Well, we were nominated, anyway. This time the nomination comes from Brigit Delaney at The Lustful Literate. Given our blogging lull of the last few months, Brigit’s blog is fairly new to us, but we hope to change that, as Brigit has shown herself to be a pretty prolific blogger with tons of worthwhile content. Check her out.
We’re always pleased to be recognized by our blogging peers! However, given that we’ve thusfar published a mere four posts in 2013, the honor is even greater. We hardly consider ourselves bloggers lately, much less inspiring ones. Therefore, we are thrilled to accept this award.
And now, onto the rules:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
The first two rules have been followed. On to number three:
7 Things About Us:
Jack’s Things
1. I don’t like eggs.
2. I’m a stay-at-home dad.
3. I’ve never lived outside of Northern California.
4. My alcohol preference is Jameson Irish whiskey, served neat.
5. I lost my virginity at age sixteen.
6. Monogamy is difficult for me, and has been to some extent for all of my adult life.
7. Despite the above, I can recall only a single instance of infidelity on my part.
Jill’s Things
1. I’ve always wanted to own a bed and breakfast. I even created a hypothetical menu.
2. I love being kissed on my neck or behind my ears. It makes my whole body tingle.
3. I am an elementary school teacher.
4. I love murder mysteries and can usually solve them before the end.
5. I love to travel by air.
6. It’s difficult for me to focus on one thing. I have to multitask.
7. I function best in absolute chaos. (Editor’s note: No. No you don’t.)
Our Nominations:
Note that we are not nominating fifteen bloggers, because as far as we know, the majority of blogs we follow have already been nominated by others. We will instead nominate as many bloggers as we can think of who provide regular inspiration for our own blog. We do this with the understanding that some may have, unbeknownst to us, already been nominated. If that’s the case, please accept our apologies for unintentional double-dipping. Additionally, we have undoubtedly been inspired by more blogs than these, but as our blogging has suffered of late, so has our blog-reading. If there’s anyone we’ve neglected to mention, please accept our apologies.
So there you have it. We’ll inform all of our nominations of the honor, though we won’t be offended if anyone chooses not to participate. We know this sort of thing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and we’d hate to give any of our fellow bloggers an obligation. It’s just our way of telling them we enjoy their work.
Thank you so much, dear Jack and Jill, for mentioning my blog in this post. You two are lovely and sexy and hot 😀
Rebel xox
Was just listening to you, two, the other day. I still like to do that. 🙂
Would love to see that bed & breakfast menu. I’m sure it’s full of delicious-sounding stuff.
I never knew Jill was a teacher, what would happen if the school board were to learn of this blog? What would happen.
I miss having you guys commenting on my blog and getting your insight. Hope to see you guys again soon.
Well, Congrats to the both of you! Glad to see you are back and blogging. You guys always put a smile on my face and do excellent blog posts. You both deserve the award! Happy Blogging!
Hey I’m another Nor Cal blogger. Not many if us around, that 916 caught my eye!