Wet Dreams

Last night I experienced two things that I had not experienced in a long time: I had a sex dream about a woman, and I had an orgasm in my sleep.

I dream about sex pretty often, probably more often than Jack does. Not every night, or even every week, but almost regularly. In fact, sex is the most common recurring theme among my dreams. These dreams always excite me, and I usually wake up incredibly aroused. When I lived alone I would wake from a particularly intense dream, my thighs sticky with arousal, and need to get off before I could go back to sleep.

Most of the time I dream about having sex with men, but I have had some exciting dreams involving women. Sometimes I am an active participant, intimately involved with the woman, and other times I dream about watching the other woman have sex with a man. Sometimes the man is Jack, or another man I am attracted to. If the woman is someone I know, the man might be her husband or significant other. Other times, the couple I am watching is faceless.

When I am making love to the woman, she is always somebody I know. Last night was no different. Although I don’t remember many details of the dream itself (other than what the woman and I were doing), when I woke up I was surprised by just how real it had seemed. I remembered feeling the woman’s body, her curves, her hardening nipples, her slippery wetness, just as vividly as though I had been touching her for real. Eventually I realized that I must have been touching my own body and dreaming that it was hers.

I know I was touching my own body, because the dream climaxed, literally, with her fondling me to orgasm. The next thing I knew I was sitting upright in bed, trembling as my heartbeat slowed. I was still very aroused. The room was dark, and I could hear Jack breathing nearby. Slowly I lay back down, grateful that my erotic episode hadn’t woken him.

As my head hit the pillow, I remember hoping that I could somehow re-join the dream already in progress. That was my last thought before falling asleep and dreaming about something unfortunately unsexy.
