On Marriage, Monogamy, and Senseless Violence



I felt compelled to share a news story I came across a few days ago in which a Central California woman stabbed her husband after “arguing about [nude] photos on a phone”. He was hospitalized and has since been released, she was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held in lieu of half a million dollars bail, and their two children have been remanded to Child Protective Services.

The article, the first one I happened to read about the case, goes into no detail. We aren’t told whether the nude photos were received from or sent to an outside party. We don’t know whether stabby wife caught her husband sending or receiving said photos, or whether the husband had caught stabby wife sending or receiving them. All the article states is that nude photos were indirectly responsible for a domestic stabbing.

However, many of the follow-up articles published in the days since the story broke state that the stabby wife – one Jasmine M. Teltow – discovered the photos on her husband’s phone, and that they depict “one of the man’s ex-girlfriends”.

I’m not one to try and justify domestic violence, and I’m certainly not going to do so here. But I could almost put myself in Teltow’s shoes if, say, her husband had received the photos from a woman with whom he’d been having an ongoing thing behind his wife’s back. Even if it wasn’t physical – say, someone he met and interacted with online, or an old high school friend with whom he’d reconnected through Facebook – if the rules of their marriage forbid such a thing and he broke those rules, I could almost see where she’s coming from on this.

Wait. No I can’t. She fucking stabbed the guy with a kitchen knife. In fact, per the second article, Teltow stabbed him in the neck. We are not led to believe that she attacked him in self-defense, i.e. she confronted him, he punched her, and she stabbed him. No, she lashed out from a place of fear and inadequacy, because she felt threatened by his having nude photos of another woman on his phone. That motivated her to stab him, ostensibly with the intention of ending his life, because let’s face it, the neck isn’t the fleshy part of the thigh. You go for the neck, you understand that whatever’s on your DVR is going to have to wait until you’ve disposed of the body, mopped the floor, and burned the knife, the mop, and your clothing.

So no, I can’t put myself in her shoes, but I can understand her anger at least in theory. Even if I am not prone to jealousy in such situations, even if I don’t believe that humans are naturally wired to be monogamous, I have to acknowledge that we are socialized that way, and further we are conditioned to feel possessive of our single mate, and to exhibit jealousy, if not necessarily violence, when that possession is challenged, even on a minor level.

And it does seem to be a minor level, doesn’t it? For all we know, based solely on the information given in the two articles I linked, the nude photos were ones the husband had been holding onto since he and the ex-girlfriend were dating. I have pictures of ex-girlfriends going back to before I had a smartphone. Actually, I have pictures of ex-girlfriends going back to before I had a digital camera. I know that I’ve put old photos on my phone for the sake of convenience, as it’s a lot easier to jerk off looking at my relatively small Android phone than it is to lug my laptop from room to room. So it is plausible that he might have done so as well.

Though I have no way of knowing for sure, there has been no indication that the husband was still in contact with the ex-girlfriend featured in the photos, much less that he was involved in an ongoing clandestine relationship with her, or that the pictures had been sent recently. It is conceivable that he just wanted to jerk off to a picture of his ex. That is seemingly no worse than pornography, though I suspect that a woman who’d stab the father of her children for having nude photos of another woman probably isn’t down with him watching porn.

I do, however, accept that there is a difference between the two. Porn features largely unattainable fantasy scenarios that most people probably understand aren’t going to happen to them. Even a random photo of an anonymous nude woman found on the internet carries no implications; it’s just something sexy to look at while getting off. But for some people – many people? – the perceived connection to an ex-girlfriend, even one out of the picture for many years, equals a threat.

But why is that? Is our ability to trust others so non-existent, and our expectation of others to hurt us so high, that we can’t even take the word of our own spouse, someone who presumably vowed to be trustworthy? If that is indeed the case, why get married in the first place? For love or companionship? You can have those things without being married. For the insurance benefits? The financial security? Let’s rule out fear of dying alone because attempting to murder your spouse kind of negates that one.

I suspect that social pressure contributes greatly to some people’s desire to get married. We – women especially, but also some men – are programmed to believe that we are worthless unless we are in a relationship, and by a certain age, married as well. This programming is deliberate, and can be hard for most people to overcome. It’s no secret that many industries get a financial boost from the existence of marriage, from caterers and bakers to beauty supplies and formal wear, to gifts and engraving, to flowers and travel. It’s hardly an accident that psychotherapy is among them.

I’m certain that insecurity is another reason why someone like Jasmine Teltow might get married rather than simply date somebody. In her mind, a person can tell you he loves you until the proverbial sun comes up, but he can still leave you (or fuck other people) until there’s a ring involved. I suspect that, for some, there’s a feeling of anxiety and fear that stems from having a significant other whom you are certain will eventually leave or cheat. The expectation seems to be that a wedding and everything associated therewith – the ring, the ceremony, the party, and even the money spent – will permanently change whatever it was that caused the anxiety and fear in the first place. This is simply not reality.

And what does it say when stabbing someone – anyone, much less a person with whom you’ve agreed to enter a partnership and raise children – is a legitimate reaction? Is it an indictment of monogamy? Perhaps an admission that this centuries-old social construct is such an unrealistic expectation of humanity that it drives us to injure and be injured by those we supposedly love? I realize that the reaction of most people who’ve heard this story will be along the lines of “Crazy bitch” or “What was he doing with nude photos on his phone?” as opposed to “Maybe we should acknowledge that monogamy is far too demanding a standard to expect people to adhere to blindly.”

In the interest of full disclosure, I must state that we know couples that seem to have no problem with monogamy. Whether this is actually the case I cannot say; perhaps they are truly content never flirting, never thinking of anyone other than their spouse or significant other. Perhaps sex just isn’t that important to them, rendering any distractions unnecessary. Perhaps they are secretly non-monogamous while in public maintaining the required façade of monogamy. Or perhaps they aren’t quite as content with the boundaries of their relationship as they appear to be.

I am reminded of the time a female friend posted a photo on Facebook of a fortune her husband had found in a fortune cookie. I don’t remember the exact wording, but it had something to do with him meeting a new friend. It seemed the typical fortune cookie fortune, vague enough that it could apply to virtually anybody who received it. I almost scanned right past it until I saw my friend’s caption, which was along the lines of “It had better be a male friend!” And while she got some LOLs and supportive comments, I just felt sorry for her.

Why would you post this? I thought at the time. Why air your dirty laundry in public? The implication is that her husband has cheated on her, or perhaps that my friend’s self-esteem is so lacking that she expects him to, or even that she micro-manages his friendships and won’t let him socialize with women. And while shaming people on social media seems par for the course these days, I couldn’t understand why this person would want all her friends knowing that she’s married to a man who cheats on her, or otherwise makes her feel inadequate. If that’s the case, if he’s done something to disappoint her to the extent that she must rub his nose in it on social media, why live with that kind of strife? Why not just get a divorce already?


And speaking of Facebook posts, divorce, and shame, this is something I’ve seen in my feed a couple times, typically posted by a woman my own age or close to it. The poster is typically single. I believe they have self-esteem issues, and they’re generally the sort to buy into the notion that marriage will magically eradicate every insecurity that plagues them. Hey, cartoon senior citizens pictured above: Maybe the high rate of divorce these days has less to do with our modern throwaway culture than it does the intense pro-marriage programming – some might say brainwashing – to which we are all subjected to some extent. Don’t shame somebody who got married impulsively, realized it was a terrible mistake, and got out. Incidentally, one of the people who has posted this is currently trapped in a marriage that neither she nor her spouse seem to want. But I guess it would be pretty damned hypocritical if she got a divorce. At least no one’s gotten stabbed yet.

I’m not suggesting that opening their marriage would help. I realize that monogamy isn’t always the greatest source of tension – sometimes it’s money, or alcohol and drug use, depression, or perhaps just the sudden realization that one cannot be happy in a relationship unless one is happy alone – though I believe that if society as a whole could stop bullshitting and open up a dialogue on the topic of sex, notably the fact that it can and often should exist independent of love, we’d all be much happier. Still, I believe that, for most couples, the expectation of monogamy is so ingrained that even the suggestion of non-monogamy is going to cause problems. We are so selfish a culture that compersion remains a foreign concept.

Back to Jasmine Teltow. Her mother initially refused to turn one of the couple’s two children over to child protective services, though after a two-day manhunt the boy was turned over to local police. Police are unlikely to file charges against Teltow’s mother, but we’ve still got a woman facing life in prison, a man who’s been grievously injured and may conceivably suffer from physical and emotional trauma well into the future, and two children whose lives have been severely impacted. Who could have imagined that a few nude photos could have such drastic consequences?

She’s not unattractive. I was disappointed that the nude photos weren’t hers.





TMI Tuesday: March 10, 2015

Officially spring will be here (in the northern hemisphere) in a few weeks. I want to rush things along and declare it spring now; especially after the brutal winter we here in the mid-Atlantic states have endured. TMI Tuesday

Spring the season of love



Jack’s Answers

1. Spring vacation, will you take one? Where?
I’m definitely taking a vacation, as Jill has a week off in April and a break from my normal Daddy duties is called for. I don’t know if we’re planning on going anywhere; we’d like to but finances may prevent us from doing so. At this point I wouldn’t mind just staying home the entire week and having Jill assist me in the day-to-day raising of our child, but I also wouldn’t mind actually going someplace.

Spring time love.

2. Do you become friskier as the temperatures outside heat up?
I don’t think so, as I’m pretty frisky to begin with. After all, note the name of our blog. However, higher temperatures are conducive to wearing less clothing than usual, and wearing less clothing than usual is, for Jill and I at least, very conducive to sex. I realize that nudity isn’t necessarily a sexual thing, but you’ve seen my wife. Can you blame me?

3. Do you flirt more in spring vs. other times of the year?
My flirting level remains pretty steady throughout the year. I don’t know that the opportunities for flirting increase in the spring as opposed to, say, during the December holidays, but I am certain that my desire for flirtation is consistent during all twelve months.

4. Do you dress sexier in the spring?

Not really. The truth is, I rarely dress all that sexy any time of year, and when I do it’s generally because we’ve got a formal event such as a wedding, and I get decked out in a suit. In the spring, or at least when the weather is warmer, I generally focus on comfort over other considerations; therefore it’s not uncommon to find me wearing shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt. Whatever I wear, it’s not the garments that are sexy. It’s the guy who’s wearing them.

5. What day of the week do you have sex most often?
Definitely the weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays Jill and I are better able to make time for sex, because we’re both typically home, and we make a point to get our daughter to sleep early (with varying degrees of success). Additionally, we sometimes manage to sneak off to the bedroom while she’s occupied elsewhere, pushing our one-day average (on weekends) to twice. I miss the days when Jill would get home on a weekday and our daughter would be napping, allowing us one round in the early evening and another round late at night after she’d fallen asleep.


Wait – were you asking about partnered sex or solo sex?

6. Do you use kissing as an important way to test out a new mate? Good kissers, keep and move forward to another stage in a budding relationship. Bad kissers, get pruned and dumped.
Not really. I might pre-judge a potential bedmate by how she kisses, but even if she’s not much of a kisser I will still typically take her to bed. I won’t necessarily encourage thoughts of making it an ongoing thing, as I do value kissing and appreciate a good kisser, but subpar kissing isn’t going to make me slam on the brakes before I’ve gotten her naked.

7. What do you expect from marriage?
a. safety and solidarity and security
b. a journey towards self-fulfillment and self-actualization with a partner that ‘gets’ you.
Both. The right relationship is ideally a mix of (a) and (b), and it’s not the easiest thing in the world to find. Anything short of that is compromising, as far as I’m concerned.

8. Acts of love & kindness. Which would mean more to you:
a. Taking your partner a cup of tea in bed (or receiving that cup of tea)
b. Giving or receiving a box of chocolates or flowers
I’m not much of a tea-drinker, and I don’t require flowers to feel confident in my relationship. A box of chocolates, maybe, but even that doesn’t exactly float my boat. I’d go the obvious route and say that if you want to demonstrate your love for me or give me a gesture of kindness a blowjob is always nice, but if I’m going to answer sincerely, I might go with (b). While I do enjoy store-bought chocolates, the ones my wife makes are so much better, and in fact the other night when I mentioned a craving I was having for one particular variety, she made them right away. That’s love right there.

Bonus: In your late teens or early 20s did you take wild spring break vacations with friends? What is the wildest, craziest, sexiest thing you did on a “gone wild” spring break?
In my early twenties I regularly took road trips with friends over Spring Break. They were indeed the stuff of legend, or at least as much the stuff of legend as anything I’ve ever done. While we’d often meander through Southern California or Las Vegas, we’d sometimes end up in Lake Havasu, which is – or at least was – a popular destination for college students on Spring Break. In addition to the usual Spring Break antics – bogarting our way onto some guy’s houseboat, drinking until we puked, and making out with bikini chicks, among the wildest things that transpired on those trips were a late-night drive from Vegas to the Grand Canyon when we decided we couldn’t afford a hotel for the night, an hour’s drive in the wrong direction because the driver (not me!) misread our printed Yahoo! Maps directions, and a very exciting night wherein I stole a car, shot a bouncer, and had sex with two women.

Actually I think that was Doug Liman’s 1999 film Go.

Falling in love takes one-fifth of a second
It takes a fifth-of-a-second for the euphoria-inducing chemicals to start acting on the brain when you are looking at that special someone. –Source

Jill’s Answers

1. Spring vacation, will you take one? Where?
Do I have to foot the bill myself? If money is no option, I’d love to take a spring vacation to Europe. I don’t think we will, of course, but spending a few days anyplace away from our house is fine with me. Jack and I are still hammering out the details, but we are hoping to take a trip when I’m on vacation next month. A change of scenery would be appreciated.

Hey, I’ll take it.

Spring time love.

2. Do you become friskier as the temperatures outside heat up?
Yes. Warmer temperatures make me want to take off my clothes. Besides, if I’m getting sweaty, I might as well be fucking.

3. Do you flirt more in spring vs. other times of the year?
I think I do. The warm sunshine makes me feel happy, and that plus the fact that I’m not bundled up in multiple layers gives me confidence.

4. Do you dress sexier in the spring?
Again, I wear less layers of clothing in springtime, so yes. What I do wear tends to be revealing compared to what I’m wearing in fall and winter. I favor tank tops, or other tops that show off my cleavage, plus shorts or skirts. Generally speaking, I show more skin in spring.

5. What day of the week do you have sex most often?
Saturdays and Sundays. We have more time on the weekends because Jack and I are both home. We also have more energy, because in theory we can sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings. And even if our daughter wakes up early I can make her breakfast and put her in front of the TV, then go back to bed and ride my husband.

6. Do you use kissing as an important way to test out a new mate? Good kissers, keep and move forward to another stage in a budding relationship. Bad kissers, get pruned and dumped.
Not necessarily. Just because someone isn’t very good at kissing doesn’t mean they won’t be good at other things. I feel like I should give them a chance. They might not know how to kiss, but they might be able to finger me for days, or they have great stamina or something. I like a guy (or a woman) who can kiss, and I especially like it when he or she can kiss in addition to doing other things in the sexual realm, but it doesn’t necessarily kill it for me if they can’t.

7. What do you expect from marriage?
a. safety and solidarity and security
b. a journey towards self-fulfillment and self-actualization with a partner that ‘gets’ you.
I expect a combination of both. I want the comfort described in (a), as well as the fun and excitement of (b). I like to think that I’ve found it!

Another answer Jack and I have in common! Bob Eubanks would approve.

8. Acts of love & kindness. Which would mean more to you:
a. Taking your partner a cup of tea in bed (or receiving that cup of tea)
b. Giving or receiving a box of chocolates or flowers
I like the sound of (a) better than (b), but I’d rather have coffee or hot chocolate. Actually just letting me stay in bed would probably be the ultimate act of love and kindness. I don’t get to just lie in bed enough these days.

Bonus: In your late teens or early 20s did you take wild spring break vacations with friends? What is the wildest, craziest, sexiest thing you did on a “gone wild” spring break?
One year I called in sick for four days and went to Mexico with my roommate. We had a great time on the beach, soaked up some sun, flirted, and made out with cute guys.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!




A Long-Awaited Rendezvous 2015 (Part Two of Three)

Part II: Giving In

(Part I can be found here.)



He led her to a silk-brocade sofa close to the window, and indicated that she should take a seat. She ignored his gesture and kissed him at long last, casting her arms around his neck and pulling him close to her. Following her lead, he pressed his mouth to hers, his hands moving slowly down her body. She opened her mouth, her tongue slipping sneakily into his.

His hand settled into the warmth between her legs, and he pressed his palm against her. Her body tensed with pleasure as his fingers deftly caressed her vulva through her dress and her panties. She moaned breathlessly as their mouths finally parted, his lips coming to rest on her neck. He kissed her hungrily, with a passion forged in fire. He didn’t linger in one spot too long, she noticed, and she enjoyed that. Rather than focusing on one area he kissed a sexy trail along her bare flesh.


At the same time he began to gather up her dress, revealing her long, smooth legs as his hands ascended. She sighed as she felt his fingers brushing her skin, and when he reached her panties her heart skipped a beat. For an instant, she wondered if he could feel how aroused she was. Then he pulled her panties aside and began to caress her lips.

An electrical charge shot through Becca’s body. His movements were slow and deliberate. Long strokes stopped teasingly short of her clitoris, each one making her wish he’d touch it. At the same time his lips grazed her neck and shoulders.

“Wait,” she said, her voice a whisper, and when he paused she pulled the dress up over her head and tossed it to the ground. She could feel his eyes drinking in the sight of her body, but only for the briefest of moments before he leaned in close once again and took her in his arms. The kiss was hard, intense, and unforgiving. As his fingers resumed their place between her legs she began to grope blindly against his jeans, struggling to unbuckle his belt.

As she managed to slip the leather through the buckle she felt him finally make contact with her swollen, aching clit. Pleasure shot through her like a bolt of lightning and her legs wobbled. His fingers cradled the pink bud, rotating slowly. As her arousal grew even larger, washing over Becca’s entire body, she moved to open his jeans but he stopped her.

“Right now,” he said, “it’s all about you.” Then he began to lead her back to the bed. On the way she slid off her panties and left them forgotten on the floor. Before she knew it, she lay against the duvet, his hands petting her thighs. She looked up as he gazed down at her, unable to mask the white-hot desire in her eyes. She needed to feel him closer than he already was. She wanted to sit up and kiss him again, then take off that T-shirt and caress his broad, muscled chest.

As though he could read her mind, he stopped what he was doing and stripped off the shirt. She gasped at the sight, and reached up to touch him. He came closer, indulging her eager hands. His chest was firm, warm to the touch, and instinctively she began to caress him. She found his nipples to be responsive to her fingers, and he moaned softly as she touched them. As she continued up to his shoulders he reminded her that it was her turn, and moved back between her thighs.


Becca leaned back in anticipation of his touch. But rather than his fingers, it was his tongue. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt each long, slow lick. At the same time his hands reached up to caress her breasts through her pretty lace demi-bra. Her nipples stood up, rising to stiff peaks under his touch while her clit did the same. As he covered it with kisses and licks, she felt climax sneaking up on her.

“I want you inside me,” she said breathlessly. “Please. Fill me up.”

It took a moment for him to stop what he was doing and Becca wondered if he was so focused on his task that he hadn’t heard her. But then he rose from between her legs and stood beside the bed. She heard him take off his shoes, and then he quickly doffed his jeans. She heard them hit the floor and then he was on top of her, inside her filling her just as she had asked him to. She gasped as she felt his thickness throbbing within her, the subtle curve of his cock stroking her in all the right places as his hips moved rhythmically.


She moaned, enticing him deeper with whispered words, and clasped her ankles behind his waist to draw him within. At the same time their mouths met again, locked together in a voracious kiss that she hoped would never end. His tongue lapped against hers, exploring her mouth just as his hands were now doing with her body.

He alternated mostly between holding her hips in place as he thrusted, and touching her full, heaving breasts through her bra. Why hadn’t she taken it off before he lay her down on the bed? She made a mental note to discard it as soon as she was able; there was simply no way to handle that task without putting the brakes on his wonderful ministrations.

Their kiss intensified. With each movement the head of his cock glanced against her G-spot, driving her ever closer to orgasm. She drew him even further inside her, first with the heels of her feet, and then with her hands. Her fingers dug into his firm ass, pulling with force and purpose. It wouldn’t be long now, that much was certain.

As she came, Becca let loose, gushing a torrent of wetness all over him. All over herself too; she could feel a waterfall on her thighs and her ass. She moaned without hesitation or restraint, without even a trace of self-consciousness for who might hear her or for the enormous puddle she was surely leaving atop the duvet. He moaned too, a long and lusty sound of satisfaction for the response he’d coaxed from her body.

He slipped out of her quickly, much to Becca’s disappointment. She was about to voice her protest, to ask him to come back, when he replaced his still throbbing cock with a very hungry mouth. Gone were the slow, teasing licks with which he’d tantalized her before. This was something entirely different. This was a man so aroused by her orgasm that he needed to lap up every drop of her before his hunger could be sated.

Once it was, he entered her again, and raised her legs up onto his shoulders. He gave her just a few seconds before he slid all the way inside, filling her even more fully and deeply than he had before. She gasped at his intensity, his thrusts slow and complete rather than quick and frantic.

She felt herself once again getting carried away. Her moans came quickly now, and she moved a hand to her clit intent on helping push her over the edge. Then she paused, and looked up into his dark brown eyes, seeking tacit permission. He smiled and nodded, drops of sweat rolling over his brow, and Becca began to play.

This time her orgasm was even more intense, though not as wet as the first had been. When it subsided he wasted no time before turning over onto his back, taking her with him. She straddled his waist, her thighs clasped tightly about him and his engorged cock still deep inside. She was wet, slippery, and began to slowly rock back and forth on his length.


He took her hands in his and pulled her down, kissing her with a hunger and passion she’d never known. As their mouths fused together his hands instinctively went for her chest. She sighed with pleasure, enjoying how well they fit together. For a moment she fancied that his hands were the mold from which her body was cast.

Without interrupting the kiss she reached back and unfastened the straps, freeing her breasts and letting the bra fall lifelessly to the surface of the bed. At long last, the kiss broke and he took her breasts in his mouth, first one and then the other before returning to the first and continuing the pattern. His lips were noisy, smacking and slurping as he had done with her pussy. He swirled his tongue around her nipples before enveloping each breast in his mouth. If there was a Heaven, surely this was it.

Without her noticing, his fingers made their way to her lips, opening them and strumming her still-buzzing clit. Her body sped up, her movements no longer slow back-and-forth rocking. Instead she was riding him like a woman possessed, grinding so hard that her next orgasm was ensured. With each shifting of her body he impaled her completely, rolling her engorged button between thumb and forefinger. This one was the most intense orgasm she’d yet experienced. Once again she soaked him, but he didn’t stop touching her, didn’t cease his thrusts, until the melody of moans and sounds of pleasure emanating from within her had ceased completely.

She collapsed against his chest, his cock still diamond-hard inside her. “I think I might have had two just now,” she said breathlessly. Her voice was excited, but faint. “I can hardly talk.”

They kissed again, softer and more sweetly this time. There was still a measure of heat to the kiss, but familiarity and comfort as well. She wanted to tell him how good it was, how it was perhaps the best she’d ever had. How no one had made her body do things like that before. But instead, when their lips parted, she moved next to him, lay her head against his chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

They lay together in silence for a moment, Becca hoping her own heartbeat would slow to normal. She hadn’t felt this way in a very long time, and the feelings she had for him scared her a little. It was all she could do to keep from climbing back on top of him.

“It’s your turn now,” she said, a wicked smile on her face. “I want you to come for me.”

“I will,” he said. “Believe me, I’ve been close a few times.”

“Time to go all the way,” she said, sitting up. She began to kiss her way along his neck and collarbones, then his chest. He really seemed to like it when she kissed him there; she knew some guys’ nipples were more sensitive than others, and she enjoyed turning him on this way.

Her lips made their way over his stomach, then kissed along the curve of his hip. He moaned, and Becca made sure to remember that he liked the way it felt. Next she started to kiss the inside of his thigh, but thought better of it and went instead for his cock. She knew he had been wanting to feel her mouth on him, and she saw no reason to make him wait a second longer.

He had been somewhat reserved up until this point, but as her lips enveloped him, he could hold back no longer. He moaned his appreciation, his body tensing up as pleasure overtook him. She moved her mouth up and down, swallowing him to the base and then slowly releasing. She couldn’t get enough of him; she wanted to feel his swollen tip at the back of her throat.

She began to lick him up and down with a spry and eager tongue. She listened for his breathing and any change in his moans, but he remained consistent. Becca noticed his hand gripping the duvet, his knuckles flexed into a tight fist. She smiled to think that she was the one doing this to him and continued, now pumping him quickly up and down as she ran her tongue over his head.


She took her in her mouth again, this time taking her as deeply as he would go, though she could only hold him there for an instant before she had to come up for air. Then she did it again and again, emboldened each time by his impassioned sounds of gratification. Rather than touching her – stroking her hair, maybe, or caressing the side of her face – he remained perfectly still. He didn’t undulate his hips or even tremble with delight, and he barely moaned. Becca realized that he was actively focusing on his looming orgasm.

After a moment, he spoke: “I’m close. Where do you want it?”

She stopped sucking. “Want to come on my tits?” He moaned his agreement as Becca stroked him in her hand.

“Get on your back. I can finish myself off.” She gave no indication that she heard him; she had taken his cock back in her mouth, intent on bringing him as close to the edge as she could before he pushed himself over it. It didn’t take long.

He warned her of his impending eruption, then hopped up to his knees as she rolled over onto her back. He took his cock in hand and rubbed it back and forth until he’d reached the point of no return. He moaned loudly and lustfully, the sounds of his pleasure filling the room. She held her breasts up to him, proffering them for his use. With one spurt, then two, then three, he painted her. He continued to pour out onto her like a canvas until she was nicely decorated.

His moans gave way to short, quick pants as his climax subsided, and his movements slowed to almost total stillness. Only the odd shudder remained as his body was wracked with the dying embers of his pleasure. He slid down to the bed, wrapping her in a warm, protective embrace as they lay side by side. As his chest pressed against hers, Becca could feel his thunderous heartbeat. His breath on her neck came in shallow exhalations as he slowly regained his composure.

“That was so good,” he said at last. She laughed, proud of herself, even as she felt herself blushing. “You know, I remember you telling me that you didn’t like giving blowjobs.”

“Not that I didn’t like it. I just…wasn’t comfortable doing it.”

“Well, you sure seem comfortable now,” he said with a smile.

“You make me comfortable,” she said, her fingers trailing his hip once again. It was true. He made her feel safe and secure, both physically and emotionally. She kissed him softly on his cheek, and he turned his head so that their lips met. The taste of his lips, the subdued introduction of his tongue in her mouth – all of it made her heart feel happy.

When their kiss broke he led her to the shower, a spacious cabinet encased in glass on three sides. He turned on the water and once it was warm they stepped onto small gray and white tiles, letting the spray cascade over them. But rather than washing they kissed again, hands once again traversing each other’s bodies. His hands found their way to her pussy, fingers stroking her clit with the circular motion she’d so enjoyed. Without warning, he pulled away from her, quickly turning her around to mount her from behind. His fingers continued their work even as he pistoned in and out of her, and he didn’t stop until they came together.


To be continued…




The Great Blogger Exodus of 2015

Welcome to our new home! We’re still unpacking a few things, but we’re more or less moved in and we look forward to entertaining visitors here for years to come. Note the rotating headers. There are sixteen of them, so refresh your browser often.

On Friday night I went drinking with a friend from high school who happens to work at Google. She knows nothing of the ins and outs of Jills and my relationship, or of this blog for that matter. Thus it was necessary – though difficult after several beers – to keep myself from telling her how her company had thrown the blogging community to which I belong into disarray.

Last Monday, February 23, I and many of my fellow bloggers who use Google’s Blogger platform received an email announcing changes to Blogger’s adult content policy. According to the email, as of March 23 Blogger would no longer allow blogs with “sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video”. It would, however, “allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content”, and if that doesn’t sound like an arbitrary distinction, I don’t know what does.

As of March 23, any blogs that contained the aforementioned graphic content and which were not deemed by Google to offer “substantial benefits” would be forced to go private, viewable only to blog administrators and those they have approved for access. It was claimed that no content would be deleted, however.

This isn’t the first time we felt threatened by our choice of blogging platform. In June 2013, Google announced plans to shut down any monetized adult blogs that used Blogger. We weren’t really blogging for pay; our brief tenure writing sponsored posts for a certain adult retailer that doesn’t deserve a shout-out had wrapped up long before, and at any rate, we removed links and references to the company from those posts. Still, the word around the blogosphere was that if Google was shutting down monetized adult blogs, their next step was certainly shutting down all adult blogs. It was simply the latest in a long line of sex-negative maneuvers by the status quo.

Unwilling to lose the years of writing and photography we’d shared, we exported our Blogger blog to WordPress. We declined at the time to self-host, opting instead for a standard free blog. However, it wasn’t long before WordPress announced that it would be shutting down all non-self-hosted adult blogs. So we abandoned our new abode after one single TMI Tuesday post – a lost TMI Tuesday, if you will – that will be posted here soon, and returned to our Blogger blog, taking care to ensure that nothing about it said “we get paid to do this.”

After more than a year and a half of blogging at Blogger with no complications, the email I received on the 23rd was most unwelcome, but perhaps it was a wakeup call. Perhaps if we had self-hosted back in 2013 it wouldn’t have mattered. But all I could think of was the extraordinary expense of self-hosting when blogging had always been – and perhaps should be – free. After all, we’d blogged without paying a dime since 2008. Why should that change just because someone high up on the Google food chain feels uncomfortable when he – certainly he, not she – hears the word vagina?

It became clear that the only way we could continue blogging and reach an audience doing so was to finally bite the bullet and self-host. While money is tight, I was more concerned with whether or not I could actually pull off such a move. However, many of my fellow bloggers offered encouragement, pointing out the relatively low cost of self-hosting, and the relative ease of making the change.

As I contemplated self-hosting, my Twitter feed began to fill with retweets from hosting companies offering sanctuary to those who would be displaced by the policy change. Tech bloggers and free speech activists wrote about the implications of such a move, with most decrying Google for the draconian measure. And the adult blogosphere itself was indeed thrown into disarray, some bloggers throwing up their hands and admitting defeat, and others like me planning to abandon the platform that had served them for so long.

On Thursday, February 26th, I received an email from Katie Notopoulos, Senior Editor of Buzzfeed. She was working on a story about the policy change and had found our blog listed on Rori‘s Top 100 Sex Bloggers list, as reposted at Innocent Loverboy.  As our URL indicated we were using Blogger, she asked for some background on our blog, as well as our thoughts on the situation.

As this was the first mainstream media request we’ve ever received, I was only too happy to oblige.  Here’s my reply to Katie’s email:

We launched our blog in September 2008. As we had been married just over a year, we thought it would be fun to have some ongoing record of our escapades. It was, and is, a labor of love; we enjoy writing for the blog, and did so even when we had very few regular readers. The adult content that we post includes but is not necessarily limited to photography and prose or other writing. We’ve written a few political posts, generally concerning sexual politics: Sandra Fluke, Republicans’ attempts to ban pornography, sexual consent, and use of the word “slut”.

I couldn’t possibly guess as to how many regular (or even occasional) readers we have, though according to Blogger our posts over the last two months have an average of 197 page views. Posts that we’ve done for Sinful Sunday, a weekly photo meme, received an average of thirteen comments each week since January, but it’s a relatively popular weekly meme and not necessarily indicative of regular blog readership. It’s also worth noting that we’ve blogged less actively the last couple years than we did previously; Sinful Sunday posts in 2012, for example, received between twenty and thirty comments.

We blog for a number of reasons. In addition to having a record of our sexual life both together and apart, we sought a community of like-minded individuals, i.e. those who view sex as a natural part of existence and something to be enjoyed rather than to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. The majority of those we know offline are far less candid about the subject, and it pained us to consider that those few who viewed sex as we do had grown more conservative with age or parenthood. Additionally, I enjoy writing, and I’m fairly certain that more people have read this blog than literally anything else I’ve written.

We’re upset by Google’s decision. It represents yet another example of society’s sex-negative bent, and it’s all the more disappointing considering that Google claims to champion freedom of speech. We find it especially troubling that the company’s Blogger platform will continue to allow explicit imagery “presented in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts, or where there are substantial benefits to the public”. Sounds arbitrary, doesn’t it?

However, we aren’t surprised by this turn of events. There was rumor that Google would be changing its policy in June of 2013, so we exported our blog to WordPress just in time for them to levy a similar threat at non-self-hosted blogs. We abandoned WordPress and resumed blogging in our original location, wary that they could change their adult content policy at any time. Now, however, it appears we’re out of luck dealing with Google, and are planning to switch to self-hosting through WordPress in the next week or two.

By the time Katie’s article was published, however, Google had posted a statement on its Blogger support page effectively reversing its position.

This week, we announced a change to Blogger’s porn policy. We’ve had a ton of feedback, in particular about the introduction of a retroactive change (some people have had accounts for 10+ years), but also about the negative impact on individuals who post sexually explicit content to express their identities. So rather than implement this change, we’ve decided to step up enforcement around our existing policy prohibiting commercial porn.

I woke to a message on Friday calling my attention to this latest development, and briefly considered staying with Blogger. After all, I could think of plenty of things to do with the money I would be spending on hosting, and what’s more I didn’t need the stress or headache that would inevitably come with moving our blog into a new space. But then I thought back to 2013, and I realized that eventually someone at Google would decide again to eliminate or otherwise diminish all adult blogs that use Blogger, and I’d have to go through all of this once more. It might be six months from now, or it might be a year from now. And they might backpedal again, or they might not. Or they might just arbitrarily delete my blog one day without warning. It’s happened to others, though whether accidental or deliberate based on content or other factors I cannot say.

That’s ultimately a big part of why Jill and I decided to self-host. It wasn’t as expensive as I thought it would be, and while it was difficult for someone with my limited acumen I had lots of help from those in the know, especially DomSigns, proud owner of Molly Moore, with whose Sinful Sunday meme you’re undoubtedly familiar. Additional guidance and support came from Cheeky Minx and Beck. If you are enjoying our new digs, be aware that they wouldn’t be quite as snazzy without them. In fact, without Molly and DomSigns, we would likely still be shackled to Blogger.

I am grateful to everyone who expressed support and offered encouragement and assistance, but more than anything I am happy simply not having our blog attached to the yoke of a major megacorporation, not having to trust that Google won’t delete our blog someday when someone who works for them has a bad day or simply presses the wrong button. That was always a fear for Jill and I, and it led me to back up our blog religiously. And while we will likely continue to do so, I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief, somewhat more confident in the knowledge that our blog is in good hands.

Lest it sounds like I’m painting Google in a harsh light, please know that nothing is further from the truth. I just don’t want to rely on them for my blogging livelihood. However, I will be forever grateful to them not only for giving us a platform in the first place, but also for the excellent Doctor Who browser game they created for the show’s 50th anniversary. Play it here if you’re so inclined.

TMI Tuesday: March 3, 2015

This week’s TMI Tuesday questions were adapted from kinkylesbians.tumblr.com.

Downright Sexy!



Jack’s Answers

1. Have you ever had sex in three or more positions in one session? Name the positions.
Three positions in one session is pretty much standard, unless we’re having a quickie while our daughter is distracted for a few minutes. Generally speaking, though, if there’s no imminent threat of interruption we’re likely to begin with doggy style, then transition into either a variation of doggy style where Jill lies flat on her stomach, or a variation of missionary where Jill lies on her side, and from there we might finish up with missionary or return to doggy style. Cowgirl is a regular position of ours as well and will probably be utilized at some point during the festivities as well. We don’t do all of these positions every single time we have sex, but nine times out of ten if we’ve got more than a few minutes we will spend some time with at least three of them, or perhaps one or two that I didn’t mention. While we probably use one or two of the big three – missionary, cowgirl, doggystyle – every time we have sex, we enjoy trotting out other positions.

Shortstop, for example.
Shortstop, for example.

2. Have you ever had sex continuously for more than an hour? Was it all intercourse or other methods of sexual pleasure?
Yes I have. These days, the average length of time for sex between Jill and I is about forty minutes, but back in our carefree days before we had a child, or at least a child who was ambulatory and vocal, capable of processing things like strange noises coming from Mommy and Daddy’s room, we could easily go for several hours. Back then, it wasn’t uncommon for us to spend an entire day, or if not certainly all night, having sex. It wasn’t all intercourse; beyond my inability under most circumstances to refrain from orgasm more than an hour, I don’t know too many women who actually want to be fucked nonstop for that long. I’m not even sure if I know any. When we have sex for an hour or more, at least half of that is usually foreplay.

3. Have you ever planned and devoted an entire day to sex and sexual activity (with breaks for eating, etc)?
See above, or yes I have. In fact, the first time Jill and I had sex, we began at around midnight and finished up at seven or eight PM. We slept for a couple hours, and I’m pretty sure we showered at one point. But if memory serves, we didn’t take a break to eat. Well, we didn’t take a break to eat food, anyway. And while this was our first marathon sex session, it certainly wouldn’t be the last. It isn’t even the longest.

4. Have you ever been so loud having sex that housemates/neighbors commented or complained?
In spring 2012, Jill and I spent the night away from our daughter for the first time. Jill had a week off of work and a couple comped nights at a resort, so we dropped our daughter off at my parents’ house and had some time to ourselves. Most of that time involved sex, though we did take regular breaks for meals, and we did sleep. On the last morning of our stay, we were engaging in some very vocal, very energetic fucking when the occupants of the next room began to pound insistently upon the wall. That’s when we realized just how noisy we were being. In our defense, when we checked in a couple nights before, the desk clerk told us that the rest of the wing was unoccupied.

Though we did keep running into these two little girls.
Though we did keep running into these two little girls.

5. Have you ever had your sexual technique/style/skill openly praised by someone?
Yes. With no false modesty, I’m a fantastic lover. I tend to be very generous in bed, and derive much pleasure out of giving pleasure. Compliments and praise are common, and while I’m sure that once or twice in my more than twenty years of partnered sex I probably received insincere praise from a woman who I was never going to see again, in most cases I believe the compliments were genuine, especially when there was trust or at least some connection between the woman and I. One woman I dated in my mid-twenties said that I ruined her sexually for all other men. And while she never gave me any reason to doubt her words, she’s the one who broke up with me.

6. Have you ever gotten really turned on by saying or hearing dirty talk?
Constantly. It’s one of my favorite sexual activities. The only reason I don’t gag my wife when we’re engaging in occasional BDSM play is because her spontaneous dirty talk ups the hotness factor to eleven.

Bonus: What word or words said during sex totally turn you off or distract you from the task at hand?
Logorrhea. Crowdsourcing. Lumbago. The. Yeezus. Shih tzu. Hashtag. Mulligatawny. Gazorpazorp. Republican.

Jill’s Answers

1. Have you ever had sex in three or more positions in one session? Name the positions.
Yes. Usually Jack and I have sex in three positions in a single session, though even when we’re pressed for time we try to accommodate two.

2. Have you ever had sex continuously for more than an hour? Was it all intercourse or other methods of sexual pleasure?
Oh yeah! An hour should be the bare minimum, I think.

Also true of DMV wait times.

3. Have you ever planned and devoted an entire day to sex and sexual activity (with breaks for eating, etc)?
I have, with Jack and also before we met. I once blogged about a long weekend I spent in Vegas with a soon-to-be ex-boyfriend that saw us spend almost an entire trip in bed. We fucked in more than a dozen positions in every part of the room including up against the window, which was unbelievably exciting. We only stopped for brief naps, meals (some of which were eaten in our room), and some gambling. We didn’t even stop for showers, because we fucked every time we took one.

4. Have you ever been so loud having sex that housemates/neighbors commented or complained?
Funny you should ask. A couple summers ago my entire family went on vacation to a lakeside resort. We all stayed in beautiful three-story houses overlooking a beautiful sandy beach. The house Jack and I were staying in was also temporary home to my older brother and his wife, one of my sisters and her boyfriend, and another of my sisters, plus three children including my own. We had sex every night, and although we tried to keep fairly quiet, one night we failed in a big way. No one knocked on the door or anything, but the next morning when we came downstairs it quickly became clear that the five other adults (who were spread out on different floors) had been awakened. This is all the more impressive (Jack’s words) considering that the children slept through it.

I think so, anyway.
I think so, anyway.

5. Have you ever had your sexual technique/style/skill openly praised by someone?
An old boyfriend of mine used to love my blowjobs, and why shouldn’t he? They’re great. Anyway, he liked my oral technique so much that he wouldn’t just praise it to me, he’d praise it to his friends too.

6. Have you ever gotten really turned on by saying or hearing dirty talk?
I am very turned on by the act of talking dirty, but not as much as I am by hearing it. Or reading it, for that matter. I love receiving a sexy text or instant message as much as I love having an erotic suggestion whispered in my ear.

Bonus: What word or words said during sex totally turn you off or distract you from the task at hand?
Nothing specific comes to mind. However, Jack has been known to occasionally spout some ridiculous pop culture reference or other inane nonsexual talk as things are heating up. He does it to make me laugh, and it usually works. When that happens, I can admit to being momentarily distracted from the task at hand.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!


TMI Tuesday: February 24, 2015

Hook-ups:  A cultural revolution

Hookups – brief uncommitted sexual encounters between individuals who are not romantic partners or dating each other.

“Hookups have emerged from more general social shifts taking place during the last century. Hookups began to become more frequent in the 1920s, with the upsurge of automobiles and novel entertainment, such as movie theaters. Instead of courting at home under a parent’s watchful eye, young adults left the home and were able to explore their sexuality more freely.

By the 1960s, young adults became even more sexually liberated, with the rise of feminism, widespread availability of birth control and growth of sex-integrated college party events. Today, sexual behavior outside of traditional committed romantic pair-bonds has become increasingly typical and socially acceptable (Bogle, 2007, 2008).”Source

Jack’s Answers

1. When was your last hook-up?
For the purposes of this post and my answers, I need to ask whether we are talking about one-night stands, or ongoing hookups (i.e. what is commonly known as a fuckbuddy or friends with benefits situation).  Or are we talking about both?  I feel like my answers are going to grow increasingly wordy as I try to answer the question in both ways.  My last spontaneous hookup was…you know, it was more years ago than I can really recall at the moment.  I’ve never had a problem with casual sex, really (though I find sex much more exciting when it’s with someone I’ve known to some extent beforehand, if only because it’s almost a sure thing that I’ve spent some time wondering what she looks like without her clothes, or what she sounds like when she comes).  That being said, all of my extracurricular dalliances since meeting Jill have occurred with some manner of planning or at least forethought.  Depending on how one might define the term, the last such hookup I’ve experienced was either a threesome Jill and I had, or a solo hookup, both of which occurred in December.

2. Briefly describe the hook-up?
The threesome was with the manager of a major chain copying, printing and shipping store.  We were having a photo enlarged, and while waiting for it we struck up a conversation with her.  When it was clear that the three of us were hitting it off well, she said that we should all go out for coffee or drinks.  At the time we weren’t sure if she was saying it in jest, or perhaps to be polite, so rather than laughing it off I told her that sounded great.  She quickly wrote down her number, and we ended up calling two nights later.  We met at a bar, and after one round she asked if we wanted to go hang out at her place.  Bear in mind that we really had no idea whether she was interested in us sexually – though she was very expressive with her body language, we didn’t make any assumptions.  However, once we were at her place she became very flirty, especially with Jill.  Things progressed naturally from there.  As for the solo hookup, it was with a trainer at the gym where Jill and I work out.  She and I had sex a couple times in summer, and I was pleasantly surprised when she texted me shortly before Christmas.

3. How did you feel physically and emotionally after your last hook-up?
Good and good.  Triumphant.  Not clingy or weird.

Kind of like this.

4. Are you still acquainted with the person from your hook-up?
I’ve got their numbers in my phone, but I’m not in regular contact with either one.  However, it’s not like I’ve forgotten their names or anything.
5. How often do you engage in hook-ups?
Not very often.  When the opportunity arises and Jill is okay with me pursuing it, I guess.  And that’s probably sufficient.
6. What do you like most about engaging in hook-ups?
I like sex with multiple people (whether all at once, or one at a time).  I don’t like having to limit myself to one single partner, even if my primary partner reaps more of the benefits of my existence than any of the others.  To me, the thought of being locked into a single sexual relationship for the remainder of my life sounds like hell on earth, and I say that with the knowledge that my wife is the best sexual partner I’ve ever had.  If I absolutely had to be monogamous – and I did, for awhile – I would manage.  But I’m glad that, at least for now, I don’t have to.  Having said that, I appreciate the variety that hookups provide.  I’m not just talking about sex, though that is mostly what I’m talking about.  I just like spending time with different women who have different interests, different backgrounds, different lives, different looks, different bodies, etc.  
Sometimes you just get the chocolate, and sometimes you get the Golden Ticket as well.

Bonus: Are you married and having hook-ups?
Yes and yes.
Jill’s Answers
1. When was your last hook-up?
I don’t know if it counts because there was no penetration, but the last time I fooled around with someone was about a year ago.  Before that, though, was shortly before Jack and I met, so more than ten years ago now.  
2. Briefly describe the hook-up?
I attended a going-away party at a bar for a friend I’ve known going back to junior high school.  There were about fifteen of us there, mostly women but a few guys as well, and many eyes were fixed on my breasts as I’d chosen a low-cut top that showed off my cleavage.  I flirted openly with most of the guys and some of the women, the ones I knew were unattached at least.  We drank and danced, and more than a couple people who happened to be at the bar but weren’t part of our group came over to drink with us.  As the night wore on, the group thinned out to about ten, and then five or six.  More comfortable with a smaller crowd, I kind of cut loose at this point.  I turned up the flirting with the two brothers who remained, and though I was interested in both of them I focused mainly on one over the other.  Thanks to alcohol, flirting, and dirty dancing, by the time the last five of us (the brothers, a female friend, the female friend who was moving away and myself) reconvened at the home of one of the ladies a block away from the bar, I was relaxed and very, very horny.  Impulsively and without much thought for what everyone else present might think, I kissed one of the brothers on my friend’s couch, then offered him a tour of the house in the hopes of continuing our fun away from prying eyes.  We made a stop in the hall bathroom and we made out.  He felt me up, and I touched his cock through his pants.  He was as hard as I was wet, and after a few minutes I gently moved his hand down my body.  He got the message, hiked up my skirt, and began to caress me through my panties.  We probably would have taken things further right there had one of the ladies not walked in.  At that point we rejoined the party, but we left before much longer, and walked up to the bar where our cars were still parked.  He asked if I wanted to come back to his place.  I told him, perhaps wisely, that I shouldn’t.  But I still gave him head in his truck.
3. How did you feel physically and emotionally after your last hook-up?
I felt exhilarated, both physically and emotionally.  It was a huge thrill, at least partially because I love giving pleasure, so making somebody come under the circumstances that I did, and just knowing that I turned him on that much, was very exciting.  Another reason for the thrill is that it is still so taboo to me.  While Jack and I have renegotiated our boundaries several times over the past few years, it’s still not something that comes as naturally to me as it does to him.  While I enjoyed hooking up when I was single, part of my brain still wants to believe that I shouldn’t be doing it now that I am married.  However, I also felt conflicted.  On the one hand, I really wanted him to fuck me.  On the other hand, I didn’t know then, and maybe I still don’t know, whether I was ready for that or whether I could have handled it if I had.  So more than anything I was left tremendously excited, and when I got home I wanted sex, naturally.
4. Are you still acquainted with the person from your hook-up?
Yes.  We’re friends on Facebook.  Once in awhile he messages me, though as of yet he hasn’t asked for another go.
At least he’s not sending me game requests.
5. How often do you engage in hook-ups?
Not very often.  Most of what I do with other people still involves Jack in some way.
6. What do you like most about engaging in hook-ups?
That’s hard to answer, because again, part of me is conflicted over it.  However, I do love sex, and I enjoy having sex with multiple partners.  Even though the majority of my recent experience in this regard has been in the context of threesomes, usually with women, I am becoming a lot more at-ease with regard to having sex without Jack present (at least in theory, if not necessarily in practice), because if I overcame my sex-with-multiple-partners at once hangup, I can probably overcome my solo-sex-outside-of-my-marriage hangup.  I guess what I’m trying to say is that what I like most about a hookup is definitely being with someone new.
Plus the electricity isn’t bad.
Bonus: Are you married and having hook-ups?
Kind of.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Deceitful Sunday: Why Honesty is Essential Online

On Friday, the Sinful Sunday community learned that two regular participants had stolen all of their images from other websites.  While I can’t say for certain how long the two had taken part in the meme, nor how many other bloggers they managed to fool, both also had Twitter accounts.  I don’t know whether they used that site to share any self-portraiture (or any photography at all, for that matter), but it can and should be assumed that any information they tweeted was also fraudulent.

Sorry, “they” refers to more than one individual.  Sinful Sunday creator Molly Moore has learned that comments from both individuals came from the same IP address, suggesting that a single party was behind both blogs and both Twitter accounts.  When confronted, rather than answering for his or her actions the individual deleted all of it, essentially erasing evidence of what he or she had done.
Some have asked why this is such a big deal.  The simplest answer is that Sinful Sunday expressly forbids such images.  Per the official rules:

Your post must contain a photograph (original drawing and paintings are acceptable) that you took or that someone took of you.

In other words, a photograph taken by your father of the house in which you lost your virginity wouldn’t be eligible, unless you happen to be standing on the front lawn.  Even if you own the rights to the photograph, it goes against the first rule of Sinful Sunday.  (Technically speaking, it also goes against the second rule, which states that eligible photographs must have an “erotic/sensual feel”, though provided the “loss of virginity” connection was played up, the photo would almost certainly be allowed.)
Beyond that, however, taking an image from an unrelated website and passing it off as one’s own is theft.  It may be easy to justify stealing from some big faceless porn site – not that the size or corporate facelessness of the victim does in fact justify theft – but these aren’t high-resolution publicity photos of handsomely-paid porn stars that are being misappropriated.  They are photos taken by amateurs, like virtually all of us who participate in the meme.  They are generally uncompensated financially for their artistry, and stealing their photos – whether for pay or otherwise – is an egregious offense.
When I expressed my outrage on Twitter Friday afternoon, somebody brought up the pre-Twitter days of online flirting, when one might log into IRC, ICQ, or a similar chat service for the purpose of finding a stranger with whom to talk dirty while masturbating.  It was undoubtedly common for a horny young male to believe he was chatting with a swimsuit model, never knowing that his online paramour was in actuality a man using the internet at the local library in violation of the terms of his parole.  In the 1990s this was such a common phenomenon that it essentially became a comedy cliché.
While I am unequivocally against the sort of deception that I have just described, in most cases a single online encounter with someone who is not what he or she claims to be is probably a case of little or no harm done.  As long as the person who is misrepresenting him- or herself isn’t asking for money, attempting to provoke an emotional response that will not be requited, or setting up the other person for humiliation by revealing the truth, I fail to see the damage such a lie will cause. 
Additionally, I’m guessing that most guys who partake in semi-anonymous chat sessions understand that the supposed women with whom they’re exchanging fantasies are probably men.
Additionally, there is little if any expectation of candor from a virtual one-night stand.  By definition there is no ongoing relationship, nor is there any actual physical contact between the two individuals.  A quick, meaningless dirty-talk-and-masturbation session is unlikely to include much in the way of an emotional connection, and when it’s all over there is usually no further communication between the parties.  Without any deliberate emotional manipulation or acceptance of money or gifts under false pretenses, it seems like a victimless crime.  Which is not to say that such deceit is justifiable.
I may not condone it, but I can understand at least in theory why someone might get a sexual thrill out of pretending to be someone else online.  For some I’m guessing this sort of charade serves as an abstract role-playing exercise, while others undoubtedly derive power or control from deceiving another person.  For this sort, perhaps it is simply the knowledge that things are not as they appear that provides emotional or sexual satisfaction.
The most obvious motive that I can think of, however, is the exchange of pictures.  As someone who has spent his fair share of time using these chat services, I know all too well that for some users “Got any pics?” was as likely a lead-in as “a/s/l?”  For an unscrupulous user, a cache of stolen pictures was the equivalent of currency, suitable to be used in trade for more of the same.
So what benefit might one derive from setting up a fake blog and a fake Twitter account, and inventing a new persona?  Sorry, make that multiple fake blogs and fake Twitter accounts, as well as multiple new personas.  It seems like a lot of work just to pull the wool over the eyes of a trusting cohort, even if you’re not actually creating original content.  (I have no idea whether these blogs featured any other posts beyond their weekly participation in Sinful Sunday.  It’s difficult enough for us to come up with a couple new posts each week; I can’t imagine having to write twice as many, each in a unique voice.)
I can probably rule out that the motive was trading pictures, as beyond commenting on all the other posts, participation in Sinful Sunday carries with it no implied quid pro quo.  Nor does blogging in general.  Nor does Twitter.  If an individual wants to see erotic photography (or read erotic writing) shared by another, there is no need to offer up something in return.  While a user can certainly spend much time visiting multiple blogs and collecting pictures should he or she wish to do so, there is no need to pretend to be someone else or even to interact in any way with those sharing them.
In my admittedly amateur opinion, it seems most likely that the perpetrator of this charade simply wanted to engage in role-playing, likely for sexual purposes.  If that is the case, he or she should have obtained consent from his or her partners, i.e. everyone who unwittingly went along for the ride, who commented on a Sinful Sunday post under false pretenses or interacted with him or her on Twitter.  There, as well as in the blogging community, long-term connections are easily made.  It is not uncommon to build strong, lasting friendships.  Because of this, trust is paramount amongst members.
And make no mistake, it is a community.  For some, it may be the only social network they have, either online or off.  For others, the connections and friendships made through Twitter and blogging are essential to their emotional or sexual development, as these are perhaps the only places where they can be completely honest about who they are.  In light of this, the violation of trust that has taken place is inexcusable.  Like most if not all of our fellow bloggers, and presumably most people in general, we place a premium on honesty.  We don’t like having our trust abused.
It is disappointing that, for whatever reason, a shady individual sought to infiltrate Sinful Sunday in such a deceptive fashion.  However, it is not discouraging.  Having taken part in the meme since January 2012 and gotten to know many of my fellow bloggers, I realize that this is the exception as opposed to the rule.  Despite this revelation I can’t see myself looking upon newcomers to this community with distrust.  It seems a horrible way to live.
If I’m wrong and the person (or conceivably people, though hereafter I will continue to refer to the individual singularly) created these accounts for the best possible reasons, perhaps wanting to belong but lacking the confidence to be herself, I wish she had taken the time to read a few blogs before she fabricated a false identity and forged a chain of untruths.  If she had done so, it would have quickly become clear that this is a very welcoming community.  I refer not just to Sinful Sunday and those who participate therein, but blogging in general.  In the circles in which we travel, all body types, shapes, sizes, and persuasions are accepted without any reservation.
In short, we trusted her to be straightforward.  I wish she would have trusted us to be accepting.
– Jack

A Long-Awaited Rendezvous 2015 (Part One of Three)

Part I: Anticipation

Becca stepped out of the cab, her purse slung over one shoulder and her overnight bag on the other. She paid the driver through his open window, then bid him a good day. By the time he’d pulled away from the curb she was already at the lobby doors.

She wouldn’t have described the room as cavernous, exactly, but as she heard the echo of her heels clicking on the polished ceramic tiles she guessed that whoever first used that word to describe a large room was thinking of a place like this. Enormous marble columns seemed to hold up the ceiling like great stony arms reaching to the sky. Beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging twenty feet from the ceiling provided more elegance than illumination; each resembled a jeweled crown, but the real light came from a series of electric lamps that ringed the lobby.

The lobby bar looked warm and inviting as she passed. A dozen stools, five of them occupied, stood before a long wood-paneled counter. Four small tables with leather chairs surrounded the bar. A waiter in a classy black vest and tie carried a tray of cocktails to a couple sitting at one of the tables. She imagined taking a break from the evening’s fun just long enough to come down for a drink.

As she approached the front desk she passed the most peculiar piece of abstract art: A quartet of burnished stone rings, each placed at staggered intervals along a metal rail. Actually, “rings” wasn’t the right word. These were definitely hoops. They were big enough for the dolphins at Sea World to jump through. She looked at it for a moment, and it occurred to her that while it was an interesting piece, she couldn’t tell what the point might be. The meaning, if there was one, eluded her. Maybe it was just another expensive flourish, like the the columns and the chandeliers.

Speaking of expensive flourishes, a shiny black parlor grand piano sat near the front desk. There was no one playing it, but she imagined a tuxedo-clad pianist performing for guests during peak hours. Right now, the lobby was almost empty, and she walked right up to the desk. The clerk was a well-dressed, impeccably-coiffed young woman with a pleasant smile on her face.

“Good afternoon. Are you checking in today?”

“I’m actually supposed to be meeting a guest of the hotel. He said you’d have to call up to his room.
He’s in room…” She checked her phone for his text message. “Room 2704.”

The desk clerk indicated that she would need the name of the guest. Becca told her, and the clerk dialed his room. The conversation was short, then she replaced the telephone handset and withdrew a plastic card from behind the counter. “He asked that you be given a key to the room.” She placed the card into a small paper folder and wrote the room number on the outside. “As you said, room 2704.”

As the elevator ascended, Becca felt the anticipation stirring within her. Her panties were damp with arousal. She was wearing a maxi-dress that reached her ankles and it was all she could do to keep from hiking it up and taking off some of the pressure. She looked around the elevator for signs of a camera. She couldn’t see one, but in this kind of hotel it had to be there. That’s all she needed: To give some bored security guard the show of his life. She silently reminded herself that the years-long desire she’d felt for him would be culminating in mere minutes. Every fantasy that had ever passed through her mind was on the verge of coming true. She was closer to him than she had ever been before.

When he had suggested finally meeting, she was intrigued. She had enjoyed the casual back-and-forth that had exemplified their relationship: an email here, a text message there, and perhaps a Skype session when they wanted to actually speak to each other face-to-face. Meeting in person on a regular basis or even an occasional one had simply not been feasible until now; nearly two thousand miles separated their homes, and the stress of air travel wasn’t something he relished. The fact that she was a part-time student more or less ruled out the chances of her traveling recreationally.

He told her he was going to start a travel fund specifically for the purpose of flying out and meeting her. She found the idea and his enthusiasm cute, much like when a family puts money aside to take a vacation together, though this was hardly the same thing. Although she didn’t think he’d really do it, she enjoyed the occasional message he’d sent her whenever he added money to the fund. It took him almost a year after he first made the suggestion, but eventually he texted her the good news.

The doors opened onto the twenty-seventh floor and she stepped out. Her heels fell onto plush red carpeting and she followed signs to his room. As she neared room 2704 she realized that she was nervous, but it was a good feeling, not unlike when you’re at a surprise party and the unwitting guest of honor is about to walk through the door. She had been to many surprise parties, but none of them had ended up like she hoped this little party would end: With both of them naked, covered in sweat and tangled up in silk bedsheets as they lay intertwined.

She stood in front of the door to his room and brought the key card close to the lock, but she couldn’t make herself insert it. Was she supposed to just walk right in? She raised a fist to the door as if to knock, but then felt silly doing so. He’d asked that she be given a key, so obviously he wanted her to walk right in. She imagined him soaking in a jacuzzi tub and beckoning her in. Or maybe he was already lying in bed, atop the covers amidst velvety red rose petals. She imagined quickly stripping off her clothes and climbing on top of him, riding him energetically until they both climaxed.

She felt the anticipation building and quickly pushed the key card into the lock. A light beside the slot quickly turned green and she twisted the handle downward, to no avail. She tried the handle again, upward this time, then re-inserted the card. The green light came on once again, so she tried the handle. Both directions. No luck. She looked at the shiny brass plate beside the door and confirmed that she was in the right place. The engraved numerals corresponded to the room number in his text message. It occurred to her that maybe she was just going too fast for the lock to keep up; she was feeling impatient, after all.

She waited a few seconds to make sure that the green light had gone out, effectively giving the locking mechanism time to reset, and then she tried the key card again. When the light turned green, she took a deep breath. She slowly exhaled, then placed her hand on the handle but by that time the light had been extinguished. She let out a sigh of frustration, then tried again. This time the light flashed a disapproving red. The next attempt yielded the expected green, and she pulled the handle downward, then upward, all the while pressing her shoulder into the door.

“Oh, for – ” She gave up and balled her hand into a fist, rapping three times on the heavy wood. She expected him to come to the door in a bathrobe, dripping wet from the tub, and wondered what she might say to him by way of apology. She’d blame the stupid door, of course. Or the woman downstairs, who seemed so helpful but obviously didn’t have a clue about how to program a key card. Maybe it was her first day on the job.

She could feel her cheeks flushing, and tried to keep it together. No! There was no reason to apologize. He wouldn’t be upset that she couldn’t get the key to work. Even if he was mildly inconvenienced, he’d feel differently about it once he got a look at what was under her dress.

She heard a click from within, and the door slowly opened. The sight of him standing on the other side took her breath away. He wasn’t naked, or wrapped in a towel. He was completely dressed, in a pair of jeans and a loose-fitting T-shirt. He still had his shoes on, even. But the sight of him there, right in front of her, close enough to touch! Becca was fairly certain she’d never swooned before, but she was sure that this is what it felt like.

“Hi.” His voice was soft and welcoming, and he motioned her into the room. “They didn’t give you a key?”

“No, they did,” she said as she stepped inside. “I tried it over and over again but it didn’t work.”

He nodded as she spoke, considering each of her words. “That happened to me a couple times. It’s tricky. I’m sorry about that.”

She didn’t answer. She was too busy admiring the king-size bed. A wide and luxurious mattress was topped with an impeccably-fitted white duvet and three soft pillows, and the entire thing butted up against an oak headboard. Two nighttables flanked the bed, each with a tall porcelain lamp. All she wanted to do was pull back the covers and climb in with him; she had waited far too long to be restrained any longer.

To be continued…