Jack’s Answers
1. During the December holiday season, Do you
a. Go away to join other family?
b. Have holiday fun with immediate family?
c. Get to be alone with a lover?
d. Enjoy the peace and quiet and down-time of being with yourself?
Though our holiday plans vary from year to year, my answer is typically a. On alternating years, Jill and I spend Christmas with my parents and some of my extended family, or with Jill’s entire family. As my parents are not local, we have to go away to see them. Jill’s family, however, lives close, and therefore we are not required to “go away” in order to spend the holidays with them. However, on years when we are scheduled to spend Christmas and New Year with Jill’s family we sometimes enjoy a family vacation in some far-off resort. Does that answer the question? Esentially, for us Christmas is rarely if ever about a small, relatively intimate celebration, so answers c. and d. are out. We do have holiday fun with immediate family, i.e. the two of us and our daughter, but generally speaking there are a lot more people involved.
2. What is your favorite holiday tradition or thing that you like to do every holiday season?
Throughout the course of my life, there have been many holiday traditions in which I’ve partaken, including admiring the Christmas lights and decorations in our neighborhood, eating delicious food (not that I refrain during the rest of the year), and exchanging gifts with my relatives. Of late, my favorite tradition is probably drinking Ramos’ fizzes as we open our presents on Christmas morning. Nothing like a little booze to get you in the holiday spirit.
3. You are walking down the street and a sexy person is standing with a sign that says “Kiss Me” and mistletoe hanging above their head.
1. Would you kiss that person? YES or NO
2. Why or why not?
I probably wouldn’t. Despite my love of kissing, in particular kissing new people for the first time, I’m not in the habit of kissing strangers who do not want to kiss me specifically. This is partially due to the fact that they are – that’s right – strangers. Make no mistake, I’m not the sort who needs an emotional connection in order to kiss someone; far from it. But I don’t know this person. I don’t know if they’re carrying a virulent strain of mono, or perhaps acting as a decoy for some clown who’s lurking in the shadows, waiting to bash me in the head with a pipe and steal my Rolex. Another reason why I’m unlikely to indulge the person is because, frankly, she just wants a kiss. (I’m using female pronouns because I typically don’t kiss dudes.) She doesn’t want a kiss from me. Presumably anyone who reads the sign and feels like indulging her will do so. If her sign promised a blowjob to any interested parties, I might be more likely to approach.
4. Santa made up his list and he has checked it twice. Turns out you are on the “naughty” list. What is the naughty thing you did that put you on that list?
I’d be very surprised to learn that I was on Santa’s “naughty” list, if only because the naughty things I do are technically rather nice. They give lots of pleasure, and that can’t be bad, can it? That said, Jill points out that we ordered a Hitachi Magic Wand as a sort of not-so-secret Christmas gift for each other; it arrived today and rather than immediately wrapping it and putting it under the tree, I instead elected to test it out while she and our daughter were out this evening. She says that’s naughty; I say she’s jealous.
5. For being naughty you have been locked in a room where you will be forced to learn about holiday cheer. You will have to watch 24 hours of a holiday movie, which movie would you choose to watch? (pick just one)
a. A Christmas Story
b. It’s a Wonderful Life
c. White Christmas
d. A Christmas Carol (original 1938 version or the 1992 Muppet version)
Don’t be too surprised to learn that I am familiar with and actually enjoy each of these films, with the possible exception of the 1992 Muppet version of A Christmas Carol, which I don’t know if I’ve ever watched. That said, I imagine that the quickest way to make me not enjoy them is to force me to watch any single movie for twenty-four hours straight. It’s a difficult choice, for sure, but in the end I think I might go with a., A Christmas Story, if only because for the last fifteen years cable networks TNT and TBS have aired it for twenty-four straight hours, and I’ve never bothered to watch it more than once or twice during any one marathon. So I’d go for a full day of Ralphie and his Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.
Bonus: The holidays can be a hectic time of year, so much so that romance might take a back seat to festivities and such. Give us YOUR sexy tip for keeping away the “chill” and “heating up” the holiday season.
It might seem counterintuitive, but when I’m feeling chilly, getting naked with my sexy wife warms me up nicely.
Jill’s Answers
1. During the December holiday season, Do you
a. Go away to join other family?
b. Have holiday fun with immediate family?
c. Get to be alone with a lover?
d. Enjoy the peace and quiet and down-time of being with yourself?
Coming from a very large family, d. has never been an option for the holidays, and for that matter it’s not my preference. The holidays have always been about sharing happy times with my loved ones. To me, that is the best part of Christmas. The majority of my Christmases have been observed as either a. or b. I have always lived close to my parents and siblings, and on Christmas there is always a huge crowd at my parents’ house. Occasionally we will travel as a group to some destination where we’ll spend the holidays, but we are pretty much always together. Jack and I have always spent every other year with his family on Christmas. This allows us some alone time, because we tend to take a lot of “naps” when my in-laws are watching our daughter.
2. What is your favorite holiday tradition or thing that you like to do every holiday season?
Even after I moved out of my parents’ house, I would always spend the night there on Christmas Eve. That way I could wake up with my siblings who lived there, and come right downstairs to exchange gifts right in front of the tree. We’d drink eggnog or Ramos’ fizzes and just be together as a family. After Jack and I got married we moved out of the area, and if we happened to be spending Christmas with my parents as opposed to Jack’s, we would spend the night at their house. My nieces and nephews all had to wait at the top of the stairs until my Dad checked to see if Santa had come, just like he did when my siblings and I were kids. Another tradition is tamale day. Every December we go to my best friend’s house to make tamales with her and her family. It’s a busy day of eating and drinking, music, and of course hard work making hundreds of tamales. At the end of the day we get to take a couple bags home with us. Also, Jack and I have always had an Advent-type calendar that we use to count down to Christmas. We have continued this tradition with our daughter.
3. You are walking down the street and a sexy person is standing with a sign that says “Kiss Me” and mistletoe hanging above their head.
1. Would you kiss that person? YES or NO
2. Why or why not?
If he’s hot and doesn’t have any open sores, why not? I might wait and observe awhile in order to see if he’s a good kisser before I make my decision.
4. Santa made up his list and he has checked it twice. Turns out you are on the “naughty” list. What is the naughty thing you did that put you on that list?
Too many to count! Off the top of my head I’ll say sharing Jack’s cock with multiple women. That was so hot! Still, that’s nothing compared to the naughty things we have planned for 2013!
5. For being naughty you have been locked in a room where you will be forced to learn about holiday cheer. You will have to watch 24 hours of a holiday movie, which movie would you choose to watch? (pick just one)
a. A Christmas Story
b. It’s a Wonderful Life
c. White Christmas
d. A Christmas Carol (original 1938 version or the 1992 Muppet version)
Definitely It’s a Wonderful Life. I love a great feel-good movie, although I would probably need a whole box of tissues. I get popcorn right? I love popcorn! I could watch just about anything for twenty-four hours straight if I get popcorn.
Bonus: The holidays can be a hectic time of year, so much so that romance might take a back seat to festivities and such. Give us YOUR sexy tip for keeping away the “chill” and “heating up” the holiday season.
Naked time in front of the fireplace after the baby goes to sleep.
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