Come have a taste.
Author: Jack
Formspring Friday: The Season For Giving
Flash Fiction Friday: Decking the Halls
“Hi Santa!” they called when they noticed him.
“Don’t stop on my account, ladies.” After observing for a moment he left them to their play.
In his den, Santa sat in his favorite chair and began to peruse his naughty-and-nice list while planning for Christmas Eve. An unexpected interruption came in the form of another helper, clad in black lingerie and a collar. Her pigtails and her breasts bounced seductively as she crawled across the floor.
“Santa,” she said, “I’ve been so naughty.”
Santa rose from the chair. Having Mrs. Claus spend the holiday with her sister wasn’t going to be so bad after all. (198/200)
Behind the Scenes
This week’s Flash Fiction Friday challenge, courtesy of Advizor54, was much easier than I was anticipating. Participants were given three photos to choose from, plus a 200-word limit, and the prompt word unexpected, which I initially forgot to include, as I frequently do. Extra credit could be earned by incorporating more than one picture. In the interest of giving myself as much work as possible less than a week before Christmas, I decided to use all three pictures.
The Naughty Hangout: Before and After
The main theme at The Naughty Hangout this week is “Excitement”. However, I felt more suited to tackle the secondary theme, “Big and Small”. The image seen below features my cock in its relaxed state.
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Be sure to mouse over if you’d like to see it in a more tumescent condition. Now that I think of it, the mouseover image is a perfect interpretation of the main theme.
Wicked Wednesday: Women Turn Me On
It’s no secret that I find women attractive. Why shouldn’t I? I am a woman, and I know how beautiful and desirable we can be. Today, many of my fantasies concern women in some way, and on the rare occasion that I find myself in an intimate situation with another woman I savor every kiss, every caress, every taste.
Have I always been attracted to women? I can’t say for sure. While it’s something that I’ve been aware of for many years, I have only recently come to terms with these desires. In my single days I was reluctant to admit that I found women sexy, so making love to one was certainly off-limits.
I don’t know why I was so reluctant, but I’m sure it has a lot to do with my Catholic upbringing and the way I was socialized. When I was younger I was usually fixated on what I felt society wanted me to be, namely a wife and mother. I assumed that once I settled down and had children, there would be no need for my eye to wander, whether to other women or other men.
In addition, I was determined not to disappoint my parents. As the second eldest of a very large family, I felt as though I was the example my younger siblings were expected to follow. I wanted to be what I thought my parents expected me to be. So while I occasionally felt desire for women, not only did I stifle it, I usually admonished myself for it afterwards.
(I should make clear that nothing my parents said or did when I was growing up indicated anything other than unconditional love. Regardless of my sexual orientation, I doubt that they would ever judge me. However, that doesn’t mean that I want them to know that Jack and I practice occasional non-monogamy.)
When I was a teenager, or probably even a pre-teen, a very close friend of mine showed me a porn magazine. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen one, but it was the first time I’d gotten so worked up about it that I had to get off. I was sleeping over her house, and just before bed she brought the magazine into her bedroom so we could look at it together.
The magazine belonged to her father, and when we were done looking at it, she had to rush it back to whatever hiding place she’d taken it from. Her parents were in the living room watching a movie, and we had about an hour before they would be going to sleep. It was exciting to thumb through a magazine we both knew we shouldn’t have been reading, especially given the urgent ticking clock.
It doesn’t matter which magazine it was, or even what sexual activities were depicted on its pages. What matters is that I found myself getting just as aroused by the sight of the women’s feminine curves, soft breasts, and aroused labia as I did by the firm chests, muscled arms, and thick, veiny cocks of the men. By the time my friend returned the magazine to her parents’ room my pajama bottoms were very wet.
Before we went to sleep, we talked about the pictures and the stories in the magazine. We both felt guilty about the pleasure we’d derived from our sneaky voyeurism, but not so guilty that we weren’t incredibly turned on. Still, I wasn’t going to mention how sexy I found the women unless my friend did first, and she didn’t. So the most I said was that they were pretty.
But after she’d fallen asleep I slipped a hand down the front of my pajamas and fingered myself for awhile. It felt good, and I kept picturing one of the women from the magazine. She was a cute strawberry blonde in cut-offs and cowboy boots who has a tryst with a sexy farm hand. The farm hand was sexy, and hung, but for some reason I couldn’t get my mind off of the pretty girl he fucks in a hayloft.
I’d had orgasms before, though never with a friend sleeping right beside me. In retrospect it was really hot to get off that way, though at the time having her next to me was an impediment to my orgasm. After all, I was a young girl who was somewhat conflicted about her sexuality, and this was my best friend.
Now, though? Now I fantasize about her pretty often. We’ll never have sex, of course. But I’d like to.
TMI Tuesday: December 18, 2012 – The Sexiest Thing
Jack’s Answers
1. What is the sexiest thing you’ve done in the last two months?
Without a doubt, spending Election Night having a threesome with someone we’d fantasized about for months was the sexiest thing we’ve done of late. Read my barely-lucid late-night ramblings immediately following the experience here.
Jill’s Answers
1. What is the sexiest thing you’ve done in the last two months?
Definitely the threesome we had in November! So much fun, but we wish we’d had more time!
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2012
We have no good excuse for taking almost a month to acknowledge this, but in November Rori of Between My Sheets released her annual Top 100 Sex Bloggers list, and lo and behold, we’re included!
Magic Monday
Sinful Sunday: Magic
Formspring Friday: Holiday Madness
(Submitted by Pagan Princess)
It’s appropriate that we’re answering this question today. As we write this on Thursday night, we’ve just had a spur-of-the-moment dinner with relatives who are in town for Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, it was a very nice visit, and we’re glad we were able to get together. But they insisted on coming to our house with take-out rather than, say, meeting at a restaurant which would have enabled me to spend my Thursday in some fashion other than frantically cleaning our house from top to bottom. The cleaning took time I wanted to use to write my Flash Fiction Friday story, and to work on this post as well. Because most of our evening was spoken for, i.e. spent entertaining our guests, the blogging had to occur after they left and somewhat stymied my efforts to get to sleep at a reasonable hour, especially since sex with Jill before bed was mandatory. Granted, I could have blown off the blog for one day, but that’s just not like me, is it?
Hopefully you have ascertained from the previous paragraph where the rest of this post is going. December is an extremely busy month for us, just as we imagine it is for most people. This weekend alone, we have on the schedule a holiday function related to Jill’s job, a baby shower (well, that one’s just for Jill), and two birthday parties on two consecutive days. Granted, of these four events only one is specifically related to the holidays, but things will only get busier as we near Christmas, with multiple friends and relatives all in need of one-on-one time. Some weekends we have obligations every evening, along with multiple events planned for Saturday and Sunday.
Additionally, December sees Jill baking almost continually. Every night this week she’s been in the kitchen, making all manner of holiday goodies, many of which are given as gifts. Some nights, after all is said and done, she doesn’t go to bed until it’s far too late to have sex. On other nights, she’s too exhausted. It isn’t unusual for her to just fall asleep on the couch.
That is not to say that we have no sex in December, or even that we have a significantly smaller amount than we do in, say, October. It may be more difficult during the holiday season to have sex at night, but we do whatever we have to in order to ensure that we don’t neglect our physical needs. Like anything else that is enjoyable and worth doing, maintaining an active sexual relationship often requires considerable effort, especially since we have a child whose presence sometimes impedes us. We’re very fortunate that December sees Jill with a couple weeks off of work, during which time we’ve typically have as much sex as we possibly can. If we’re not traveling – and we won’t be this year – we might be able to have sex three times some days: Early morning, afternoon if our daughter naps, and late at night. This won’t happen every day, but it’s likely to happen at least a couple times.
So in answer to this question, yes, our sex life does take a bit of a hit during the holiday season. But we do our best to ensure that it’s a minor hit at best.
If you want to ask us a sexy question, drop us a line on Formspring, or use the handy Formspring widget on the right-hand side of our blog. To see who else participated this week, search #FormspringFriday on Twitter! If you have a Formspring account and you aren’t already participating, feel free to join in the Formspring Friday fun!