This week’s TMI Tuesday deals with emotions.
“The emotions aren’t always immediately subject to reason, but they are always immediately subject to action”
Quote from philosopher-pyschologist William James
Jack’s Answers
1. Laughter: What makes you laugh?
An interesting turn of phrase by my daughter, whether used correctly or incorrectly. These days I find the stuff this kid overhears and incorporates into conversation far funnier than scripted comedy.
2. Anger: This past week, who or what really pissed you off? What happened?
On Sunday, I found myself at a family party. Jill wasn’t there yet and it fell solely upon me to ensure that my daughter didn’t break anything or take a header into our hosts’ ungated pool. (Single parents, I don’t know how you do it.) My kid loves to push her limits, and finally I had to give her a time-out, a punishment that didn’t exist when I was a kid but was somehow invented in the interim decades, and luckily so because I wouldn’t have the first idea how to actually give my daughter a spanking anyway. Anyway, I sat her down on the sofa in an empty room and told her to sit and think about what she’d done wrong. While this was going on, another party guest to whom I hadn’t been introduced came into the room, stood over the sofa, and made disapproving sounds. I do on occasion curse in front of my child – I’m only human – so understand that I didn’t ask him what the fuck his problem was not because I was self-censoring but because I was so dumbstruck by his rudeness that I found myself at a loss for words. So I shrugged my shoulders incredulously and gave him a look that told him to beat it, which he heeded. I have no idea who the guy was – a friend or relative of the host, I assume – but he steered clear for the rest of the party.
3. Fear: What phobia did you have but overcame?
When I was a little kid – probably age five and younger – I was terrified of clowns, to the extent that I refused to attend a party or event if I suspected there would be a clown. Needless to say my circus attendance during this period of my life was very though, although it was actually higher than it has been for the last thirty years. Anyway, while I no longer find clowns terrifying, I still find them annoying.
Some more than others.
4. Surprise: Recently, what unexpected act or behavior did you experience in your sex life?
I Skyped with a friend for the first time! That’s always fun. I think we can all relate to the excitement of seeing someone naked for the first time; despite the fact that it wasn’t in person, I have no complaints about the experience overall.
5. Trust: Many on-going relationships have a certain predictability about them. Does that certainty translate into trust?
I suppose that it can be viewed that way; however I’ve always interpreted predictability with boredom. While some measure of predictability is probably desirable in an on-going relationship, I’ll opt for spontaneity any day of the week. The challenge, therefore, lies in determining a suitable balance between security and excitement.
You’re doing it wrong.
6. Excitement: Who do you excite?
Virtually every woman I meet, and more than a few of the men.
Bonus: What intimate activity do you share with your partner, something that is meaningful to your relationship? For example Sunday breakfast in bed, cooking, maintenance spanking, etc.
I gave this one a lot of thought. I wanted to come up with something really memorable, something that truly defines us as a couple. Spending our Sunday mornings splitting a bottle of champagne in bed, for example. I’m not sure why, but in my mind that was always the apex of intimacy and luxury, a decadent tradition that never quite managed to take place, even before we had kids. We spent most of our weekends staying with Jill’s family out of town, and now that we are parents neither one of us is willing to wake up any earlier than we absolutely have to. So what could it be? I’d say cooking, and I’m willing to wager that Jill will in fact go with this; however I suspect that would seem like I just went with that because it was suggested in the question. You know what? I’m just going to go with fisting.
Jill’s Answers
1. Laughter: What makes you laugh?
My daughter, when she makes a funny voice when trying to imitate a character or a person she knows, or when she says something mature in the correct context. Cute sentimental things, like the stupid mom humor I sometimes see in my friends’ Facebook feeds. Bob’s Burgers.
2. Anger: This past week, who or what really pissed you off? What happened?
One of the things that most infuriates me is being ignored. I absolutely hate it when I ask someone or tell someone something and they hear me but don’t respond. This week, between my daughter and my students, it happened multiple times.
It’s a lot like this.
3. Fear: What phobia did you have but overcame?
I’ve always been at least a little bit afraid of heights. Going all the way back to childhood, I don’t like looking over the edge of a cliff, or a tall building. When this phobia was at its worst I had issues looking down over the second-floor railing at the mall. Now, however, it’s a lot less pronounced than it was. While I do still experience some semblance of vertigo when I look down from a high place, I have no problem getting fucked in front of a picture window in a high-rise hotel suite, or even up against a balcony. I think Jack really helped me overcome that phobia.
4. Surprise: Recently, what unexpected act or behavior did you experience in your sex life?
Last night Jack woke me up for sex in the middle of the night. Normally when we have sex in the middle of the night I’m only half-asleep, not fully asleep, as most of the time he respects my serious need for sleep too much to disturb me – although I have never asked him not to. Anyway, last night Jack got to bed late. I remember him asking if I was cold, and then the next thing I knew he was inside me, filling me up until I couldn’t possibly take anymore. Then I was wide awake, and he was fingering my clit as his cock moved in and out. Before long, we were lying side by side, enjoying post-orgasmic bliss. Needless to say, it was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in awhile.
It was a lot like this.
5. Trust: Many on-going relationships have a certain predictability about them. Does that certainty translate into trust?
I think that when you’ve been with someone a certain length of time and you’ve really gotten to know who they are, you start to trust that things are going to be a certain way. You grow comfortable in the understanding that you largely know what’s going to happen. That doesn’t necessarily imply that things are going to be rote or boring, although that’s certainly possible. What I mean is that you become secure in that predictability, and that does imply trust. I’m going to say yes.
6. Excitement: Who do you excite?
Jack, for sure. A few friends of ours, including a high school friend of Jack’s who’s joined us in the bedroom, and another high school friend of Jack’s who we most certainly wish would join us in the bedroom. A couple of our other friends as well, mostly guys who are married and thus unable to join us in the bedroom. Still, it’s nice to know that they would if they could. Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure whether or not I excite anyone else, as I’ve largely ceased tweeting and therefore I don’t get as much feedback as I used to, or for that matter as much as I’d like to. So…anyone out there get excited by me? Let me know!
Bonus: What intimate activity do you share with your partner, something that is meaningful to your relationship? For example Sunday breakfast in bed, cooking, maintenance spanking, etc.
Fisting, without a doubt.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
I often feel that way about what my kids say too… it’s really fascinating looking at the world through their eyes!!!
I had a similar experience to Jack’s once when I was timing out my daughter in a food court… someone came over and started telling me how cute she was!!!
And I happen to find you both pretty exciting… 😉
Happy TMIT!!
~Kazi xxx
I might be able to safely say that you’re the only couple I know who would say fisting is the special activity you share LOL. You both are awesome!
Hugs! Hi!!!!
3. How are you with mimes?
6. …even ones you haven’t not physically met 😉
Bonus: “fisting” …ROFL
3. Well…yes. I’d say you found a unique and sexy way to oversome that fear.
4. Niiiice!
6. Oh you know you excite me!
Bonus: Oh okay. Jack was serious. That is pretty intimate.
Have a great week my friends.
So glad to see you guys doing a TMI Tuesday 🙂 I’ve missed them.
Ok first I have missed both of ya’ll especially here and on Twitter. SEcondly, both of you excite me even now. @Jack see the redneck in me would have been on that guy over my kid like white on rice.. filter.. I have none.. Jill. I am with you on the heights thing. I get physically ill looking down. Doctor told me it was caused by my ear drum rupturing as a child and never really healed correctly. But yeah sex against a window would definitely make me forget I was up there.. http://twistedangeldesires.com
Great answers. Always enjoying seeing posts from you 2!!!