TMI Tuesday: April 24, 2018

One, two, three, four, five things is what we are playing this TMI Tuesday.

Tell us…

Jack’s Answers

1. The problem with you in 5 words.
Way too good at sex.

2. 5 things you want in life.
Sexual harmony including but not limited to physical satisfaction and compersion
To feel valued
Civility in public discourse
Donald Trump and his cabinet, enablers, and supporters in a maximum security prison

3. 5 things you need to quit.
Subjugating my needs to those of others
Expecting most friends and relatives to reach out to me rather than making me initiate contact
Exoecting most friends and relatives to be available when I do reach out
Being wary of certain new experiences, especially those that take me out of my comfort zone
Living beyond my means

4. 5 things you require in a lover.
An open mind
A voracious appetite
Socioeconomically liberal politics

5. 5 things you are tired of.
Seeing my country fall deeper under the control of the lunatic fringe and its bought-off Congress
Feeling forced to live my life based on the expectations of others so as not to make waves.
My current low-carb, low-sugar diet
Hearing Trump referred to by his name as opposed to his inmate number
People being assholes to other people because their lives didn’t turn out as they hoped

Bonus: What 5 things will you never share on social media?
My face (on Twitter)
My real name (on Twitter)
My cock (on Facebook)
My cock (on Twitter, unless requested and then only via DM)
The URL to our blog (on Facebook)

Jill’s Answers

1. The problem with you in 5 words.
I care way too much.

2. 5 things you want in life.

3. 5 things you need to quit.
Taking on too much
Worrying about things I can’t change
Feeling guilty for putting my needs first
Dwelling on my faults
Putting myself down

4. 5 things you require in a lover.

5. 5 things you are tired of.
Trying too hard
Not traveling

Bonus: What 5 things will you never share on social media?
Things that would hurt someone else
My fears
My insecurities
My weight

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

TMI Tuesday: April 17, 2018

TMI Tuesday this week is all about YOUR sexual guide.

Lovers Guide

Jack’s Answers

1. Write your 3 sexual commandments and share them here at TMI Tuesday.
1. Thou shalt not lose sight of thy own pleasure while trying to please thy partner(s).
2. Thou shalt communicate with thy partner(s) in a fashion commensurate with the nature of the relationship.
3. Thou shalt be open to the sexual interests of thy partner(s).
EDIT:  I feel like a bit of an idiot for not referencing consent here.  It’s pretty much the most important sexual commandment.  In my defense, consent is always so paramount in my mind that I went with the commandments of which I often have to remind myself during sex.  Especially the first one.

2. Tell us your 3 D’s of relationship destruction.
1. Disrespect
2. Deception
3. Dissatisfaction

3. WikiHow lists several steps to seduce someone. What are your top 3 moves of seduction?
1. Eye contact
2. Validation
3. Intelligent conversation

4. What is your sexual healing?
I like intimacy and tenderness, but I also like to be given control, sometimes including rough play. I like to feel validated sexually, in particular knowing that I give my partner pleasure (but only if I really do – please don’t fake it). All of these things are incredibly healing and cathartic for me.

5. Would you attend a class that taught you how to have an orgasm?
Sure, if I wasn’t sure how to go about having one or was otherwise having difficulty. I’m guessing there are things about my own sexual response and orgasm that I don’t know, but after more about thirty years of deliberate experimentation and practice, I’m probably good.

Bonus: In which areas of your life are you overly confident?
Parenting. Cooking. Sex.

Jill’s Answers

1. Write your 3 sexual commandments and share them here at TMI Tuesday.
1. Thou shalt have fun.
2. Thou shalt be open to trying new things.
3. Thou shalt be attentive to your partner’s needs.

2. Tell us your 3 D’s of relationship destruction.
1. Don’t feel like a priority.
2. Don’t be honest.
3. Don’t feel a connection.

3. WikiHow lists several steps to seduce someone. What are your top 3 moves of seduction?
1. Smiling
2. Touching
3. Expressing interest

4. What is your sexual healing?
1. Cuddling
2. Massaging
3. Kissing

5. Would you attend a class that taught you how to have an orgasm?
I feel like I’m pretty good at orgasming, but I’m all for exploring new ways to achieve climax, and if that involves having orgasms in public, even better!

Bonus: In which areas of your life are you overly confident?
My ability to cook is definitely something in which I have confidence, as is my job, my ability to take care of my family, and while we’re on the subject, my ability to have orgasms.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Sinful Sunday: The Return

This is Jill’s first Sinful Sunday since December.  With the exception of that and the previous year‘s Christmas tree photos, this is the first Sinful Sunday in more than eighteen months featuring Jill that was less than two months old at the time of posting.  Needless to say, I’m optimistic about what the future holds.

See who else is being sinful at Molly’s Daily Kiss!


Sinful Sunday

TMI Tuesday: March 27, 2018

Are you ready? Get set…Go do TMI Tuesday! 🙂

Jack’s Answers

1. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, your future, what would you want to know?
I don’t think I’d truly want to know anything. While I am definitely curious about my future, and the true purpose of this practical-joke-on-the-world that is my existence, I would hate to learn details about what is to come for me up to and including my ultimate fate and have it shape or influence my actions.

2. What do you value most in your sex life?
The fact that it allows me to connect and experience intimacy and pleasure with more than one person. Sex with Jill is great – the current lull in our sex life notwithstanding – but I’m not the sort of person who can be happy with just one partner.

3. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Things that will or even might result in loss of human life. Note my use of present tense; I’m not necessarily saying that one absolutely cannot joke about past tragedies or loss of human life, though without significant passage of time such jokes are less likely to be smiled upon by one’s audience. No, I refer to joking about one’s intention to carry out such an atrocity. Case in point: Recently a man – likely a transient – walked into a place of business in our city and told staff he was planning to carry out a shooting at a local school. And while there was no reason to believe this person was serious or – for lack of a better word – sane, the matter was obviously taken very seriously. As of this writing the individual has not been apprehended, and local schools remain on heightened alert.

4. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one in which you currently live, where would you move and why?
I like Oregon. There’s no sales tax.

5. Are you too nice?
Yes. Way too nice. I’m not sure why, though I’m thinking my tendency toward extreme empathy for others has something to do with it. Lately I’ve been trying to balance my instinct to be helpful and to give disproportionately of myself with my introversion, laziness, and self-interest.

Bonus: Falling in love is _____ . (one word only)
So hard on the knees. Sorry, too many words. The best thing ever. Damn it, did it again. Exciting as hell. No, that won’t work. Fucking great. Whoops! Fantastic.

Jill’s Answers

1. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, your future, what would you want to know?
I would definitely be curious and want to know, although I don’t think I’d actually find out. I like the surprise and making my own choices for the path ahead.

2. What do you value most in your sex life?
I value the sense of connection and intimacy. Feeling safe and secure to be myself and enjoy myself without being judged.

3. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Disasters and other tragedies that result in the loss of human life.

4. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one in which you currently live, where would you move and why?
Ireland, Italy, and most other places in Europe. I’ve been to many of them, and I’m familiar with the customs and way of life there.

5. Are you too nice?
I’m definitely too nice, but I’m working on that.

Bonus: Falling in love is _____ . (one word only)

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

TMI Tuesday: March 13, 2018

TMI Tuesday, let’s get real.

Sexy Secrets

Jack’s Answers

1. Do you have a special place you like to have sex regularly?
I don’t have sex regularly.

2. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? The scariest?
The hardest thing has been living day-to-day for the last year and a half, pretending everything is fine with my marriage. The scariest is happening right now, i.e. continuing to persevere not knowing what my life will look like in a year, or even six months.

3. Are you annoying?
Probably. Who am I kidding? Yes.

4. A person whom you’ve had “the hots” for a very long time tells you they are super attracted to you. You spend a few hours together and the sexual attraction is overwhelming. You are dying to have this person as your lover. At the moment you are highly aroused, and he/she wants to have sex with you in a church, would you do it?
I’d like to think I wouldn’t; after all, I absolutely do not want to be the subject of the sort of scandal that might result from being arrested for public indecency. But I’ve never been one to decline sex, especially not now that I’m getting laid maybe a dozen times a year.

5. While in the middle of the best lovemaking of your life, if your lover asked you to squeal like a dolphin, would you?
To the extent that I have the slightest idea what the squeals of a dolphin sound like and could imitate that sound on demand, yes. I wouldn’t hesitate if it excited my partner.

Bonus: Are you good in bed?
When it comes to many aspects of my life – parenting, cooking, writing, professional acumen, organization, and various other skills – I come off as self-effacing or even self-deprecating. But one thing of which I am certain is that for many of the women with whom I’ve had sex I am one of the greatest lovers they’ve ever had, if not the greatest. I’m modest about a lot of things, but never that.

Jill’s Answers

1. Do you have a special place you like to have sex regularly?
I enjoy having sex outside, typically on our balcony on a warm night. I have also had sex in a public park (after dark, with no one around), and it was exhilarating. I love feeling the night air on my naked body.

2. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? The scariest?
The hardest was probably giving birth. There was a period of thirty minutes when I thought, “I just can’t do this.” But then it occurred to me that no one could do it for me and I did it. The scariest was taking my two-year-old daughter to the emergency room when she fell and hit her head, cutting her eyebrow open. While there, Jack and I had to hold her down as they stitched her up. It was scary and awful.

3. Are you annoying?
I’m sure I have my moments. But I always try to be friendly, helpful, giving, and loving. I hope most people think of me as a good friend.

4. A person whom you’ve had “the hots” for a very long time tells you they are super attracted to you. You spend a few hours together and the sexual attraction is overwhelming. You are dying to have this person as your lover. At the moment you are highly aroused, and he/she wants to have sex with you in a church, would you do it?
I probably would if the church was empty.

5. While in the middle of the best lovemaking of your life, if your lover asked you to squeal like a dolphin, would you?
I’m not sure I could do that on demand. But at the height of orgasm I have been known to make some interesting sounds. I’ve even surprised myself!

Bonus: Are you good in bed?
Yes. I focus on pleasing my partner, and I can usually let go and just enjoy the moment.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

TMI Tuesday: March 6, 2018

TMI Tuesday – No Frills, I’m on the road again.

Jack’s Answers

1. What food(s) is your city/country known for?
Our city may have more authentic Mexican taquerias per capita than any other city on Earth. I have no idea if that’s actually true, but I’m definitely going to go with Mexican food. Living where I live has spoiled me for great cuisine; we’ve also got an abundance of fantastic Mediterranean and Asian restaurants, but I’d say that more than either of those, quality Mexican food is the major culinary selling point.

2. What should people do when visiting your city?
Come over and have sex with me. This really just applies to women, but hot guys might be interested in my wife.

3. What do people do when they come to your home?
Recoil in terror at the mess.

4. What should people expect when they visit you?
A mess. Didn’t you read #3? Okay, that’s not exactly true. We always clean up before company comes (which happens seldom). I guess what people can expect is good conversation and great food. Pretty much everyone who comes over is treated to that.

Bonus: If you were chair who would you like to have sit on you?
A hot sexy woman. It’s up to her which part of my body she sits directly upon. (I vote for my left kneecap!)

Jill’s Answers

1. What food(s) is your city/country known for?
I would say Mexican. There are lots of taquerias and sit-down Mexican restaurants in our downtown area alone, let alone in the rest of the city.

2. What should people do when visiting your city?
In our specific suburb there isn’t too much to do. However, San Francisco is close, and many of the sights there happen to be must-sees. The Golden Gate Bridge, Ghirardelli Square (of Ghirardelli Chocolate Company fame), Pier 39, Fisherman’s Wharf, Lombard Street, Alcatraz Island, the Exploratorium, and so many others are all worth your time.

3. What do people do when they come to your home?
They visit with us. Drinks and conversation on the couch, followed by an amazing dinner, homemade chocolates (my specialty), and occasionally really hot sex (also my specialty).

4. What should people expect when they visit you?
A great time with wonderful people, of course.

Bonus: If you were chair who would you like to have sit on you?
A hot, sexy man.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Wicked Wednesday: Up and Down

As soon as the elevator door slides shut you lean over to me. I feel my body react to the closeness; it’s been awhile since you’ve made such a move toward me. Too long, in fact.

As we begin to descend, your mouth reaches mine. We kiss passionately, voraciously, savagely. It is the culmination of two months of loneliness. Of hurt feelings. Of frustration. Of – what’s the opposite of fulfillment? Of that, whatever it is.

By the time the elevator stops moving, we are just getting started. The door opens to the cold, empty garage, and I press the button for the top floor. It shuts, and we rise through the elevator shaft. As we do, I kiss and suck your neck, my hands caressing your curves. Your arms are wrapped around me, and I feel a spark as I think back to times when this kind of thing came easier for us.

The elevator stops on the top floor. I open my eyes long enough to peer out into the corridor. No one is waiting to get on, and good thing, too, because they’d be getting quite an eyeful. I press the button marked G, and when the door shuts we resume.

My hands slide under your top, and I exult in the familiar sensation of your skin beneath my fingertips. I’m not ready to sneak my way into your bra just yet, but we’ll get there. For now, I want to feel the electricity that I know exists between us. It’s the best.

By the time the elevator nears the bottom level of the building, you are sucking wantonly on my tongue as my thumbs caress your nipples through their cover. When we reach the garage it is once again empty; this is typical for ten AM on a weekday. I hurriedly jab a button on the panel, sending the elevator back up to the top floor.

The door closes slowly and I work my hands into your bra, feeling your excited nipples between my fingers. I roll them gently at first, then pinch them. You purr as you feel the pressure, and we start to ascend once again. Though we both know that we’ll have to stop if someone boards the elevator, it’s the furthest thing from our minds.

By the time we get to the top floor, your top has been pulled way up, your tits are out of your bra, and the elevator isn’t the only thing that’s on the rise. You can feel my arousal pressing against you, and reach down to knead it lustfully. I hump your hand slowly, rhythmically, hoping you’ll unzip my pants and take it out. It’s been a long time since we’ve done anything like that.

I press the button for the garage, and before the doors have even closed I’m sucking your nipple. I listen for the chime that signals an unexpected stop to take on new passengers, but for the most part I am focused on the task at hand. At any rate, the chime never sounds. As we move slowly, deliberately down the shaft, I’ve got my hands on your breasts, drawing both to my mouth, hungry to taste as much of you as I can.

We slow things down as we approach the bottom floor; I wonder if you’re going to suggest we wrap it up and get to the day’s errands. But you don’t, and I waste no time before pressing the button to return us to the top floor. Rather than getting back to your tits, I unbuckle your belt and slip my hand into your jeans. My fingers brush aside your soft cotton panties, and my heart thunders as the anticipation all but overwhelms me.

Your arousal is evident as my fingers move rhythmically inside you; you moan quietly, as though afraid of being heard even here in the confines of the elevator. After a moment I pull my hand out of your pants and bring it up to my mouth. I miss the taste of you on my tongue, and even as I return my hand to your panties and strum your delicate labia, I wish I was devouring you instead.

As the door opens onto the empty corridor at the top floor, you whisper “Fuck me.” Though I can scarcely believe I heard you, it isn’t something I need you to say twice. Before the door has shut, my jeans are open and I’m hurrying to free my erection. You reach down to help and my cock springs out, landing in the palm of your hand with a dull thud. It’s throbbing, aching to fill you, and as I press the button marked G, you turn away from me, yank down your jeans and panties in one single motion, and brace yourself against the wall.

In an instant I am buried deep inside you, my hands grasping your ample hips as I fuck you for all I’m worth. My pelvis jackhammers against your ass, each thrust stroking your G-spot. I reach up for your hair and pull your mouth to mine, kissing you hungrily. Then I return my hand to your hip, holding you steady as I move in and out of you.

This time when the elevator reaches the garage, we don’t even bother to stop what we’re doing. The door slides shut and I press the button for the top floor. As we ascend, you bend all the way over, your hands on the cold stainless steel floor of the car, and I move my hands to your ass, spreading you open and thrusting ever deeper. The sounds of our bodies moving in unison are conspicuous and intense, and they fuel our arousal. I reach around to your clit and circle it with my fingers even as the head of my cock continues to goad you toward climax.

We reach the top floor and keep going. Down to the garage again without stopping or even slowing down. Back up to the top floor without the slightest concern for discovery, and then when I reach for the button I’ve been pressing for almost half an hour now, you smack my hand away and press the one for our own floor. After a moment, the doors open to the familiar corridor that leads to our unit, and we pull up our pants and exit.

Looks like our errands will have to wait.

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked