Sexy Chat on the Go

On December 30th, I found myself with an unexpected forty-five minute break. Jill was off work, but it was probably too early to have her meet me for lunch. At any rate, I knew she had an appointment to get her toes done that day, and chances are that was where she was. Rather than go home, I pulled into a local strip mall and sent her a text message, to which she quickly replied. It turned into a very stimulating conversation, one in which no words were spoken. Here it is, with some grammatical shortcuts and typographical errors cleaned up. Note that the blog entry referred to is “Wet Dreams” from December 29th, found at:

Jack: You wrote a very sexy blog entry last night.
Jill: You liked it?
Jack: You made me hard.
Jill: That’s what I was hoping for.
Jack: I actually had a sex dream last night.
Jill: Hot. Tell me more.
Jack: It was the same dream you had.
Jill: No way. Tell me more.
Jack: You had some woman over the house and you were going to let me watch you two have sex.
Jill: That is hot.
Jack: Hell yes, I enjoyed it.
Jill: You should’ve woken me up. We should put on a web cam show soon and find some people to watch or invite friends over for live action.
Jack: Now I have a serious hard-on.
Jill: Oh you poor thing, too bad you have to work.
Jack: What would you do if I was there?
Jill: Deep throat it.
Jill: What did you like about the blog entry?
Jack: All of it. Who was the woman you dreamt about?
Jill: I’m not telling.
Jack: I bet I know who she was.
Jill: You would be surprised.
Jack: This conversation may have to be the next blog entry.

Jack’s Word of the Day: matutolagnia [may-too-toe-LAG-nee-uh] (n.) the desire to have sex in the morning

“Matutolagnia made Jill and I late for work this morning.”


ADDENDUM: The above conversation was significant enough to post in that it is an example of how this blog is influencing our sex life. The line, “This conversation may have to be the next blog entry” is just one instance in which I thought about our blog while doing something sexual. Since starting our blog in September, when we are having sex I sometimes find myself thinking, “I wonder if Jill will write about this on the blog.” While picking up a few Christmas presents for Jill at the local adult store last month, I planned a related entry in my head, and realized that I would have to wait until she opened her gifts before posting it.

It’s not that I worry that having this blog will somehow make our sex life less spontaneous or more in the nature of a performance; on the contrary, so far it’s had the opposite effect. In fact, there have been a couple instances wherein we have done things for the express purpose of eventually blogging about the experience. So far, we have no complaints.

A New Year…

Although it doesn’t feel any different, it is indeed 2009. We hope you all had a fun and safe New Year; we certainly did. Jill and I just finished our first quickie of 2009, and we’re hoping for more sex before we go to bed tonight.

Jack’s Word of the Day: lubricious [loo-BRISH-uhs] (adj.) arousing or expressive of sexual desire; lustful; lecherous

“Jill and I are feeling quite lubricious right now.”
