapes at midnight on New Year’s Day in order to ensure a year of good luck.  Given that the story possibly takes place in Spain, as opposed to another Spanish-speaking country, I thought it would be nice to include reference to this tradition.  I simply couldn’t make it fit.
In my rough outline for this story, I noted that there is no sex in this story.  I planned to include an interlude between Riker and the young woman once they’ve escaped.  The final line would have been the young woman screaming, “¡Me viene!” (“I’m cumming!”)
This one’s a no-brainer:  Johnny Rivers’ “Secret Agent Man”, segueing into Guy Lombardo’s “Auld Lang Syne” as Riker throws the bomb.  (I wanted to include a Spanish-language version of “Auld Lang Syne”, as it would seem more fitting, but it appears that no such thing exists.)  As he and his companion escape in the speedboat, how about Monty Norman’s “James Bond Theme” as heard in Dr. No?
Programming Note

This will likely be our final Flash Fiction Friday post for a few weeks, as we will be taking a blogging hiatus at the end of the year.

Wicked Wednesday: A Christmas Eve Orgy

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, except for my spouse

The stockings I’d chosen to wear were so hot

I hoped that my husband would like them a lot

The child was nestled all snug in her bed

And all I could think of was giving Jack head

I walked to the couch, and dropped into his lap

He took me to bed, but not for a nap

At the touch of my hand I felt his cock dance

So I unbuckled his belt and tore open his pants

I gave him a lick and Jack said “Oh fuck”

So I opened my mouth and I started to suck

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter

That I paused in my quest for Jack’s baby batter

I dashed to the window without getting dressed

Not even bothering to cover my breasts

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

But all of our sexy friends gathering near

We opened the door and invited them in

And they promptly joined us for holiday sin

I heard Jack exclaim when at last he did cum

“Merry Christmas to all! Who else wants some?”

This week’s prompt

TMI Tuesday: December 25, 2012 – Merry Christmas and Happy TMI Tuesday!

Jack’s Answers
1. What is the best thing you received for Christmas?
As I write this, I’ve yet to open my Christmas presents.  In fact, when it’s posted I will have opened exactly zero Christmas presents.  I might edit this later once the gifts are opened, but chances are I won’t.  It’s difficult for me to rank gifts; I tend to like everything I receive just about equally, whether it’s a high-end DSLR camera or a new sweater.  (Or, at least, I say I do.)
2. What is the best gift you gave for Christmas?
Once again, by the time this is posted Jill will not have opened her gifts so I can’t get too specific.  I think I’ll go with the Hitachi Magic Wand, which we technically ordered together.  If any of the gifts I give Jill this year manages to top the Hitachi for sheer awesomeness, that’ll be quite an accomplishment.
3. What is your Christmas wish?
Continued good health and happiness for my friends and loved ones.
4. What are you plans for New Year’s Eve?
We’ll undoubtedly stay up to watch the ball drop as we do every year, but it’s doubtful that we’ll go anyplace.  I’ll brave the crowds for the sake of Christmas shopping, but not so I can get elbowed by a bunch of amateur drinkers as we fight for space in an overcrowded bar.  So it’s likely that we’ll ring in the New Year, and then have sex.  This is what we do most New Year’s Eves, and it works pretty well for us.
Bonus: The end of the world aka the Mayan apocalypse did not occur on 12/21/2012. Nonetheless people across the world prepared for the doomsday event. How did you prepare for the end of the world?
I didn’t prepare in any way, shape, or form, because as with every other predicted apocalypse I knew it wasn’t going to happen.  If you’d like to know how I spent the days leading up to December 21st, I watched the internet carefully for any sort of ritual suicide, bequeathing of possessions, or other burning of bridges by individuals who were really expecting the world to end.  To my pleasant surprise, I saw relatively few instances of that sort of thing.  Maybe we as a society are growing smarter.  I doubt it, but maybe.
Jill’s Answers
1. What is the best thing you received for Christmas?
The best thing I’ve received this year has been the gift card from my class.  I haven’t opened anything else, but it really is a practical gift and one that Jack will be hard-pressed to top.  I know it’s the thought that counts, but a gift card makes a much better gift for a teacher than a candle, a combination scarf-and-gloves set, or even chocolates.  Just make sure you get a gift card to a store or restaurant your child’s teacher actually likes.  
2. What is the best gift you gave for Christmas?
I just gave Jack some great Christmas Eve head.  He returned the favor by cumming in my mouth.  It’s like we were made for each other!
3. What is your Christmas wish?
I feel like I have everything I want in life, so I guess I will wish for my family and friends to be healthy and happy in 2013 and beyond.  I’d also like to meet and play with some more sexy friends.
4. What are you plans for New Year’s Eve?
It really depends on whether or not we can get a babysitter.  As of now, we have no plans.  Does anyone want to invite us over?
Bonus: The end of the world aka the Mayan apocalypse did not occur on 12/21/2012. Nonetheless people across the world prepared for the doomsday event. How did you prepare for the end of the world?
I didn’t prepare for the end of the world, because I knew the world wasn’t going to end.  So I got up and went to work every day leading up to the supposed apocalypse, right up to December 21st.  When the world didn’t end I was glad I hadn’t wasted any effort preparing for it.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

A Christmas Meme

Here’s a set of Christmas questions going around the blogosphere.  Feel free to answer them on your own blogs, or perhaps just read and enjoy our answers.  
Jack’s Answers
1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?
I’m inclined to say neither, but if I have to choose one it would be hot chocolate.  I’m not a big fan of eggnog – comedian Dave Attell once speculated that it’s actually “elf cum” – though I did recently have some imported Rompope, which is a Mexican spin on eggnog, and I quite enjoyed it with rum.  All that said, my preferred wintertime drink is hot apple cider.
2.Does Santa wrap presents or just set the under the tree?
Santa prefers to have his mother wrap gifts for his wife, and his wife wrap gifts for his mother. 
3.Colored lights on the tree/house or white?
I prefer colored, though we haven’t put up any outside lights this year because we live in a condo.  But we’ve definitely got colored lights on the tree.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
Yes.  From my belt buckle.
5.When do you put your decorations up?
We try to get our house decorated on Thanksgiving weekend.  There’s usually about a month between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Though our Christmas decorations aren’t especially elaborate, it’s still a lot of work.  Better to get them up early and enjoy them longer than wait a few weeks and have less time with them.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish excluding dessert)?
I’m going to go with ham.  I’m an unabashed fan of all things pig, and as my mom always prepared a ham for Christmas dinner, I’ve come to associate a roasted ham with Christmas, especially if it’s covered with pineapple rings and maraschino cherries.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
The urgency with which I needed to get to sleep before Santa arrived, and the anxiety and fear that if I was still awake he might not stop.  Think about it: No matter how nice you were all year long, if the excitement of Christmas morning prevented you from falling asleep before his sleigh reached your town he’d just bypass your chimney.  Now that I think of it, this isn’t a favorite childhood memory.  This is actually kind of fucked up.
8.When and how did you learn the truth about santa?
Truth?  What truth might that be?  I’m pretty sure the truth about Santa is that he’s a jolly old man in a red suit who makes and delivers toys to all the good boys and girls in the world, or at least the ones who celebrate Christmas.  Is there some hidden truth I should know about?  Is he a member of the Illuminati?
9.Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?
No.  My family has never opened Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.  To me it’s something of a badge of honor to wait until Christmas morning.  Suffering through church, and family time, and restlessness before finally falling asleep?  That’s like a trio of hurdles I’m only happy to jump.
10.What kind of cookies does Santa get set out for him?
Whatever’s on hand, I would imagine.  Freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies seem likely, but as this is only our daughter’s third Christmas and she’s thusfar unaware of the milk-and-cookies tradition, we’ve yet to actually do it.  I imagine this year will be the first.
11.Snow! Love it or dread it?
I love snow, but only because I’ve never had to shovel it, drive in it, or trudge twenty miles to school in it (all uphill, of course).
12. Can you ice skate?
Yes I can!  Or at least, I could when I was nineteen, which was the last time I tried.  A local shopping mall had an ice skating rink where I had cause to attend the occasional birthday party circa junior high.  Shortly after my last trip to the skating rink the mall – or what was left of it at the time – was demolished to make room for a large outdoor shopping center.  Actually, there’s still an ice skating rink there, possibly in the same location as the previous incarnation.  But I’ve never been.  
13.Do you remember your favorite gift?
Jill.  She wasn’t a Christmas gift, but she’s still the greatest present I’ve ever received.
14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Spending time with my loved ones, and having Jill home for a couple weeks.  
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Beats me.  Figgy pudding?  I’m not much of a dessert-eater.  
16.What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Possibly eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning while opening presents.  However, since two previous questions have concerned food, I will instead go with spending Christmas Eve at my paternal grandmother’s, hanging out with my relatives, exchanging gifts with certain of my them, i.e. those we wouldn’t be seeing on Christmas Day.  Since this particular tradition has been defunct for probably fifteen years or more, I might be inclined to go with wrapping presents with Jill after our daughter has gone to bed.  Or, in keeping with the theme of this blog, how about our annual “Jill in front of the Christmas tree” photo.  We’ve done one each year since 2010.
17.What tops your tree?
The same star that’s been on top of my tree since I was a child.  Whereas my father used to lift me up to put it on top, I now lift our daughter to do the same.
18.What do you prefer… giving or receiving?
I’m far from selfless, but it’s very safe to say that I prefer to give than receive.  I’m not trying to boast or otherwise build myself up, but I pride myself on my generosity.  I love doing things for people who are likely to appreciate my gestures, whether the gesture in question is cooking, giving a gift, or spending time with them.  On another level, this is also true of my sexual self.  I love being pleasured, but I am often so preoccupied with giving pleasure that receiving it takes a back seat.

19.What is your favorite christmas carol?
I’m under the impression that a Christmas carol is a traditional song usually sung by individuals who travel from house to house (i.e. Christmas caroling), whereas a Christmas song is a more popular song generally sung by professional performers.  With that in mind, I’m going to deviate from the standard list of carols and go with The Christmas Song, sometimes referred to as Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire.  Few things (other than ham) make me think of Christmas like Nat “King” Cole’s version of this song.  Admittedly, however, I am a sucker for Christmas music and can readily name a dozen other songs that I’d gladly call my favorite.

20.Candy canes…yum or yuck?
I wouldn’t exactly say yuck, but they’re hardly my favorite holiday treat.  I’ve never been such a fan of peppermint that I want to suck on a long, sticky piece of peppermint-flavored sugar.  But Jill seems to enjoy them, as seen in yesterday’s Sinful Sunday.

21.Have you ever recycled a christmas present?
Probably.  Admittedly, nothing comes to mind.  
22.Favorite christmas movie?
I remember having trouble choosing a favorite Christmas movie when I was asked this question last year.  There are quite a few Christmas movies I really enjoy.  I think I’ll go with The Star Wars Holiday Special, simply because it would probably piss off George Lucas.  
23.Do you have a nativity scene?
I’m sure I’ve got one somewhere, though Jill is more the fan of nativity scenes.  She’s got several, made of all manner of materials, from foam and felt to porcelain.  This year, they’re all in storage.
24.What is the most annoying thing about this time of year?
I was tempted to say something superficial such as traffic or long lines, but without a doubt the most annoying aspect of the holiday season is the concept of a “war on Christmas”, as it has been dubbed by Bill O’Reilly and his Fox News pals.  The expression “Happy Holidays” isn’t a threat to Christmas.  It’s a show of respect for the millions of individuals who celebrate other holidays.  There’s no reason to take offense at a pleasant greeting of any kind.  
Jill’s Answers
1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?
That’s such a tough question for me to answer!  I love hot chocolate, but eggnog has always been an essential part of Christmas for me.  I might go with hot chocolate just because I can drink it all year long, or at least when it’s cold.  Add a little peppermint to it and it’s even better.  
2.Does Santa wrap presents or just set the under the tree?
Santa always wraps presents.  A big part of the fun of Christmas is unwrapping each package and seeing what’s inside.  When I was little, Santa would always leave the one present for me and each of my siblings under the tree unwrapped.  Everything from my parents was wrapped.  But because I love unwrapping presents so much, my daughter’s gifts will always be wrapped, whether from Santa or from us.
3.Colored lights on the tree/house or white?
We currently have colored lights on our tree.  I prefer them to white lights.  White is nice, just not my favorite.  I prefer the lights to stay on, although I don’t mind if they slowly change from one color to another, like I’ve seen some lights do.  But no flashing.  I don’t want to have a siezure.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, we don’t.  I just kiss whoever the hell I want, whenever I want.  I don’t need an excuse.  If you’re in my house, you’re probably getting kissed.
5.When do you put your decorations up?
Lately we do it right after Thanksgiving, unless we happen to be out of town that weekend.  We enjoy all of the sights, sounds, and smells related to Christmas, so we decorate as early as we can.  But never before Thanksgiving.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish excluding dessert)?
On Christmas Eve, my extended family gets together and my parents make pot after pot of ravioli.  We’ve always done this, and because of it ravioli is a very Christmasy dish to me.  Also, you can’t go wrong with mashed potatoes, though I don’t associate them with Christmas.  I’ll eat mashed potatoes anytime.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Having to wait upstairs with my siblings until my Dad checked the living room to see if Santa Claus had come.  He always made a big production out of it, and it would take about ten minutes as he searched the house for some sign.  I wonder why he didn’t go right for the tree and look for newly-delivered presents.  I guess he just wanted to make us wait.  Finally he would let us know that Santa had arrived, and my brothers and sisters and I got to go downstairs youngest to oldest.
8.When and how did you learn the truth about santa?
In the spirit of Christmas and not ruining my own illusion, I put it off as long as I could.  But once I had a child I had to make sure that I didn’t drop the ball.  Being the second oldest sibling, I got to experience the magic through my younger siblings even once I was far too old to believe in Santa.  As a result I’ve always been inclined to believe.
9.Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?
No.  My family has always opened gifts on Christmas morning.  That goes for my extended family, and my immediate family.
10.What kind of cookies does Santa get set out for him?
Definitely chocolate chip cookies.
11.Snow! Love it or dread it?
I absolutely love snow, as long as I don’t have to drive in it.  I love to play in it, make snow angels or snowmen, go sleedding, or just watch it fall while drinking hot chocolate.  Obviously this is because I don’t have to live with snow on a regular basis.  It never snows here, and maybe that’s why I find it so magical.  The best Christmases I had as a child were always the ones my family spent in the snow.  I’m not very good at skiing though.
12. Can you ice skate?
Yes. Not backwards.  Only forwards.
13.Do you remember your favorite gift?
The year before I went away to college I asked my parents for a teddy bear.  It was something I could take with me that would remind me of home and family.  It was very comforting.
14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being with family.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Chocolate chip cookies.
16.What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Every other year, my entire family used to take a vacation, often someplace snowy.  I will always treasure the memories of those trips.
17.What tops your tree?
A star.  Before I met Jack it was an angel.  But my parents stole it, and now it adorns their own tree.  It’s just as well.  I love Jack’s angel.
18.What do you prefer… giving or receiving?
I’m definitely a giver. I like to see people’s joy.  And make them cum.
19.What is your favorite christmas carol?
My all-time favorite Christmas song is I’ll Be Home For Christmas.  My favorite Christmas song to sing is Jingle Bells.  I love its tempo, and the excitement and cheer I feel when I sing it.
20.Candy canes…yum or yuck?
Definitely yum!  Have you seen our Sinful Sunday post?
21.Have you ever recycled a christmas present?
Yes.  As a teacher I frequently get gifts from my students that I can’t use.  More often I get a gift that I can easily re-gift to someone I need to buy for.  This is much easier than going to a store less than a week before Christmas.
22.Favorite christmas movie?
It’s a Wonderful Life.
23.Do you have a nativity scene?
I have around four nativity scenes, but because of our small living space none of them made it out of storage this year.  We had no available surfaces on which to display them.  
24.What is the most annoying thing about this time of year?
The crowds!
If you’re interested in reading our answers to the questions that circulated last year, you may do so here.