Flash Fiction Friday: The Agony of Defeat


The ball soared into the air and the batter ran down the baseline.  She crossed first base and headed for second as the runner on third slid home.  The stands roared to life with cheers as the scoreboard lit up in celebration.

She ran as though her very life was at stake, even as the ball plummeted back to earth.  As she reached third it crashed into an outfielder’s mitt and the umpire called the final out.  The Honeybees won, seven to six.

It was considered good manners for Little League teams to form a line, and for each player to exchange a handshake with, and say, “Good game” to, each member of the opposition.  Although the losing team seldom agreed, for the winners it was an opportunity to display a semblance of respect for their opponents.

But this wasn’t Little League.  The Pussycats returned to their dugout, some players stripping off their clothes before they’d even left the field.  The spectators crowded at the railings, some rushing down the steps to get a better look.

When all the members of the losing team were naked, the Honeybees formed a line and filed through the Pussycats’ dugout.  Each player’s hand connected with the backsides of her opponents.

Each repetition of “We won” was accompanied by a hard, stinging slap. (220/231)

Behind the Scenes

I didn’t even look at this week’s Flash Fiction Friday challenge until Thursday morning, and I didn’t attempt to write it until fairly late Thursday evening.  I hadn’t given the prompt much thought beyond some sort of spanking (or doggy style) lineup; it was Jill who came up with the softball game premise.
Beyond the 231-word maximum (of which I initially thought I’d fall far short but actually ended up exceeding), the other requirement was inclusion of the word “…semblance…”  As is typical, I completely forgot about it until I was around halfway done with the story and quickly inserted it into the third paragraph.
I was unsure whether anyone would understand the reference to two Little League teams exchanging “good game”s and handshakes (usually a glorified low-five when I was a kid).  If you didn’t participate in Little League or have never been to a game, you can see an example of this practice in Richard Linklater’s 1993 film Dazed and Confused.
Deleted Scenes
There weren’t any deleted scenes this week.  As I mentioned above, I was initially worried that my story would end up less than two hundred words long, and while that’s technically allowed, I felt the need to pad the story with a superfluous word here and there.  I wasn’t finished when I realized I had exceeded the limit by more than ten words, and I had to go back and clean up some of my purple prose.  Nothing particularly substantial, and certainly nothing with any real bearing on the story, ended up getting cut.
It’s gotta be Queen’s We Are the Champions.

The Naughty Hangout: Hidden Treasures

This week, the main theme at The Naughty Hangout is “Secrets”. Here’s the ornate wooden trunk that sits nonchalantly in our bedroom.

Be sure to mouse over the image to take a look at the wealth of sex toys, porn DVDs, lube, cuffs, condoms, and pervertibles that we keep inside, concealed from prying eyes!

The alternate themes this week are “Walls” and “Surreal”. Here I am standing at the junction of two walls (okay, a wall and a door), while the light emanating from the doorway on the left side gives the shot a surreal feel.

See who else is being naughty this week!

Wicked Wednesday: Who Needs Labels?

This week’s prompt image comes from http://radicalbi.wordpress.com/

I’ve never been particularly interested in labels.  I’ve always tried to be an individual, without much concern about fitting into the compartments created by society for its own convenience.  I think that I am far too complex an individual to be summed up in a single, easy to remember term, or terms:  Mother.  Daughter.  Sister.  Irish.  Teacher.  Wife.  BBW.  Catholic.  I’d rather people get to know me and form an opinion of me based on my actions, rather than on any of a series of somewhat superficial details.
One of the labels I find myself rejecting lately concerns my sexuality.  Lately I’ve found myself wondering if I am in fact bisexual.  Bisexuality refers to attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females.  By this definition I suppose that I am, as I regularly find myself attracted to both men and women.  Furthermore, while I have always identified as heterosexual, I’ve had sex with women as well as men, and I’m very interested in having much more sex with both genders in the future.
But I don’t know if I am truly bisexual.  I don’t believe that one’s sexuality is defined entirely by the sort of individual with whom he or she has sex.  It seems to be one thing to make out with a woman after you’ve had a few drinks and a gang of rowdy frat boys is spraying you with lukewarm beer and egging you on.  It’s something else to make out with a woman when you’re completely sober because she’s hot and you just want to know what she tastes like. 
Despite the fact that I have long been attracted to women, long desired them, and even blogged about my disappointment over sometimes going long stretches of time without any girl action, I don’t identify as bisexual.  Even though I love feeling the gentle kisses that only a woman can give, even though I feel my heart skip a beat sometimes when I think about a particularly sexy female Twitter (or blog) friend and imagine what she might be like in bed, I don’t know that I really want the “bisexual” label, or that it even fits me all that well.  But I’m also not sure that my failure to adopt the label necessarily makes me straight.
I’m more bisexual than a woman who interacts sexually with another woman in order to fulfill some long-standing fantasy of her boyfriend’s, and then feels bad about it afterwards.  Of the several instances (so far) in which I’ve found myself writhing sensually against a naked woman, I’ve loved every minute.  However, i can’t imagine making a definitive lifelong choice to date or sleep with women exclusively.  
And it’s not just because I’m happily married to a man.  Even if I wasn’t, I couldn’t imagine making such a commitment.  I enjoy pussy very much.  I love the way it feels, and the way it smells and tastes.  There’s something very feminine about it, and as a woman I find it very appealing.  But the fact is, I need cock.  If I had to choose one gender over the other to be with sexually for the rest of my life, it wouldn’t be much of a choice.  I’d never eat pussy ever again.  Fortunately, I’m sure I’ll never have to make such a decision.
Perhaps I should embrace the bisexual label I’ve so long avoided.  Many of the people in my social circle, including close friends I’ve known for decades and trusted family members in whom I can confide for almost anything, would undoubtedly be shocked if they knew of the lust I feel for women.  While I’m not about to share this with them, I like having such a closely-guarded secret, one that I can reflect on and giggle about when I’m in their presence.
So maybe I’ll give it a try and see how it feels.  I know Jack won’t fight me, as he seems to like the label.  In fact, it’s all he can do to keep from accidentally-on-purpose mentioning it in conversation with his friends.

“My bisexual wife this, and my bisexual wife that.”

– Jill

TMI Tuesday: November 13, 2012 – More Movember

Hello my fellow TMI Tuesday junkies. Movember is in full-swing. I can’t wait to see those Mo’s a little later in the month. In the meantime here is a set of VERY fine TMI Tuesday questions from longtime blogger and frequent TMI Tuesday question contributor Virtual Sin.

If you don’t know what Movember is all about see previous TMI Tuesday posts or click here.
Some men who have been treated for Prostate Cancer are unable to get an erection.
Jack’s Answers
1. If they were treated with surgery, the usual reason is nerve damage. They may have success with a penis pump. Question: Have you (or your partner) ever used a pump? Did it work? Was it a turn-on or a turn-off?
I’ve never used a penis pump, but I’ve used a standard air compressor for inflating tires, basketballs, and the like.  I can’t say that it turned me on in and of itself, but – true story – when I was twenty years old I found myself using a manual air pump to inflate an air mattress on which I planned to have sex with my girlfriend.  The thought of her spread legs, full breasts, and willing mouth, all of which I’d be enjoying as soon as the mattress was ready, was a definite turn-on.  Unfortunately I was so exhausted two hours later when the mattress was fully inflated that I can’t say I gave my best performance.
2.  If they were treated with radiation, the usual reason is damage to blood vessels. They may have good luck with Viagra or or one of the other impotence meds.  Question: Have you (or your partner) ever used Viagra, Cialis, or similar? Did it work? Any interesting side effects? Any 4-hour erections? Tell us how you made use of that.
I’ve never used any manner of boner pills, but your mention of four-hour erections makes me think that perhaps I should give them a try.  Incidentally, frequent airing of Viagra and Cialis commercials during Sunday afternoon football games leads me to believe that future generations studying current American society will deduce that 21st-century American males sought to compensate for their physical shortcomings by driving enormous cars and watching men pummel one another over a ball, all while drinking yellow swill deceptively marketed as “beer”.
3.  Some men may opt for a penile implant. See http://www.urologicalcare.com/advanced-ed-treatments/types-penile-implants/. Do you have experience with a penile implant (as owner or lover-of-owner)? Did it work for you?
No, but some people say I have a stick up my ass.  Does that count?
4. If they were treated with hormone therapy (e.g. Lupron Depot), they may also lose all libido. I can’t think of a good question, but if you have a story, please share.
I’m afraid I have no such stories, but I did visit Home Depot last week to browse refrigerators.  Wow, my answers really suck this week.  Sorry; I hate to give the impression that I’m not taking this seriously.
5.  Some men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer change their diet or avoid certain foods.  Did you ever change your diet for health reasons? How did it work out? How long did you stay on the diet?
At different times in my life I’ve attempted to eat healthy, with varying measures of success.  Typically when I do this it’s for the purpose of losing weight as opposed to unclogging my arteries or relieving high blood pressure.  The truth is, however, that I tend to eat whatever I want, no matter how insubstantial or “junk foody”.  I’ve found that, rather than cutting out certain foods altogether, I experience greater success when I simply limit my portions.  Ultimately I shouldn’t care; I’m only interested in losing weight so that I can look better naked, and frankly I think I look pretty damn good as I am.
6.  The prostate is a sexual organ, and treatment of the prostate changes the sexual experience.  A man who has had his prostate removed does not ejaculate at orgasm. How would you react to a total lack of cum?
Ah, finally a question that inspires real, substantial thought, and which I can take absolutely seriously.  It’s never occurred to me that the removal of the prostate would signal the end of my ejaculations.  Once in awhile I’ll have an orgasm and not ejaculate, although this typically occurs when I’ve cum several times in a relatively short period.  As an occasional anomaly, an orgasm without ejaculation wouldn’t bother me too much, but I’d be lying if I said that the thought of never ejaculating for the rest of my life sounds like no big deal.  The truth is that I couldn’t imagine never cumming in Jill’s mouth, never watching her and another woman sharing my orgasm between ruby lips and excited tongues.  The thought of never again filling Jill’s pussy or her ass makes me sad as well.  I assume that I would get over it, though.  I’m not defined by my ejaculation.
7. Although removal of the prostate reduces the intensity of orgasm in the pelvic region, some men report orgasmic feelings in other parts of the body, some describing a “whole body orgasm.” How cool is that?
That does sound pretty cool!  I’m not sure that I’d be willing to trade my prostate (and with it, my ability to ejaculate) for such a whole body orgasm, but I suppose that I would begrudgingly take this new ability as a sort of trade for my semenless future.
8. Do you think a man treated for PRostate Cancer deserves a blow job? If yes, please email Virtual Sin aka SinnerMan…
I most certainly do, though not from me.  Nothing personal.
Jill’s Answers
1. If they were treated with surgery, the usual reason is nerve damage. They may have success with a penis pump. Question: Have you (or your partner) ever used a pump? Did it work? Was it a turn-on or a turn-off?
No, I have never used a penis pump, though I did use a breast pump when I was nursing our daughter a couple years ago.  It did kind of turn me on a bit, though nowhere near as much as, say, using a vibrator.
2.  If they were treated with radiation, the usual reason is damage to blood vessels. They may have good luck with Viagra or or one of the other impotence meds.  Question: Have you (or your partner) ever used Viagra, Cialis, or similar? Did it work? Any interesting side effects? Any 4-hour erections? Tell us how you made use of that. 
I’ve never used Viagra or Cialis with a partner.  The closest I’ve come is having a few drinks before sex with a new partner in order to get myself in the proper frame of mind.  
3.  Some men may opt for a penile implant. See http://www.urologicalcare.com/advanced-ed-treatments/types-penile-implants/. Do you have experience with a penile implant (as owner or lover-of-owner)? Did it work for you?
No, though I did consider getting breast implants when I was younger. 
4. If they were treated with hormone therapy (e.g. Lupron Depot), they may also lose all libido. I can’t think of a good question, but if you have a story, please share.
I have a story, but it doesn’t involve hormone therapy.  It involves me lying on my back in a huge, soft hotel bed and getting my pussy eaten by a fellow sexy blogger while Jack fucked my mouth.  Sorry, it’s pretty much all I’ve been able to think about this week.
5.  Some men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer change their diet or avoid certain foods.  Did you ever change your diet for health reasons? How did it work out? How long did you stay on the diet?
When I was pregnant with our daughter I had gestational diabetes, and I was required to change my diet to keep the condition under control.  Rather than eating three regular meals a day I switched to six small meals, which usually consisted of different combinations of protein, carbohydrate, dairy product, and produce.  Obviously for the health of myself and my child, I gladly adhered to the diet.  But I was really glad when the doctor cleared me to start eating chocolate again.
6.  The prostate is a sexual organ, and treatment of the prostate changes the sexual experience.  A man who has had his prostate removed does not ejaculate at orgasm. How would you react to a total lack of cum?
I love cum.  I love it in my mouth and on my tongue.  I love feeling it rain down on my face and my tits.  I love it when Jack cums inside me.  All of these things are really sexy and sometimes can be very emotional for me as well.  So if Jack could not ejaculate anymore I would be very sad to lose that facet of our sexual relationship.  But I think I would be so glad that he was in good health that it really wouldn’t matter to me.
7. Although removal of the prostate reduces the intensity of orgasm in the pelvic region, some men report orgasmic feelings in other parts of the body, some describing a “whole body orgasm.” How cool is that?
That’s pretty cool.  Incidentally I have whole body orgasms sometimes.  I wonder if men can have them without losing their prostate.
8. Do you think a man treated for PRostate Cancer deserves a blow job? If yes, please email Virtual Sin aka SinnerMan…
Of course!
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Sometimes I Don’t Cum During Threesomes

Yes, you read that right.  I, a man who is quite proud of his enormous sexual reserves, who is so orgasmic that he has been known to climax three times in less than an hour, who once claimed that virtually everything he’s done over the course of his life has been in the hopes of having two women at once, sometimes does not have an orgasm during such a threesome.

I know what you’re thinking:  This guy’s full of shit.  Either he’s overstating his sexual abilities, or he’s lying about the lack of orgasms in the hopes that, if we ever hook up, I’ll try really hard to make sure he gets off.  First of all, while I respect your skepticism, I’m not in the habit of lying or even exaggerating.  The title of this post is 100% factually accurate.  Yes, having two mouths on my cock working in harmony toward a common goal is something I find indescribably exciting.  Feeling a clit that is not Jill’s throbbing against my tongue and between my lips while my wife rides me or gives me head is also hot.  And yet sometimes these things don’t result in my cumming with such force, such intensity, that both women are swept away in my ejaculation.  Shocking, I know.
I’m not saying that I’ve never cum during a threesome.  Of course I have.  But it isn’t something I necessarily expect, nor is it something that I need to happen in order to guarantee a sexy time for the three of us.  I hope it does, of course, but on the occasion that it doesn’t, I’m hardly disappointed.  This weekend, while talking about our oh-so-fucking-hot threesome with our friend Sexy Smile, Jill pointed out that during two threesomes with our longtime third M, as well as our most recent romp, I didn’t get off at all.  
We got to analyzing the issue – not that it’s an issue, per se – and came up with several reasons why, during a threesome, I sometimes do not have an orgasm despite the insanely high levels of physical pleasure I’m experiencing.  I’m not the kind of guy who considers sensory overload a problem.  Whereas some men need stimulation to cease altogether as they are climaxing, I prefer it to continue all the way through my orgasm.  Not only is the sensation extremely pleasurable, I also find that I am better able to stay erect and continue on to the second round, as it were.  So it’s not like the sometimes overwhelming physical sensation that accompanies a threesome is problematic; far from it, in fact.
The most basic reason is the fact that I’m used to climaxing last.  It’s just my preferred way of having sex.  Generally speaking I like to ensure that my partners cum first because I’m a generous lover who likes to make sure that their needs are met or exceeded.  It’s also good manners; I don’t insist on climaxing first for the same reason that I would safely escort my wife and child out of a burning building before exiting myself.  Yes, there are some instances, usually late at night, when Jill just wants me to get off because she needs me inside her for a few minutes before she goes to sleep and she’s not the kind of woman who would ask me to just be inside her briefly and get out without cumming.  And yes, sometimes she gets so understandably worked up from being fucked that despite the lateness of the hour she decides that she has to get off as well.  
But most of the time when we have sex Jill gets off first, and I get off last.  As we have a small child to worry about, we’re often in a hurry to finish up; while we sometimes manage two to three hours of non-stop fucking when she is asleep, I’d say that the average length of a sex session is around an hour and a half.  When we have a threesome, however, there is no danger of being interrupted by a sleepy and disoriented toddler, because she’s typically having an overnight with her grandparents.  That means that while we’ve got no need to rush, it also means that we’ve got no need to rush.  In other words, due to the leisurely pace we are at risk of simply running out of time.  Last week we drove into Downtown San Francisco to meet with Sexy Smile.  We had to park in a lot.  The lot closed at midnight.  ‘Nuff said.
Beyond my singular focus of making sure that my partners are satisfied, I believe that I have some sort of mental block in place that exists solely to make sure that the threesome lasts as long as possible.  It’s easily the most ridiculous reason; obviously the experience doesn’t end when I climax; even if this was somehow the case, I can climax several times in an hour if need be.  I’m not likely to be taken out of action by several orgasms, let alone one.  No, I think that the mental block I describe has something to do with me conditioning myself to last as long as possible sexually.  I’ve never suffered from premature ejaculation – at least, not yet – and I suppose that this conditioning has now come back to bite me in the ass.  It isn’t always an impediment to my orgasm, but it can be.
Another reason, possibly the most important one, is that I’m totally preoccupied with Jill’s comfort.  I’m not talking about her pleasure, I’m talking about her comfort, i.e. her emotional well-being.  Jill is my primary partner, and no matter how many threesomes we have, no matter how close we might find ourselves growing to one of our bedmates, no matter how physically compatible I might be with somebody else, she always will be.  As such, her needs are of paramount importance to me.  Yes, Jill enjoys having threesomes with other women.  She loves the various configurations into which three horny human beings can maneuver themselves.  At times I suspect that her love of casual non-monogamy (such as it is) has eclipsed my own.  And I appreciate her open-mindedness and willingness to indulge my desires.
However, I’m all too aware that Jill was raised Catholic, and to some extent still considers herself a member of the Catholic church.  I know that her upbringing and her traditional views of love and sexuality mean that she probably experienced some manner of internal conflict prior to eating pussy for the first time.  Yes, she loved it.  Yes, she’s really good at it.  But I’m not about to take her for granted or in any way assume that just because she loved it the last time, she’s going to love it the next time.  I’m not sure to what extent this concern has impeded me from having an orgasm during a threesome, but I suppose it’s possible, if only on a subconscious level.
The simplest, most obvious reason is that I don’t always cum from oral sex.  I frequently do, but it takes concentration, and some positions work better than others, i.e. standing versus lying on my back.  The surest way for me to climax with a partner is during vaginal (or anal) sex, and while I certainly love fucking, the boundaries of our relationship limit our interactions with other people to kissing, touching, and oral sex, i.e. everything but actual sexual intercourse (for lack of a better phrase).  It’s hardly worth complaining about; generally speaking when there’s someone new on the bed I’m so preoccupied with making out with her, sucking her tits, and feasting on her pussy that I don’t even notice that I haven’t ejaculated.
Which brings me to a major reason why I sometimes don’t have an orgasm during a threesome.  It’s a reason that Jill brought to my attention this weekend, a reason so plain and obvious that I’m rather ashamed that it hadn’t occurred to me; and a reason so logical that it took the superior intellect of my wife to realize it.  “You want to cum when we have a threesome”, she told me, “but why would you need to?  You can take care of that in less than five minutes using your own hand.  When we have a threesome you’re thinking on a subconscious level that this could be the last time it happens, or at least the last time with a particular third.  So you’re way too busy doing all the things you’ve always wanted to do with her:  Kissing her, eating her pussy, getting your cock sucked, watching me eat her pussy.  That’s your priority.  You can always jerk off later.”
What can I say?  My wife knows me well.

Sinful Sunday: Two Pairs

Jack slid my blouse and my bra over my shoulders, freeing my breasts.  He leaned down to suck one of them, beckoning our friend over to have a taste of the other.  After a few glorious moments with two mouths on my nipples, he stopped, and suggested that he and I have some fun with her instead.  He threw off her top, and I unhooked her bra.  While I stroked and kissed her magnificent breasts, he kissed her neck and her shoulders.  My hands wrapped around her body, kneading her soft, supple ass with eager fingers.

We moved her to the bed and began to caress her through her remaining articles of clothing.  Then Jack turned her onto her back, and as I kissed and touched her, he stripped her to her sheer black panties.  He climbed onto the bed and we ensconced her between our bodies, our mouths traveling along her sweet flesh as our fingers came together inside her.  We had fun tantalizing her warm, wet pussy, but it wasn’t long before the panties simply had to go.  As I undressed I looked up and saw Jack stepping out of his boxers.

He settled between her legs and began to devour her.  I was really turned on as I watched him lick her lips and suck her clit, knowing the overwhelming sensations of pleasure she was experiencing.  And while I wish I could remember every lick, every stroke, every orgasm that happened over the next two and a half hours, the simple fact is that for a number of reasons including a pervading air of unbearable excitement, threesomes are often a blur once they’re over.

However, I do vividly and fondly recall a number of hot details from that evening:  Kissing our friend on the lips for the first time, tasting her tongue against my own.  Jack fingering her and then bringing his hand up to my mouth so I could enjoy a taste.  Our friend brushing the hair out of my eyes as I sucked her breasts.  She and I sucking Jack’s cock together.  Watching her legs wrap around his head as his skilled tongue brought her to a powerful climax.  The wonderful, intense sounds she made as she came.

We even got a picture, hence the title of this post.

For our friend’s very erotic recollections of the evening, please check out her awesome blog!
Sinful Sunday

Formspring Friday: Sexual Healing

Jill- you’ve spoken more than once of your abusive past. What is it about JACK that has enabled you to heal in ways you couldn’t on your own? I’m sure you did a certain amount of work on your own. All survivors must, but what about Jack?

(Submitted by Pagan Princess)
For those not in the know, the abusive past referred to in the question involves an incident of forced anal sex by a boyfriend when I was much younger.  It’s an unfortunate episode that could have negatively colored my sex life for years thereafter.  Fortunately I met and married the man I did, and he helped me to overcome it to the extent that anal sex is currently an aspect of our sexual life that I really enjoy.
So how did Jack help me get through this?  Or more accurately, how did we get through this together?  Well, first of all he made me so comfortable that I wanted to open up to him and actually talk about the experience.  I’m pretty sure I had never told anyone about what had happened, but with Jack there was no hesitation.  We discussed it fairly early in our relationship because I realized that I wanted to give anal another shot, and it was important that I make him aware of what had happened beforehand.
Jack is the best lover I’ve ever had, and that’s not just because of the strong emotional connection that I feel with him.  No matter what we’re doing, whether he’s fisting me or fucking my ass, he is sure to proceed very slowly and make sure that I am enjoying it.  He never takes for granted that the sounds I’m making are sounds of pleasure, as they could easily be a reaction to pain.  Ever since our relationship was new, he’s proven himself loving, caring, and very concerned with my feelings.  He has never and will never put his own wants and needs above my pleasure and comfort.  He doesn’t just want me to be comfortable with whatever we are doing, he wants me to be actively enjoying it, and he does whatever he can to ensure that I am. 
Even while he is pushing my sexual boundaries and encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone, Jack is dilligent about checking in with me to make sure I’m still okay and having a good time.  Although I am generally aware of what I like and dislike in the bedroom, Jack realizes that just because I enjoyed a particular experience one day doesn’t mean that I will always enjoy it.  He reminds me that I can back out at any time without fear of judgment or resentment.  He makes me feel like I can be honest, and he validates me for doing so.  With him, I know that I am safe and able to express my feelings.
The kind of hand-holding I describe in the previous paragraph may seem cloying, but sometimes it’s necessary.  Obviously I am not a sexual novice and it takes a very extreme situation to cause me any sort of psychological trauma.  But the fact that Jack is so aware of my needs and my feelings, and that despite his more dominant nature he is able to demonstrate his caring and gentle side when I need him to, is wonderful and shows just what a perfect match we are.
I need to point out that Jack’s softer side probably has nothing to do with my past.  I believe that, deep down, this is simply who he is, and I am confident that he would be this way regardless.  At the time that we were newly dating, Jack was still close friends with one of his exes.  Though she was quick to sing his praises as a loyal friend, a devoted boyfriend, and an amazing lover, she didn’t have to.  The fact that they had remained in touch after their breakup, with no apparent acrimony, told me a lot about the quality of Jack’s character.  This, in part, made me realize that I could open up to him, and that he would treat me gently unless I wanted him to treat me rough.
– Jill
If you want to ask us a sexy question, drop us a line on Formspring, or use the handy Formspring widget on the right-hand side of our blog.  To see who else participated this week, search #FormspringFriday on Twitter!  If you have a Formspring account and you aren’t already participating, feel free to join in the Formspring Friday fun!

The Naughty Hangout: Click!

For the first time ever, we lost track of time this week and completely forgot to do something for The Naughty Hangout.  You’re probably saying, “But Jack!  Quite a few of your previous TNH offerings have been so half-assed that there’s no way you planned them very far in advance.”  But nothing could be further from the truth.  Most weeks, we have our post ready to go at least a few hours ahead of time.  Just not this week.
“Zoo” is this week’s main theme, with the backup themes of “Plants” and “Tourist”.  As I’m writing this post at nearly 4:00 AM, the zoo is unfortunately closed.  We have no potted plants in the house, nor have we a garden, and we doubt that the stoners across the hall will let us take a picture of their stash at this early hour.  That leaves “Tourist” as the only possible option.  And since we really can’t go on a sightseeing junket for the purposes of a naughty photo shoot, we thought we’d do the next best thing.

Here’s Jill with my Canon PowerShot Pro.  I’ve had it since 2004, and it’s accompanied us on virtually every vacation we’ve taken together.  This camera has photographed the Grand Canyon, Blarney Castle, Mendenhall Glacier, Hollywood Boulevard, Times Square, Space Needle, and Red Rocks Amphitheatre, among other noteworthy places.

See who else is being naughty this week!